Holy Paladin 8.3+ Glimmer'din

My Paladin just hit 120 so I’ll be testing this and giving my input.

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Would love to know how it works for a fresh 120. I just dinged 120 on my pally as well but haven’t had the time to setup everything for healing. Looking forward to your feedback.

Well, the major issue with Glimmer builds to begin with is that you need all three traits of glimmer for it to work. It does what it needs to in terms of doing damage and healing, I just had to change a few things since paladins without glimmer have to holy light or Flash of Light more often. Overall it does what it needs to do though.

Makes sense. I’m still familiarizing myself with Holy.

Do you also use Healbot or equivalent addons to simply click while healing or do you just use this macro and have other spells key-bound?

If I were to not be using this macro, I wouldnt use healbot or anything like that. I would probably use clique, or use mouseover macros and just use my bar.

I have my mouse set up, sinc e it has 6 total buttons on it, to have 3 buttons for keymods (ctrl, alt, and shift) while also having my macros on my mouse as well (one for healing one for dps … or one for single target one for aoe on my hunter for example)

Healbot gets you into bad habits, I’d rather have my buttons on my bar for emergencies than have it on a mouse keybind especially for high mobility fights.

Alright so I have a few things ive done to fit my style of play.

For one, I’ve removed the Shift mod for Holy shock. Why, do you ask? This macro is mostly dpsing to begin with. The glimmer play style itself is severely focused on utilizing the GCD. I found myself needing to cast glimmer often enough to wonder why I had to hold a mod key to use it, so I simply removed the shift mod in the first line of the macro. This can be a doubled edge sword if I am holding down the macro and so happen to add holy shock to someone i accidentally mouseover. I circumvent this by simply releasing the macro until I am mouseover the unit I want holy shock on.

This helps me use it more on CD since, as I get more Ineffable Truth and haste, I will be casting it more since it will be up more.

However, I am going to test my personal change more before leaving it, and will be making a reply if I choose to revert that change back.