Igz Resto Druid - ALL IN ONE

Hello friends!

As I was bored tonight I decided to give resto a try, in playing my other healers I noticed that many of the other classes on WLM that are healers have started to build in damage rotations in to the main macro, so I thought I would create one for resto druids. As of this posting I just healed an 18 Nelth in guardian gear (No, I do not have an intellect staff, come at me bro) without much issue beyond being inexperienced. I would love for some actual resto druids to give this a try and let me know of any improvements that can be made!


  • Shift: Efflorescence at your cursor
  • CTRL: Lifebloom on Mouseover
  • Alt: Emergency Healing (Rejuv > Swiftment > Regrowth spam)

General use:

  • Automatic moonfire/sunfire on each new target, sunfire casts second so if you keep tabbing it will only cast it on your last target.
  • Automatically sends DPS Rotation on spam
  • Mouseover for auto rejuvenate, (Alt Modifier for swiftmend)
  • Mouseover dead for battle rez (No-Modifier)a




This macro contains 1 macro template. This Sequence was exported from GSE 3.1.40.

Bringing Lazy Macros to High keys

My Prot Paladin Macro (Tested up to +20 M+)

Igz Protection

My Shadow Priest Macro (Tested up to +22 M+)

Igz Shadow Priest

My BM Hunter Macro (Tested up to +23 M+)

Coming soon

My Augmentation Evoker Macro (Tested up to +17 M+)

Coming Soon

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I’m trying to understand it. Do I need to set focus on tank?

There are some cooldowns I don’t see in the macro or modifiers. Ironbark, Nature’s Swiftness, Convoke of Spirits.

Yes, you would set your focus to the tank, typically I use the cooldowns macroed separately eg. NS > mouseover Regrowth and convoke on its own keybind, you could easily add in a modifier cast squence to accomplish the same thing if you want it totally in one.

Hi, i was wondering what talent are you using? cause it seems the loadout is not working anymore. :slight_smile:

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Did you ever get around to making your hunter one? This looks nice. If you are still playing and update this druid GSE I’d be stoked to check it out.


Elfyau has a nice talent loadout, but it might not match this…