GSE Cycling but not casting

Another way of addressing this issue is in the GSE options, go to Troubleshooting and change the “Force CVar State” to either KeyUp or KeyDown.
I’ve had to do this several times with my many alts.

/console ActionButtonUseKeyDown 1 worked perfectly thank you, I had about given up>

none of these work for me, all I can do si right click. My hunter works fine…but for my warrior, only right click. what is going on

You need to go back and look at the why. This is documented here: ActionButtonKeyDown or ActionButtonKeyUp and Why this matters Macro Cycling not firing · TimothyLuke/GSE-Advanced-Macro-Compiler Wiki · GitHub

I’m having this issue on the Steam Deck. I’ve followed all the common fixes from this thread but still the only fix is manually pressing the buttons on the touch screen. Virtual Button Support is checked as well as ActionButtonUseKeyDown State us checked and set to KeyDown.

I wonder if anyone has gotten GSE to work on Steam Deck?

This did it for me, thanks.

Try changing [button:1] to [nobutton:1]

Is not workig for me ….

gonna need to scroll up to Timothy’s post and try that.