Enhancement 9.1.5, Level 60 tested, Night Fae Covenant GSE 3 run with 250MS


3-minute simc only Windfury totem buff

(Please keep in mind the simc is just a benchmarker and I never expect to get 100% of the simc, my goal, however, is to get as close as possible to it, meaning the same number of X casts, if it says in 3 minutes I do 27 stormstrikes (taking into account stormbringer procs, then I will try to as well)

I built this macro working on 250ms to reduce spam between client and wow servers and in what I feel making a better macro overall, I compared it to current enh macro’s I found and I am getting better DPS although I do have some manual steps you will want to do to make this profile work

you should be moving, if you stop to move it will hard cast chain lightning/chain bolt depending on which spell you prefer

Now I am constantly tweaking it to do better, for example, my SIMC says I should be able to get 10 windstrikes in which is the number 1 priority during Ascendance, currently, I only get 5 usually and one time I got 4. My next goal is to find out how to maximize my ascendance which likely may involve making this a priority macro, also with wind strike I can see a few other spells which could be cast more, the good news is my flame shock uptime is great, it will only fall off on first rotation after that you are good.

included some basic WA’s to track the CD’s so you can see when it’s casting something when you prefer another it may help you in tweaking it more.

Version 1 talents
2111133 or 2112133
Use alt to activate Feral Spirit and blood fury
Use shift to activate Ascendance
(You should be moving constantly for this version stopping will hard cast CL/LB and flame shock/frost shock)
Mainly for outdoors/pve

Version 2 talents
use alt to activate Feral Spirit and blood fury
(You should be moving constantly for this version stopping will hard cast CL/LB and flame shock/frost shock)
Mainly Raiding spec atm

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Should also note this was tested with
60 Orc
Nf Covenant

Updated the Profile 24 December 2021

removed Blood Fury (Orc Racial) from castsequence and just added it as a /cast [mod:alt] Blood Fury

updated site help link, gave the profile a bit more description, as I get some time over the weekday I will create other versions for different talents I plan to take this into raiding so I will be fine tuning.

Updated December 25th

I was able to get more windstrikes in now averaging 6 and sometimes 7, uploaded my new simc, and I can sometimes even pass the simc in Number of casts for some spells.

Below is a link, showing my latest run with details showing
10 Windstrikes to my 7 (likely due to more procs in simc of Stormbringer
18 Lightning bolts to my 16 chain lightning
16 crash Lightning to my 17 Crash lightning

I changed my opening to opening with the Flame shock in the rotation and then follow the same strategy, the moment the rotation uses spirit wolves I hold alt modifier until Ascendance casts

Below is a video on my details and test

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I am still working on this, I would like to be able to have flame shock not drop off, but sometimes depending on proc and priority it will happen, so I am thinking for 9.2 as flame shock has much more importance in 9.2, if needed I will try and make a profile/version more based on maintaining flame shock, currently working on a build with talents 3211131.

Im not using this just yet but wanted to pass on positive vibes for your work. Appreciate it.

Thanks I am planning to make macros for all characters to be as close as I can to expected rotations, so people can feel in raiding no matter the tier they are doing the best they can with these macro’s and 100% willing to accept any suggested changes

Updated December 27th
added Feral Spirit to alt modifier and Ascendance to shift modifier so it won’t use them at terrible times.

Hey bro,

I have to say, this macro rocks. I went from 55 to 60 with it and now I play it as a Kyrian Enhancer.
Solid work. I am on version 1 right now but will try out version 2 shortly.

One thing though, I had to disable the Chain Lightning block because it was hardcasting for me when I did not have the sufficent stacks of Maelstrom. I don’t know why, maybe my MS is too fast. I dont use AHK I just spam the macro with a “hold down” mouse setting. I simply cast Chain Lightning and Lightning Bolt manually now.

Keep up your awesome work.

@Barnacle in his original post, he specifies you should be constantly moving. I believe it was for that exact reason. If you are moving the macro won’t be able to hard cast anything.

@Barnacle, @Liwu is correct it’s meant for you to be moving, it will mostly cast chain lightning/flame shock and frost shock regardless of maelstrom once you stop moving I have also not tested on faster MS rates as at that point it’s more spammy then rotation based.

Yes, I was told already by a lot helpful people in here.
One thing though, for the Hailstorm version 1 it does not cast Frostshock consitently. I managed to track Hailstorm stacks with a weakaura and cast it manually. That pushes dps.

Maybe if you add more Frostshocks into the macro and less Flameshocks (or even take that out) you can achieve even better dps numbers.

Thanks for your work so far.

yea that is a possibility, though dynamic procs cannot always be counted on to be hit through the macro, I added the second flame shock to help keep its uptime, though the simc expects an 82% uptime on flame shock, so I could go back to 1 flame shock and see, I built the frost shock with only 1 action so a good chance it would always go off with max hailstorm stacks, if you compare it to the 3-minute simc, usually we even cast more frost shocks then the simc for 3 minutes, though in part that is another dynamic amount as with haste/covenant changes it would be different.

so it will have to be in a castsequence if I do, if I place it alone it will just cast frost shock over Flame shock dot and drop flame shock debuff which especially in 9.2 is a no-no, I will work on it but I doubt this macro will ever beat doing something manually, I could add a ctrl modifier for frost shock so it’s quicker but that would use up all modifiers, my suggestion is to do it manually if I cannot make the macro better.

try it now to see what is possible, my goal is to watch it so it does not cast frost shock without 5 stacks of hailstorm.

So it’s too dynamic, on top of procs currently Version 1 will always cast a frost shock with 5 stacks of Hailstorm, though not always quickly but it does, if I add a frost shock in there then flame shock dot drops off, and if I get stormbringers procs, that makes flame shock be delayed even more as stormbringer has much more ST priority., but in turn the more I delay Flame shock the more it also delays frost shock as they are in the same castsequence.

after testing a few 3 minute pulls I am not seeing where i cannot do
1 - More frost shocks with 5 stacks of Hailstorm (else I lose Flame shock debuff and also end up casting frost shock with no hailstorm stacks)
2 - place frost shock out of castsequence - cannot be done as it just casts frost shock 100% more often and sometimes 3-4 times in a row without any hailstorm buff

So the only option would be to use a modifier, though going by 9.2 you won’t be using hailstorm at all it seems, as I don’t want to create a version solely for having ctrl modifier, I would suggest others to do it manually or add a ctrl modifier if they wish.

If it is possible, it may just be due to my lack of knowledge in GSE, maybe I could do a loop into a repeat into a dynamic block etc… this is just me rambling I have no idea actually what any of those do, but maybe it could be done like that I just lack the knowledge to try that deep.

going to be trying to make a prot pally macro next.

Updated 31 December

Version 3 talents
The same as version 1, except frost shock is removed from the rotation and can be used as a ctrl mod for when Hailstorm procs, in its place is another stormstrike though that should not change the rotation any.

Been trying this in heroic and comparing cast amounts, I realize I am in bad gear and my goal is to just compare cast amounts to see where I can improve, below is my heroic to another heroic with a similar specced enhance

The next plan is to find out if there is any way I can bridge some of these gaps without completely re working the profile or if not how I can do about this, I was debating having Windstrike with a shift modifier.

I did take note of the number of stormbringer procs as well.

Version 4 Talents
2111133 or 2112133
a few changes,

Flame Shock is now on an Alt modifier, allowing you to choose when to refresh it, flame shock uptime is key to the spec in 9.2, I will be making a 9.2 macro as well eventually

Feral Spirit and Ascendance is in a castsequence shift modifier to activate the castsequence and ctrl to reset it, which has a reset to it, the reason being is on the third use of this cast sequence you will be at a point where Feral Spirits is up, but the macro is on Ascendance so it will never cast Feral Spirits until it can cast Ascendance, to fix this you will want to hold shift+ctrl to reset the sequence, the moment you do it will then cast feral spirit again