HP PvE Fury Warrior lvl 110

Hi All

So I have been contemplating hard if I want to share my macro or not and decided to share it for those that want to be top DPS while maintaining high dps by just spamming 3 buttons

I split them in 3

Builder: TO build rage and its the most optimized with least downtime on GCD and spell downtime
Dump: To dump all the rage when you get a Rampage or Execute proc (1 use is that Dragon Road dont always proc before Rampage so you lose out of the 20% buff. With enough bashing it works correctly)
AE: Full on AE. Recomend to bash this one hard

Timing: Builder and dump can be pressed around 4 times a second whereas the AE one needs to be bashed like 15 times a second for best results

Sequences['BladeFuryBuilder'] = {
author="Blademïst@Twilight's Hammer",
source = "Local",
helpTxt = "Talents: 2332333",
StepFunction = GSStaticPriority,
/cast [combat] Battle Cry
/cast [combat] Blood Fury
/cast [combat] Avatar
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
"/castsequence Bloodthirst, Raging Blow, Furious Slash",
/use [combat] 13
/use [combat] 14

Sequences['BladeFuryDump'] = {
author="Blademïst@Twilight's Hammer",
source = "Local",
helpTxt = "Talents: 2332333",
StepFunction = GSStaticPriority,
/cast [combat] Battle Cry
/cast [combat] Blood Fury
/cast [combat] Avatar
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
"/cast [combat] Dragon Roar",
"/cast Rampage",
"/cast Execute",
/use [combat] 13
/use [combat] 14

Sequences['BladeFuryAE'] = {
author="Blademïst@Twilight's Hammer",
source = "Local",
helpTxt = "Talents: 2332333",
StepFunction = GSStaticPriority,
/cast [combat] Battle Cry
/cast [combat] Blood Fury
/cast [combat] Avatar
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
"/cast Dragon Roar",
"/cast Odyn's Fury",
"/cast Whirlwind",
/use [combat] 13
/use [combat] 14

Test and suggest for HP please.

Single target 140k easy and AE I have spiked to 1.2mil

Quick question for you, Builder is doing nothing at all and I can’t figure out yet why… any suggestion?

EDIT: Nevermind the question!!! You have to take the very same talents or the builder doesn’t do anything! That was my first guest before I get off my pc and now I had the chance to try it and that was quite easy to fix haha :smiley:

[quote quote=32985]Quick question for you, Builder is doing nothing at all and I can’t figure out yet why… any suggestion?
EDIT: Nevermind the question!!! You have to take the very same talents or the builder doesn’t do anything! That was my first guest before I get off my pc and now I had the chance to try it and that was quite easy to fix haha ???

And what do you think ?

[quote quote=32998]

Quick question for you, Builder is doing nothing at all and I can’t figure out yet why… any suggestion? EDIT: Nevermind the question!!! You have to take the very same talents or the builder doesn’t do anything! That was my first guest before I get off my pc and now I had the chance to try it and that was quite easy to fix haha ???

And what do you think ? [/quote]

Of course… what a bad habit, sorry!

It saved me from dumbing my warrior lol! It’s exactly what I was hoping for and looking for :smiley: One of the main problem for me was survivability… taking mobs one after one… I ended up dying alot… But this one, when used properly (easier than DB macros IMO), is really strong and uses the skills in a wise way and you barely lose health most of the time!

So I’ll be looking forward for updates and more from you for sure and thx again :smiley:

EDIT: I don’t know how the voting system is working, but I definitlty vote for it to be in HP!

Is there a reason the builder dont cycle through abilities like the other 2?

[quote quote=33068]Is there a reason the builder dont cycle through abilities like the other 2?

Check if you didn’t make the same mistake as I did… Using the same exact talents is requiered.

[quote quote=33068]Is there a reason the builder dont cycle through abilities like the other 2?

The cast sequence works correctly.

Level 90 talent needs to be “Inner Rage” or it will cause a lockup.

The macro works correctly. What I was asking, and I should of been more clear about what I said, was you know how on the other two when you press the key you see it flashing through the abilities. The builder don’t do it for me but the other two do. Was just asking if it was designed that way?

ok im a complete noob at macros…do i just copy and paste these macros and then click the button for said macro?..cuz all that does for me is say it out loud

[quote quote=33198]The macro works correctly. What I was asking, and I should of been more clear about what I said, was you know how on the other two when you press the key you see it flashing through the abilities. The builder don’t do it for me but the other two do. Was just asking if it was designed that way?

Thats the funny thing. I noticed it as well when designing these and I can honestly say I have no idea why it does that. It was definitely not intentional. Also these were designed through the GSSE builder so I don;t know if that made a difference

[quote quote=33203]ok im a complete noob at macros…do i just copy and paste these macros and then click the button for said macro?…cuz all that does for me is say it out loud

You need to install the GS-E addon. And then read up on how to add your macro to the stack

[quote quote=33198]The macro works correctly. What I was asking, and I should of been more clear about what I said, was you know how on the other two when you press the key you see it flashing through the abilities. The builder don’t do it for me but the other two do. Was just asking if it was designed that way?

It’s because it is a castsequence. Any castsequence will do that in GS.

Any other guys tested this? Is it HP worthy?

It works good yes, But my gear is Not any good i am at 822 Item level but that is Mostly tank gear

Yeah that’s what i’m using is GSSE so it may be something in the macro itself then. It’s not a big deal. The macro itself works and thats all that matters!

Timothy Luke,

I have been using it and its a pretty nice macro. I am usually 1st or 2nd on the meters in heroics

Added as HP_BladeFuryAE, HP_BladeFuryDump and HP_BladeFuryBuilder

[quote quote=33287]Added as HP_BladeFuryAE, HP_BladeFuryDump and HP_BladeFuryBuilder

Thanks. Will make sure I maintain them when making changes

Couple of questions, how many targets do you want before you use the AE macro? Also, what do you mean by execute procs? So just spam the dump macro when they’re under 20% or what? Thanks.

[quote quote=33372]Couple of questions, how many targets do you want before you use the AE macro? Also, what do you mean by execute procs? So just spam the dump macro when they’re under 20% or what? Thanks.

Sorry for delayed response

  1. AE is used on 4+
  2. Execute procs - As soon as you have enough rage you will get a enrage proc. During this enrage you can use Rampage or Execute. So spend rage as you get enough to use rampage and use it when you get a Execute proc. Its when there is a golden square around your rampage or Execute abilities
  3. No dont just spam at 20% below. You need to build till enough rage then dump the rage and just continue doing that regardless of %