GSE 2.6.23 - Released for both Retail, PTR and Beta

Regarding the Unable to import relating to Storage.Lua line "Message: Interface\AddOns\GSE\API\Storage.lua:216: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)" in GSE 2.6.14 this error and line will change. If this happens AFTER you have updated to 2.6.14 could you please lodge the error Message line (the part i quoted in this post) and the macro you are trying to import on this GitHub Ticket: Can't create new macros · Issue #713 · TimothyLuke/GSE-Advanced-Macro-Compiler · GitHub

Posting it here means I wont necessarily see your response in a timely manner.

IF you are NOT getting and error and nothing happens - I would try the following:
1 Disable all other addons. One of them might be gobbling up the error.
2 Try the import - if there is still no error and nothing happens, check the OOC queue on the minimap icon. Is the queue stuck?
3 reset the storage of this class via ‘/gse forceclean’ and log out and back in - Note this will wipe all macros in this class. It also needs to be a log out log in - a /reload wont help and it undoes what you are trying to do.

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Pace yourself brother. Lots of us sure appreciate the efforts you put in.


apologies, i m truly sorry.

sometimes i think i write too Fast when posting.

what i meant was not only your addon my intention i was trying to Say all the addons on the curse si te ( for Example ) were somewhat missing for 9 hours.

Maybe was my broswer cache or timeout of some form

sorry again for putting preasure when it was not my intention

rest all time u need and have.very nice weekend

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@TimothyLuke I just wanted to thank you for your efforts with this project. I was impressed how quickly you were able to find a API fix when you finally got an invite to the beta, I am still using that version on the Beta and also had several other players move it over to live Retail after the pre-patch, following your advice to simply save the pre pre-patch GSE.lua from our accounts and insert them after the pre-patch update went live. we have had a seamless transition from BFA to Shadowlands pre-patch and all aspects of the addon are working as they did prior to the new patch, as well as on Beta. Thank you again and I look forward to your future enhancements to the addon project in the future.

hi… is there any GSE for patch 7.3.5 private server… i dont mind if i have to donate…
i download everything from curseforge… i try it 1 by 1… all is not compatible… when i press /gs it comes out blank… not a single button like i saw in youtube…

I don’t believe there is a private server patch. They are also pretty busy with retail. You’re best bet would be to search the main page for topics related to 7.3.5 this topic is mainly for new release stuff.

My answer to this question every time it appears is when Blizzard releases a 7.3.5 server I will release a 7.3.5 version of GSE.

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Hey Tim, there is an issue in 2.6.16, that I cannot save any changes in new macros loaded from this server.

ok its weird. Its something in this code I cannot save:
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=target/combat Agony, Corruption, Unstable Affliction, Siphon Life, null
/cast [mod:alt] Malefic Rapture
/cast [mod:shift, nochanneling] Dark Soul: Misery

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Thanks @markofit

I cant get the error to occur so this at least gives me something to go on.

Ditto for me it does not make me modify macros by error translator api etc.

This Line Here: /cast [mod:shift, nochanneling] Dark Soul: Misery the : was causing the updated code for getting Base Spells to break.


He m8!

I got the error also wen i want to copy a /castsequence line…
I think the error comes from , null in the macro…

Message: Interface\AddOns\GSE\API\Translator.lua:726: Usage: FindBaseSpellNameByID(spellID)
Time: Mon Oct 19 14:04:33 2020
Count: 5
Stack: Interface\AddOns\GSE\API\Translator.lua:726: Usage: FindBaseSpellNameByID(spellID)
[string “=(tail call)”]: ?
[string “=[C]”]: in function FindBaseSpellByID' [string "@Interface\AddOns\GSE\API\Translator.lua"]:726: in function GetSpellId’
[string “@Interface\AddOns\GSE\API\Translator.lua”]:254: in function TranslateSpell' [string "@Interface\AddOns\GSE\API\Translator.lua"]:164: in function TranslateString’
[string “@Interface\AddOns\GSE\API\Translator.lua”]:16: in function TranslateSequence' [string "@Interface\AddOns\GSE_GUI\GUIFunctions.lua"]:127: in function GUIUpdateSequenceDefinition’
[string “@Interface\AddOns\GSE_GUI\Editor.lua”]:247: in function <Interface\AddOns\GSE_GUI\Editor.lua:231>
[string “=[C]”]: ?
[string “@Interface\AddOns\AddOnSkins\Libs\Ace3\AceGUI-3.0\AceGUI-3.0.lua”]:72: in function <…ddOns\AddOnSkins\Libs\Ace3\AceGUI-3.0\AceGUI-3.0.lua:70>
[string “@Interface\AddOns\AddOnSkins\Libs\Ace3\AceGUI-3.0\AceGUI-3.0.lua”]:306: in function `Fire’
[string “@Interface\AddOns\AddOnSkins\Libs\Ace3\AceGUI-3.0\widgets\AceGUIWidget-Button.lua”]:22: in function <…Libs\Ace3\AceGUI-3.0\widgets\AceGUIWidget-Button.lua:19>

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This is an example of how to help me fix your issues. Instead of posting “I had a problem at line xxxxxx” without any context, this actually gave me somewhere to look to replicate the problem. Dont get me wrong the error at line x is important but its only half the story and often times all i can respond with is “yes an error occured”.

What is not realised is that of the 500k lines of code that makes up GSE a lot of it is continually reused. All the translating spell stuff for exaple is used when saving, its used when showing you the information in the editor, its used when your macro is running. the context means i know where in the 500k lines to look.

I do a series of tests each build. You can see the results starting here: Travis CI - Test and Deploy Your Code with Confidence These tests check that I can save and update and that the change gets past all the known gotchas. I dont push out builds as releases for you guys to test. I push a release when I am confident its not going to break things for you and it will work like before. The more useful, troubleshooting information you can give me the faster I can solve the problem. This is where Issues · TimothyLuke/GSE-Advanced-Macro-Compiler · GitHub is so important. This is a place to discuss GSE problems and gather all the information into one place and keeps this site clear to discuss things that matter like macros.

BTW the 2.6.17 build should fix the no saving for those of you who experience it.

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I’ll try the new update, thx, but as far as I can tell, I tried it before you posted your answer, it seemed like the only thing I couldn’t save was the line where it was null. So I think it was a null expression.

@nicki-kra WHen BFA started we manually kept a list of basespells and overrides. When this expansion hit while trying to find a better way of translating i came across a function that gave the base for an override. The problem occured when trying to save the name of a spell you dont know or one that had some weird characters in it. As you dont know ‘null’ it couldnt find the base spell for it

This change was the underlying cause: Investigate the alternatives to Base Spells and Spell Link over Spell Info · Issue #724 · TimothyLuke/GSE-Advanced-Macro-Compiler · GitHub

null, spells you didnt know (in my case Dark Soul: Misery as I only have a level 35 lock) or even the monk spell “Storm, Earth, Fire” would all break it - as I didn’t use any of those it didn’t come up in my testing

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Thanks for your very quickly reaction and fix, you are the best man :slight_smile:

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So resuming the problem was --> : <-- that was not calling the spell ids ?

Jeez, so much code to redo the tests right?

Anyways, your last update fixed it.


quick question, I’m adding some Stormstrike lines to my macro. I save my work and when I go back into edit. My Stormstrikes are converted to Primal Strike. Any suggestions?

It’s supposed to do that. Primal strike is the base spell for Stormstrikes. If you put /cast primal strike into your macro, it will fire storm strikes if that has replaced primal strike because of a talent it proc etc. however if you put stormstrikes and don’t have the talent or proc it will either do nothing if it’s a cast line, or lock your macro if it’s in a castsequence line.

Shadow priests have a case where they explicitly need to cast the updated version of a spell and only in a unique circumstance so they can prefix that line with $$