Enhancement Shaman Raid 9.2

I exported my macro again and put it in the main post. Maybe you import it again an check if it works. Does for me.

The thing with parses is, that there’s a lot of things to consider, which make them obsolete. E. g. Anduin: If you go full AoE in the burn phase, you parse much higher, whilst losing lots of DPS on the boss. Same thing with Rygelon: Cleaving the adds gives you better parses. What I want to say is, that parses shouldn’t be the main focus when looking at the macro. Better check the raw damage numbers, compared to other Enh-Shamans or look at “Damage To Bosses” in Warcraftlogs. Gives you a much clearer picture on performance.

That looks quite good to me, considering, I don’t have any tier bonus and am only ilvl 260.

Don’t focus to much on parses and more on raw numbers as a performance indicator.
But I would love to see and test your macro. Maybe we can put some stuff together and make it better. :slight_smile:

If you could provide a Log, so I can check which differences there are in Stats etc., maybe I could find out why yours is performing worse.

Oh I don’t live or die by parses, it’s just something for me to check if I’m on task. I compare myself to others in raid, mostly. Here is my parse from Tuesday night: Warcraft Logs - Combat Analysis for Warcraft.

I’ll load yours up again and run LFR to see how things are.

Can I ask how fast you are running the macro? Because it seems to be missing/skipping casts of Elemental Blast for you, in some fights (e. g. Rygelon). As for Lords of Dread, you switched targets often, right? That led to alot of wasted GCDs on Flame Shock, because the macro recasts it, when changing target. I will look into a method to change that. Otherwise I can’t really tell why yours performs worse than mine, while I don’t even have 2-piece. Will investigate further. Thank you.

if you mean me i play with 175ms do you mean i should set it to 200 or 250?

LFR First Wing: Warcraft Logs - Combat Analysis for Warcraft

The only alteration I do is change shift to Healing Surge, Alt to Lightning Bolt an Ctrl to Lava Lash (I’ve noticed that sometimes the macros don’t fire this ASAP, so this seems to help). We’ll see how it goes tonight, but yeah, I’ll try it again. Thanks again for the rapport bud.

Update 4th of April

  • Changed some stuff around in the main sequence
  • Took Feral Spirits and Sundering out of KeyRelease
  • Added Frost Shock
  • I learned that performance heavily depends on Hot Hand and how often it triggers. Can make a difference of 1-2k DPS. Don’t trust the Sim! :smiley:

Runs a bit smoother now… I think… will test in Raid soon™.

I also added a Version 2, mostly for testing purposes. Don’t use it!

Updated macro in the main post.

Is it possible to post yours lucifer?

What do you mean by posting mine? My macro? My full name and address? :smiley:

yes your macro silly, not your full name or address

My Raid macro you can find up here in the first post. For M+ check here.

Did a NM 9 / 11 Raid today. Macro seems pretty descent so far.

NM Sepulcher 9 / 11

  • Check for “Player 17
  • Itemlevel 262
  • No Set-Bonus
  • “Low” DPS on Guardian, Skolex and Anduin comes from bad play on my side and some lag (my computer can’t handle the Arthas phase on Anduin when ~30 people press cooldowns and BL :smiley: ).

If you have some suggestions or critique, just leave them here.

i do actually like this macro, works good so far, i dont do normal/heroic raids though.

Screenshot 2022-04-07 225110
This is Heroic Prototype Pantheon (went AOE for it and added Fire Nova to the Raid Macro).
That’s me doing 10.4k.

i’d say otherwise over 6 heroic bosses this week, it went well. It’s more on me to know where to drop my Fae, where not to stand, etc. I’d share more but my guild keeps the logs private and I had to relog and forgot to turn personal combat logs back on. Sunday is Normal Tier bosses and I’ll log that and share.

Keep it going Lucifer, I like it :slight_smile:


Thank you! I am still working on the macro, but for now it seems to do great. Maybe, when I eventually get ANY SET BONUS AT ALL!!!111eleven, I will create another version.

Yeah I’m lucky to have my 2p - we all get tier on Tuesday brother!

for me, the fae transfusion breaks off about halfway through is it the same for you?

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It should cast the whole duration. Does for me. Remember to only press Shift+Alt once and don’t hold it, or it will try to cast Lightning Bolt and cancel your Fae Transfusion.

You could certainly hit Fae manually as with a 2 min cd, easy enough to manage.

Warcraft Logs - Combat Analysis for Warcraft


6 Heroic bosses down in two hours, working on Lihv. I’m happy with the performance, I’ll dig in later.


As of today I finally got my 4-piece. Will test if the macro still performs well or if I have to change some stuff around.
Until then, here is another 10/11 NM Log, with 2-piece only.