Hi Issaove,
No, I’m Vietnamese American. Yah, I love Panda Express
Gau Panda
Hi Issaove,
No, I’m Vietnamese American. Yah, I love Panda Express
Gau Panda
8th place. uugg there goes all respect we all had for you. lol jk. thats really good numbers and your macro is fantastic.
Hahaha, I know huh! I run with blue gears ilvl 245 and conduit incomplete.
Happy Friday Mate!
what are you running your MS at? mines currently at 250, anything less and I feel itll trigger anything blizzard side and throw some red flags
I run at 70 MS. I don’t really do hardcore not High rated arena. Although, I wanted to, but it’s really hard to find a good team or partner. Since, al;; of my friend and generation either moved on or get married. Therefore, nobody play anymore.
I’m not saying it’s safe, you never know. But I’ve done about 150+ keystones this season and raid 3 days a week. I run most of my macros at 50ms, have done since the end of BFA. Not had any issues yet.
I agreed with you. Unless you really sell boost or service run and people paid you with real Currency.
does work with single mind fury
very good macro my dude ive made some alterations can i post it for you to look into
You are welcome to post your edit version.
What do you mean? I don’t understand!
Great macro thanks for your efforts, im currently using this in PVP with good results but was wondering if you could make a specific pvp applicable macro? what with the tier set and battle trance (pvp healing talent) i think raging/crushing blow needs to be more frequent and of course utilising rampage as much as possible.
I tested this macro out. It’s look liked you copied it from BAM Macro. I tested his macro, its had locked up as well. That was why I created this macro to keep up with the Rage Starve. I’ll look into it later see if i can improve it better.
Thank you, I’ll look into it when I have time this weekend.
sorry bud looks like i editted the wrong one sorry for bringing a different macro into your thread
No Worries Mate, I’ve finished improve this Macro last night and I think it should be BETTER. Lets Make Fury Warrior Great Again! On the other hand, I don’t have time to play hardcore anymore due to busy work schedule and family to take care of. I’m looking for casual RBG guild or group that do PVP 3-4 times a week. Hook me up if you have group that do RBG or Arena.
Hi gaupanda, is the improved macro in the thread above?
Nope, I’m at work. I haven’t post it yet!
Updated Version in the original post. Thanks me later if you get higher rating in rbg and arena.
For some reason it locks up on me when i delete charge from macro.