GauPanda_Fury 9.2.7 Very High Sustainable DPS for ME

Hi Issaove,

No, I’m Vietnamese American. Yah, I love Panda Express :slight_smile:

Gau Panda

8th place. uugg there goes all respect we all had for you. lol jk. thats really good numbers and your macro is fantastic.

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Hahaha, I know huh! I run with blue gears ilvl 245 and conduit incomplete.

Happy Friday Mate!


what are you running your MS at? mines currently at 250, anything less and I feel itll trigger anything blizzard side and throw some red flags

I run at 70 MS. I don’t really do hardcore not High rated arena. Although, I wanted to, but it’s really hard to find a good team or partner. Since, al;; of my friend and generation either moved on or get married. Therefore, nobody play anymore. :slight_smile:

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I’m not saying it’s safe, you never know. But I’ve done about 150+ keystones this season and raid 3 days a week. I run most of my macros at 50ms, have done since the end of BFA. Not had any issues yet.

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I agreed with you. Unless you really sell boost or service run and people paid you with real Currency.

does work with single mind fury

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very good macro my dude ive made some alterations can i post it for you to look into


You are welcome to post your edit version. :slight_smile:


What do you mean? I don’t understand!

Great macro thanks for your efforts, im currently using this in PVP with good results but was wondering if you could make a specific pvp applicable macro? what with the tier set and battle trance (pvp healing talent) i think raging/crushing blow needs to be more frequent and of course utilising rampage as much as possible.


I tested this macro out. It’s look liked you copied it from BAM Macro. I tested his macro, its had locked up as well. That was why I created this macro to keep up with the Rage Starve. I’ll look into it later see if i can improve it better.


Thank you, I’ll look into it when I have time this weekend.


sorry bud looks like i editted the wrong one sorry for bringing a different macro into your thread

No Worries Mate, I’ve finished improve this Macro last night and I think it should be BETTER. Lets Make Fury Warrior Great Again! On the other hand, I don’t have time to play hardcore anymore due to busy work schedule and family to take care of. I’m looking for casual RBG guild or group that do PVP 3-4 times a week. Hook me up if you have group that do RBG or Arena. :slight_smile:


Hi gaupanda, is the improved macro in the thread above?

Nope, I’m at work. I haven’t post it yet!

Updated Version in the original post. Thanks me later if you get higher rating in rbg and arena. :slight_smile:


For some reason it locks up on me when i delete charge from macro.