Im Lazy Disc Priest No longer supporting

and were find you last update ;)? first page i thinks?

I like this macro, but i am having issues with the @mouseover stuff. What i mean by issues, they work the way they’re suppose to but i don’t use my mouse that much for physical reasons, is there a way I can alter the macro to remove the @mouseover and it still work? I tried just literally removing the @mouseover from the lines where it appears but that broke the macro and it wouldn’t run correctly at all after, so I put it back. I hate asking about this but I just can’t use my right hand that much to rely on mouseover accuracy.

Edit: I’ve only recently started playing this expac, so I’m still leveling and running normal dungeons here and there, if that helps with how I’m using the macro. Thanks for all your hard work!

@deldime-yves pvp uses version 3 of the macro. Thats the solo version of my macro. It should be using shadow word death on cooldown. There is no way to have the macro only use swd below 20%hp. If you want to manually use swd below 20% remove line /cast [harm,nochanneling,combat] Shadow Word: Death from version 3 of the macro and put swd on another hotkey.

The current version of my macros will always be in the top post.

@Roxalt Im not sure how we would cast the spells on party members without @mouseover. ONly thing i can think of is making seperate macros with @party1 @party2 and so on. Then you would need like 10 macros to do it. I really dont think it could be automated though gse. I could make 2 macros for you 1 to shield and 1 to shadow mend with nomod being party1 alt party2 ctrl party 3 shift party4 then set main macro to shadow mend you with the shift key instead of @mouseover

Okay, now worries. gse may not be the right addon for my particular issue with healing in that way. I may just need to use it for the dps and heal some other way. I appreciate the work regardless.

Although I am wondering if it would be possible with key mods and just manually targeting party member via hotkeys like F1, F2, F3, etc. So for examply if I manually hit F1 to target party member and then hold shift to shadowmend my target? something like that. It’s weird I know, I may just have to do some of my own legwork on this one with some trial and error using your as a base line. Thanks again!

that should work but to make it easyer just put shield and shadowmend on seperate buttons and delete the 2 lines for shield and shadowmend from premacro and just manually use those

Thnx :slight_smile:

There is a reason because you are not using spirit shell in your macro? Is not design to run in raid?

you cant just go into raid and spam a macro that uses every cooldown as a disc priest and do a good job. Disc has to set up to prevent damage not heal damage. Basically we cant just be lazy in raid.


I created a macro for dps that is mainly based on your dps part.

Than I used it for the damage priority part until anonement start to falling off, so I start to apply again atnement via Vuhdo. I have a macro to cast spirit shell with Mindbender then keep the lazy macro again.

As soon as I will get home I’ll post the DPS rotation so would be nice having a feedback on that based on your experience.

My raid team is about 25/30 guys, i have to say that was great seeing 10k HPS at the begin (but i run out of mana very quickly :P) no way to do that with holy :slight_smile:

only use mind blast during spirit shell ramp. or as needed for healing. If your using it on cooldown your will burn through mana. On high mythic keys i comment out mind blast and cast it manually only when needed for healing. Casting it on cooldown i was needing to drink every other pull.

mmm oky good hint…

so i should change the dps macro as:

/targetenemy [noharm]
/cast [nochanneling,mod:alt] Risonanza Mentale (mind sear)
/castsequence [harm,nochanneling] reset=target Parola d’Ombra: Dolore, nul (SW: P)

/castsequence [harm,combat] reset=target Parola d’Ombra: Dolore (SW:P)
/cast [nochanneling,combat,talent:1/3] Scisma (Schism)
/cast [harm,nochanneling,combat] Giochi Mentali (Mindagames)
/castsequence [mod: shift, nochanneling,combat] Detonazione Mentale (Mind Blast)
/cast [harm,combat] Contrizione (Penance)
/cast [harm,nochanneling,combat,talent:3/3] Parola del Potere: Conforto (SW: C)
/cast [harm,nochanneling,combat,mod:ctrl] Parola d’Ombra: Morte (PW:D)
/cast [harm,nochanneling,combat] Punizione (Smite)

consider that I know *i have a separate keybind for SS and Mindebender so I should use shift for mindblast.

not sure where to place the sw:p and sw:d…

and would be great if you can give an overall review to the macro :slight_smile:

i would move both
/castsequence [mod: shift, nochanneling,combat] Detonazione Mentale (Mind Blast) /cast [harm,nochanneling,combat,mod:ctrl] Parola d’Ombra: Morte (PW:D)

changing the mind blast line to /cast to premacro just below mind sear. That will insure they will go off when you press the mod key.
Also /castsequence [harm,combat] reset=target Parola d’Ombra: Dolore (SW:P) You need to add a spell in it to delay the recasting of pain Maybe 2 penaces then swp. You will have to test the timing

i would try something like this

/targetenemy [noharm]
/cast [nochanneling,mod:alt] Risonanza Mentale (mind sear)
/cast [mod:shift, nochanneling,combat] Detonazione Mentale (Mind Blast)
/cast [harm,nochanneling,combat,mod:ctrl] Parola d’Ombra: Morte (PW:D)
/castsequence [harm,nochanneling] reset=target Parola d’Ombra: Dolore, nul (SW: P)

/castsequence [harm,nochanneling,combat] reset=target Contrizione (Penance),Contrizione (Penance)Parola d’Ombra: Dolore (SW:P)
/cast [nochanneling,combat,talent:1/3] Scisma (Schism)
/cast [harm,nochanneling,combat] Giochi Mentali (Mindagames)
/cast [harm,nochanneling,combat,talent:3/3] Parola del Potere: Conforto (SW: C)
/cast [harm,nochanneling,combat] Punizione (Smite)

So the mod should be in the premacro part.

yes, it tends to spam the PW:P , I was not aware of the need to have the second penance.

If I understood well having 2 penance put an internal trigger that “allocate” fake time (due to the cast sequence) and avoid this spam It does not really cast penance cause is on cd, and if it’s not on cd will be casted (once case the second one will be on cd ) and go ahead with the macro…

if it’s this without your explanation I will never think about it.

testing and I will report how it works.

It works GREAT!

1.4k on dummy and mana always full.

PW:P will be down for 1 sec than is recasted. I want to try it in raid now :slight_smile:
Question why if I keep CRTL it run the mindblast but stop casting anything else? Should not add nomod to have this effect?

last question (for now) how I cat tell to the macro to attack if I’m not in combat?

is not:
/castsequence [harm,nochanneling] reset=target Parola d’Ombra: Dolore, nul (SW: P)
doing that?

Hi m8. What version of the macro do you use? There are a couple of diffrent version in this thread. Can you Pm me your version that you use or import them here?

the versions of the macro will auto change based on solo party or dungeon/raid no need to change anything

@zemaree with the mod keys in keypress it will try to only cast that when you hold the mod key. So haveing mindblast line in keypress will fire off mindblast faster when you press ctrl. If you hold ctrl it will only try to use mind blast. If you put the mindblast line in the top part of sequence then when holding ctrl it will try to fire of mind blast but if its on cooldown it will continue to next line. So moving the mind blast line to sequence will basically fix the no casting while hold ctrl try that.

/castsequence [harm,nochanneling,combat] reset=target Contrizione (Penance),Contrizione (Penance)Parola d’Ombra: Dolore (SW:P)
this line will use penance 2 times then sw p. The w penaces act as a timer to reapply swp. Note on this dont have penance elsewhere in the macro or it might delay the useage of swp

last question (for now) how I cat tell to the macro to attack if I’m not in combat?

is not:
/castsequence [harm,nochanneling] reset=target Parola d’Ombra: Dolore, nul (SW: P)
doing that?

that line should put swp on each new target no matter your combat state. ie it should put you in combat. I have combat variable in all other spells to insure that the first spell is swp. Aslong as you have a target the macro should start combat by casting swp.

If you want you can dm me the import code for your macro and ill look over it and give you some feed back

Yes i get that. but there are so many versions ot the macro posted in the thread…wich one is the latest version so i can try this?

the latest update will always be the one in the very top post

What MS should this be run at?

i run it at 20ms i dont think it need to run that fast though. Just try it at what your comfortable running it at