yeah but it is ST damage,just stars raining
Yeah it’s gonna happen when you use the dummies with certain talent specs - there’s no avoiding it. Doesn’t add much to the dps at all so no issue.
with optimal raid buff sim :
What Ms are you running the macro are you using AHK or manual clicking ?
whats default ms i dont know,not using any program
ilvl 434 tried over 5 mil dmg.
sim at 34 k , doing 31 k, no food pots or whatever.
so its good.
What azerite and gear traits are you using.
thanks -20charsforreal?
so you manual clicking the macro ?
clicking 1 button mostly…if you mean that
Just a normal phrase with this macro. Warcraft Logs - Combat Analysis for Warcraft <3
And my Char Raidbots
Ozy Hey My sim is currently run at 40k but with this macro i only do like 25k on a dummy … idk what im doing wrong
I run AHK at 60 using 1 button hold with Talent 1132221 and your first post Script
The Basics of Stats for Balance Druid
The stat priority on single-target for a Balance Druid is as follows:
- Haste = Critical Strike;
- Versatility;
- Mastery;
- Intellect.
On multiple targets, Balance Druid stat priority does shift:
- Haste;
- Mastery;
- Critical Strike;
- Versatility;
- Intellect.
is the top one the lastest verson of this macro. thinking about switching to boomy
yes top one always updated version.
Finally catched sim algoritma score in game and result details as below:
what traits you stacking bro.for us that dont know how to read properly
This may be a dumb question but i was wondering if there is a way to use the “assist” function with this macro and if so how would i do it?
3x Arcanic Pulsar and 3 Streaking Stars.