GSE 2.6.23 - Released for both Retail, PTR and Beta

not working, it is just saying the line into air.
$$/cast [combat] [nochanneling] Cobra Shot

Because you don’t need it for cobra shot. Just let it save back to Steady Shot and use your macro.

From 2.6.21 on you can add WeakAuras into your macro. The user will still need to go to the macro and hit the + to load the WA but it marks the completion of 4 years work on Create Framework so that GS-E can be a plugin to WeakAuras2 · Issue #36 · TimothyLuke/GSE-Advanced-Macro-Compiler · GitHub


Hello @TimothyLuke


Great addition to , u dont think u need it, till you have LOTS of weakauras.

So to continue with the inertia of it, check this out

He has one ( if not the most ), better auras i have seen for ALL CLASES ( trackers, etc

Credits to this streamer @luxthos , but his auras are AWESOME


congratulations for adding wa to the addon

Thanks Tim for the hard work!

@TimothyLuke sorry for bothering on this one, but I’m having the same problem with the base spell name and spec spell. I have /cast Rune Strike on my DK as the base spell and it doesn’t fire off Festering Strike at all (from the Unholy spec). I did select the Unholy spec in the macro. I also tried using $$ in front but it doesn’t fire it off at all.

Only time it fires off is when I manually change Rune Strike to Festering Strike for the first time I use the macro. After combat ended and I use it again, it switches back to Rune Strike and doesn’t fire off Festering Strike.

Going back and forth between Configuration and version 1 of the macro in editing does change the name automatically from Rune Strike to Festering Strike if that helps as info.

Is there any unique ID I can use to force to fire off Festering Strike? The spell id is the same so it doesn’t work.

EDIT: In the meantime I tested with your macro for Unholy DK and it fires it off. Can it be that the macro I’m using was exported using a version of GSE before pre-patch (2.5.5) and something is not working right?

Yes any macro from 2.5.5 will have quirks and issues. I would suggest starting with a copy/paste to notepad of the boxes and then paste back into a new macro and go from there.

The SpellID is the unique id.

I just did a test as you suggested but oddly enough it’s doing the same. It switches between Rune and Festering in the naming and it doesn’t fire it off.

Also, apparently the Spell IDs are not the same for Rune Strike and Festering Strike? 85948 for Festering and 274773 for Rune

Yes they arent the same - RuneStrike is actually 316239 its all about what GetBaseSpellByID() reports.

I’ve taken a better look into this. It does it for your macro as well. For any macro actually. It seems sort of a bug. If you open GSE menu and go to edit any macro that has Festering Strike in it, it shows as Rune Strike. If you change the menu to configuration / variables and then go back to 1,2 etc, it changes to Festering Strike.

If you then close the GSE window it will work for the first time you use the macro. After that it works only occasionally. Mostly it won’t fire off Festering Strike.

Is it possible for you to check to reproduce this? I imagine it does the same for other base spells that change with specialization but haven’t tested it yet.

I can’t reproduce this - I have about 10 hours over the last four days playing a do and swapping between blood, unholy and frost and can’t get it to happen to any of them.

I’m looking at /gse debug and the logs and the correct spells are firing when I have the times and runic power. I am getting runic power starved with my macro though.

I have no clue what it is. I reinstalled GSE but it’s still the same. I did find a workaround though so I’ll leave it here if anyone else encounters this.

Using /use instead of /cast works. It will remain Festering Strike and won’t change back to Rune Strike and fires off accordingly. There’s one problem though, the spell can’t be used in a castsequence as it does the same problem

You are better off using $$/cast or $$/castsequence rather than /use. Use is being matched up to WoW’s item table.

Hello Tim, what about is the new feature of WA in GSE? Can I create conditions which depend on variables from WA?