I CAME IN LIKE A WREKING BALL -- Dragonflight Protection Paladin Easy-Mode

As has been my experience in the past, another amazing macro! Always top notch. Thanks for sharing this with the community.

What do you intend? Could you paste a screen of your icue settings? Thanks

Hello everyone, my macro since Dragonflight gets alive dont fireup, btw tks for your work doing this macro

Hello everyone, my macro since Dragonflight gets alive dont fireup, btw tks for your work doing this macro

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any updates on 61-70 talents?

I will go for Divine Toll and make sure to have it on a [mod] key 
 think its already in there on the [mod:alt]

everything else wouldn’t chage the sequence/macro at all

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@usmcguy I tried to import with the code of the first post, but I can not, message that the macro unable to be updated.

@usmcguy When will this be updated for level 70 use?

Any update for 10.0.05? or is this still working as intended?

tbh my paladin is sittin at lvl 68 - been playing monk / demon hunter / warrior this expac

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nice, i am using your BRM gse sequence and its dope! have any plans to update that in the future?

any plans to update this?
I was the best prot pally macro available, others have very clunky usage or just not fluid and efficient.

Would love this updated for 10.1 :smiley:


Updated to WoW v10.1.7.51536

late yes yes - life happens ya know


Haven’t tried the macro yet, but I am super glad to see that you’re back to making macro’s around here man! Always seen great results from your macros!


Awesome macro man! Nice work!

Quick request though, Any chance it can be tweaked to prolong the use of consecration to take full advantage of tier bonus?

yea - tweaked - updated up top - try it for yourself

After using this for a while now, all of the sudden it won’t cast eye of tyr I’ve tried clearing the chase but but its still not casting it.

@usmcguy always enjoyed your macro’s man. I took your and edited a bit to add more judgments and SoR. I also added in WoG cause im lazy, works well on trash doing it as help. For harder bosses youll still need to press it prob when/if needed.




This macro contains 1 macro template. This Sequence was exported from GSE 3.1.54.

WoG doesn’t fire for me using this edit, and if I hold the shift key I just get the “spell failed” whish sound over and over and the action bar icon stays stuck on the SotR icon. But to be honest I have tried four or five macro builds lately, and the overwhelming main issue is getting SotR and WoG to work correctly if they are mod keyed.