For those who didnt watch the video PreMacro and PostMacro are very different in 2 than they were in 1.
With an original macro swap PreMacro and KeyPress and then swap PostMacro and KeyRelease. Now as for PreMacro and PostMacro these are actual steps executed before the macro and after it. PostMacro also wont fire unless there is a Looplimit set. If there is no looplimit set you also wont every go back to the PreMacro.
For example im using the logic of Sequential. Priority will wokr in the middle here but with its quirks. This replaces the inner loop stuff from GSE1 and is to make it more accessible.
EG PreMacro
- Line 1
- Line 2
- Line 3
-Line 4
loopLimit 2
Will execute (one line per keypress)
KeyPress + Line 1 + KeyRelease
KeyPress + Line 2 + KeyRelease
KeyPress + Line 3 + KeyRelease
KeyPress + Line 2 + KeyRelease
KeyPress + Line 3 + KeyRelease
KeyPress + Line 4 + KeyRelease
then repeat to PreMacro.
Without a looplimit it will execute as:
KeyPress + Line 1 + KeyRelease
KeyPress + Line 2 + KeyRelease
KeyPress + Line 3 + KeyRelease
the return to line 2 until combat finishes.
While I get the concept, I cannot get it to work in any of the current versions. If this is due to bugs, then I get it and can be patient until it is fixed. If it is due to me being inept, I get that as well, but please educate me.
I am simply placing /cast Flame Shock in the Pre macro area with the intention that it fire off once until I either switch target or my loop limit hits. I run into a couple problems.
- the spell does not fire off at all.
- the check mark in the reset on target box does not save.
- the loop limit will not save.
And help would be appreciated, and thanks for where you are headed with this mod.
[quote quote=39733]For those who didnt watch the video PreMacro and PostMacro are very different in 2 than they were in 1.
With an original macro swap PreMacro and KeyPress and then swap PostMacro and KeyRelease. Now as for PreMacro and PostMacro these are actual steps executed before the macro and after it. PostMacro also wont fire unless there is a Looplimit set. If there is no looplimit set you also wont every go back to the PreMacro.
For example im using the logic of Sequential. Priority will wokr in the middle here but with its quirks. This replaces the inner loop stuff from GSE1 and is to make it more accessible.
EG PreMacro – Line 1 Sequence – Line 2 – Line 3 PostMacro -Line 4 loopLimit 2
Will execute (one line per keypress) KeyPress + Line 1 + KeyRelease KeyPress + Line 2 + KeyRelease KeyPress + Line 3 + KeyRelease KeyPress + Line 2 + KeyRelease KeyPress + Line 3 + KeyRelease KeyPress + Line 4 + KeyRelease then repeat to PreMacro.
Without a looplimit it will execute as: KeyPress + Line 1 + KeyRelease KeyPress + Line 2 + KeyRelease KeyPress + Line 3 + KeyRelease the return to line 2 until combat finishes.
Pls, Help me. How work this sequence if i spam macro autohotkey 70ms and Step function-Priority list. I dont understen how work this. I need cast on cooldowns Fists of Fury->Strike of the Windlord->Rising Sun Kick->Chi Wave if they on CD just cast “castsequence Tiger Palm, Blackout Kick” no tger palm twice(because i lost my passive Hit Combo - Spell - World of Warcraft). Help me pls to create macro
/castsequence [nochanneling] Tiger Palm, Fists of Fury
/castsequence [nochanneling] Tiger Palm, Strike of the Windlord
/castsequence [nochanneling] Tiger Palm, Rising Sun Kick
/cast [combat, nochanneling] Chi Wave’,
/castsequence [nochanneling] Tiger Palm, Blackout Kick