deleted my reply to avoid toxicity and for respect. as i said i respect everyone here especially the macro creators. cheers everyone
Hi Everyone,
I strongly support healthy and positive feedback communication. Please remove anything that you think is Negative. @Izzi , @Boomieboy , @Deezyl_Fizzlepop . Cheer
I also deleted my post, because it had nothing to with your macro.
All Good Mate, Happy Monday and back to work
Hey Siodar,
So how does its “feel” when you test it in Mythic and Raid Sir?
did fated today and probably my iLvl is what causing my low DPS. best i was doing was 3k. running at 245. lol
Well, I think so too
So from running alongside another fury warrior, I think the macro may not cast Raging Blow or Rampage enough.
Any thoughts on where to put them added in the macro for them to go off more often?
Hey Saulty,
Just wondering what MS did you run with? I run with 70MS and my dps really high with just 244 ilvl. See below:
excellent macro but I removed storm of blades because it must be used in a precise way and not in coldow in the pul aoe as well as I use separate macro for the cd all together
/ cast recklessness
/ cast avatar
/ cast [@cursor] bastion spear
/ cast berserker
/ use 14
/ use 13
Hey gamers,
Thanks! Usually reset=combat in long fight ,especially high key. It’s very useful it is automatic trigger so that you don’t forget when you focus your vision on moving around to avoid AOE damage. Also if you combine that sequence with pvp talent. It is stunt and smash the opponent right there for you in few second when trigger bladestorm. Example: Charge, hamstring- Bladestorm. The opponent force to pop trinket to get out of there to avoid damage.
also i se you run this at 70ms. that could be another reason i’m getting low numbers, since i rum at 250ms.
Yah, speed is really a key point in Macro to determine the outcome of DPS.
You say high dps, but what was your DPS on that dummy, and for how long did you parse it?
Also, I thought it was ill advised to run below 250MS now.
I said very clear in the first responded. I ran this with 70MS, normally 5 minutes on Training Dummy. You can try it with 250MS which it is mean 0.25 in Razer Sysnpase. But the result could be vary/different.
how are your logs? u got some screenshot of your performance with this? @GauPanda
See pic above with Detail Log. My Conduits not even complete.
at 250ms this one really bites well. I’ve done a few runs as 255 ilvl and boss fights I do around 7k. If I get a pull big enough I peaked 45k dps before I took agro and hugged the floor for a min xD That was even with a 3 second “wait” time before I charged in
I only have 2-set pieces, so curious how this will handle with 4-set and 280+ ilvl. Hopefully I’ll have a report by the end of this week
pls let us know thanks @Feros
Thank you for tested my macro. My Warrior doesn’t have any Tier nor Full Max out Conduit.
Best regards,