GauPanda_Fury 9.2.7 Very High Sustainable DPS for ME

@GauPanda what class are you using for end game content?

I was main Paladin before I quit in 9.1. Now, I don’t really have 1. LOL

Which class are you playing for End Game/ High Content?

i play warrior/BM my friend. still waiting for your bm macro lool

I already created it. But I can’t release it. Too OP for PVP/PVE. I’ll share you some screenshot. :stuck_out_tongue:

I play Kyrian covenant on my warrior, so add or incorporate Spear of bastion would i add a repeat block for an interval of 10 (10 sec cool down) like this below?
/cast [@player,nochanneling] Spear of Bastion

and 2nd where would it fit best?

I would recommend you use it on separate button as the other player suggestion in the post above. He combined all of his burst spells into one separate macro, see below. Other than that, I have to look into it and add in Covenant Ability as I am in progress of testing it. I use Dreadlord Maldraxxus btw. I will update it in the original post when I completed testing it.

im interested to see what your testing shows then. overall great macro.

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Thank you for using and testing out my macro. Have a good Day!

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Thanks @GauPanda for this macro. It’s a really good jumping off point, and provides high sustained dps that can easily be tweaked to bring the pain in arenas.

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Thanks mate. I’ve seen lots of people using my macro face smashes in PVP :slight_smile:

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I tasted it last night in fomr LFR fated raids on a newly 241 geared warrior and while i wasnt lighing up the DPS chart not that i would even expect to being that low of ilvl and giong against far better geared players like hunters, rogues and warlocks … overall it did pretty well.

i have my toggle hotkey (f1) set to 250ms, through my asus software. And i stayed around 3.4k dps and averaged 13th on the chart.

Hi Exitium,

Were your Conduit fully maxed out? Because I think Conduit does a tremendous affect on your damage.

Oh by the way, to answer your question regarding to add Convenant Ability in the Macro Sequence. all you need to do is add this line above the Bloodthirst, see below:

/castsequence [nochanneling,combat,exists] reset=combat (Covenant Ability), (Racial Spell)

I tested, it gives you a boost in DPS. So far in Raiding, I Fury Warrior is far away from Top Meter damage. But in PVP, Fury Warrior is on TOP, see below


I wasnt maxxed on covenant yesterday. However today i am so ill run another raid and see how it compares, And ill do training dummy tests for a more “controlled test”/base line… but i mean not every raid will we get the luxury of standing in one place and avoiding bad stuff lol.

Ive gandered at those charts before but i dont like how they have them sorted by “popularity”, because if we sort them by MAX. DPS fury is 11th at 21.66k dps and sort by median 15th at 16.28K (82% of the logs). 16.28

I mean regardless of where they are, the Macro works phenomenal for multiple things and I like many others im sure are greatful you came up with it. Escpecially as i get old it just becomes more of a pain to memorize and multitask a rotation, boss mechanics, the what ifs" etc…

Old days of wow like Wrath i remember i would use a 1 button macro for my Affliction warlock and life was easy the same was more fun due to i could actually focus on everything going on that didnt involve GCDs and hotbars lol

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I totally Agreed with you on that perspective. Good Old WoW days were amazing. Yah, add that line of macro in the sequence and you should bump out more damage accordingly.


do i add it as a repeatable block ? or action?

With longer CD spell, it’s best to add as action.

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okay, will do! Thank you

Tested in LFG Fated, see below

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Are you Chinese?At least you like pandas。Thank you for your marco。

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