Legion 7.0.3 GS-E Prot Warrior PvE One Button Macro Questing & Dungeon Tanking

This is the macro that I have put together for questing and dungeon tanking alike. It has been working great for me thus far and I thought I would share it. I have it set so that once Neltharion’s Fury goes off nothing else interrupts it and there have been no lock ups whatsoever for me while using this macro. I keep Intercept and all Defensive cooldowns such as Spell Reflect, Shield Wall etc. on the toolbar to be used when needed. Nothing goes off when not in combat if you hit the macro accidentally or happen to be using Razer Synapse due to all non target spells being set to only go off in combat. I take little to no damage even when tanking 6-8 mobs at once while questing and in dungeons the healers have had a nice break being able to focus on healing DPS that can’t stop standing in shiny stuff on the ground lol

Please feel free to post any changes that you may have made or any advice that you think may make the macro more effective. Thanks and enjoy :slight_smile:

*Edit: I’ve added an “Alt” modifier to the original macro as well for Devastate to be cast when there is any kind of downtime as a filler and also for Demoralizing Shout to stop casting prematurely therefore wasting a 90 second CD.

Sequences['ProtWarLegAlt'] = {
specID= 073,
helpTxt = 'Talents: 1123322',
StepFunction = GSStaticPriority,
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast Intercept
/cast [combat] Blood Fury
"/castsequence [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury,combat] Ignore Pain, Focused Rage, Shield Block",
"/cast [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury] Shield Slam",
"/cast [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury] Revenge",
"/cast [mod:alt,nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury] Devastate",
"/castsequence reset=40 [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury,combat] Shockwave",
"/castsequence reset=30/target [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury] !Impending Victory",
"/cast [combat] Neltharion's Fury",
"/castsequence reset=5 [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury,combat] Thunder Clap",
"/castsequence [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury] Devastate, Devastate, Devastate",
"/cast [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury,combat] Ignore Pain",
"/cast [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury,combat] Shield Block",
"/cast [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury] Shield Slam",
"/cast [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury] Revenge",
PostMacro = [[
/cast [mod:alt,combat] Demoralizing Shout
/cast Impending Victory
/cast [combat] Battle Cry


I’ve added in a version below with Shockwave on an alt modifier for those who would rather use that when they choose within the macro :slight_smile:

Sequences['ProtWarLegShock'] = {
specID= 073,
helpTxt = 'Talents: 1123322',
StepFunction = GSStaticPriority,
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast Intercept
/cast [combat] Blood Fury
"/castsequence [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury,combat] Ignore Pain, Focused Rage, Shield Block",
"/cast [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury] Shield Slam",
"/cast [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury] Revenge",
"/castsequence reset=30/target [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury] !Impending Victory",
"/cast [combat] Neltharion's Fury",
"/castsequence reset=5 [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury,combat] Thunder Clap",
"/castsequence [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury] Devastate, Devastate, Devastate",
"/cast [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury,combat] Ignore Pain",
"/cast [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury,combat] Shield Block",
"/cast [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury] Shield Slam",
"/cast [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury] Revenge",
"/cast [mod:alt,combat] Shockwave",
PostMacro = [[
/cast [mod:alt,combat] Demoralizing Shout
/cast Impending Victory
/cast [combat] Battle Cry

The macro is working really solid for me in heroics. Fantastic job!

[quote quote=33124]The macro is working really solid for me in heroics. Fantastic job!

Thanks, I’m glad it’s working out for you! :smiley:

WOW WOW WOW WOW this one Rocks Really good In Mythic Instaces! THANKS ALOT!

What ST damage are you guys pulling with this macro :)?

[quote quote=33127]WOW WOW WOW WOW this one Rocks Really good In Mythic Instaces! THANKS ALOT!

Enjoy! I have been having a blast leveling with it and it should stay exactly the same but perform even better due to gear at level 110 :smiley:

[quote quote=33134]What ST damage are you guys pulling with this macro :)?

While leveling at level 101 I am currently pulling about 40k - 45k DPS with this macro. I can’t wait to see what I’ll be doing at level 110 :smiley:

If i were interested in this macro, but wanted to control both Thunder Clap and Shockwave on my own, would I just delete those two lines? (Sorry for the noob question!)

Or would it be possible to have them only used when a modifier is in there, like I’m holding down shift. Again, thanks!

[quote quote=33164]If i were interested in this macro, but wanted to control both Thunder Clap and Shockwave on my own, would I just delete those two lines? (Sorry for the noob question!)
Or would it be possible to have them only used when a modifier is in there, like I’m holding down shift. Again, thanks!

Thanks for asking :slight_smile: You can definitely just modify the lines to say as follows:

"/cast [mod:shift,nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury,combat] Thunder Clap",

"/cast [mod:shift,nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury,combat] Shockwave",

Or you can even put them on separate modifiers like this:

"/cast [mod:shift,nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury,combat] Thunder Clap",

"/cast [mod:alt,nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury,combat] Shockwave",

This should work for you in order to set it up for modifiers. If you do want to just have them on the bar then just simply delete those lines in the macro :slight_smile:

Would I delete the whole line? “/castsequence reset=5 [nochanneling:Neltharion’s Fury,combat] Thunder Clap”, For some reason that looks important to me :slight_smile:

Also, I can change impending victory to victory rush if I am not specced into impending victory correct?

[quote quote=33177]Would I delete the whole line? “/castsequence reset=5 [nochanneling:Neltharion’s Fury,combat] Thunder Clap”, For some reason that looks important to me ???
Also, I can change impending victory to victory rush if I am not specced into impending victory correct?

Yep, you can just delete the entire line if you want to use that on your toolbar instead :slight_smile:

Also for the other question yes you would just replace Impending Victory with Victory Rush if you wanted to use another point in that section of the tree.

Sorry I forgot the reset timer as well so if you did want to add them in there then the code would actually be as follows:

"/castsequence reset=5 [mod:shift,nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury,combat] Thunder Clap",
"/castsequence reset=40 [mod:shift,nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury,combat] Shockwave",

or for separate modifiers it would be:

"/castsequence reset=5 [mod:shift,nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury,combat] Thunder Clap",
"/castsequence reset=40 [mod:alt,nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury,combat] Shockwave",

The only issue with replacing Impending Victory with Victory Rush is that Victory Rush only works after you have killed an enemy that grants experience or honor whereas Impending Victory is a cooldown that will continue to heal you throughout the fight whenever you cast it. So in that case you would not only replace Impending Victory with Victory Rush but you would also remove the portion that says:

/castsequence reset=30/target

and replace it with:


So in the end it would actually look like this:

"/cast [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury,combat] Victory Rush",

So this is how I have it now. It seems to work, although I’m not sure on the victory rush (is it fine where it is or should I move it to post combat?)

Sequences[‘ProtWarLegion’] = {
specID= 073,
helpTxt = ‘Talents: 1123322’,
StepFunction = GSStaticPriority,
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast Intercept
/cast [combat] Blood Fury
“/castsequence [nochanneling:Neltharion’s Fury,combat] Ignore Pain, Focused Rage, Shield Block”,
“/cast [nochanneling:Neltharion’s Fury] Shield Slam”,
“/cast [nochanneling:Neltharion’s Fury] Revenge”,
“/cast [nochanneling:Neltharion’s Fury] !Impending Victory”,
“/castsequence [combat] Neltharion’s Fury”,
“/castsequence reset=5 [nochanneling:Neltharion’s Fury,combat] Thunder Clap”,
“/castsequence [nochanneling:Neltharion’s Fury] Devastate, Devastate, Devastate”,
“/cast [nochanneling:Neltharion’s Fury,combat] Ignore Pain”,
“/cast [nochanneling:Neltharion’s Fury,combat] Shield Block”,
“/cast [nochanneling:Neltharion’s Fury] Shield Slam”,
“/cast [nochanneling:Neltharion’s Fury] Revenge”,
“/cast [nochanneling:Neltharion’s Fury,combat] Victory Rush”,
PostMacro = [[
/cast [combat] Demoralizing Shout
/cast [combat] Battle Cry
/use [combat] 13
/use [combat] 14
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide();

This is what you would want if you are going to be using Victory Rush :slight_smile:

You’re my hero! Thank you so much for helping me out, I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it! :slight_smile:

[quote quote=33236]You’re my hero! Thank you so much for helping me out, I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it! ???

Anytime :slight_smile: Just glad I could! Let me know how it works out and enjoy!

First of all, fantastic macro! I have two questions tho.

Sometimes I feel like the macro just stands there and auto-attacks until CDs are up again, is this normal?
Also, how can I make it cast devastate as a filler? :slight_smile:

[quote quote=33266]Hi! First of all, fantastic macro! I have two questions tho.
Sometimes I feel like the macro just stands there and auto-attacks until CDs are up again, is this normal? Also, how can I make it cast devastate as a filler? ???

Hello and thank you! :slight_smile: I think I can fix that for you here, it is just by adding in one line to the macro to add an extra Devastate to the mix in order for the macro to hit it as a filler. Just use this macro as follows:

Sequences['ProtWarLegion'] = {
specID= 073,
helpTxt = 'Talents: 1123322',
StepFunction = GSStaticPriority,
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast Intercept
/cast [combat] Blood Fury
"/castsequence [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury,combat] Ignore Pain, Focused Rage, Shield Block",
"/cast [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury] Shield Slam",
"/cast [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury] Revenge",
"/cast [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury] Devastate",
"/castsequence reset=40 [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury,combat] Shockwave",
"/castsequence reset=30/target [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury] !Impending Victory",
"/cast [combat] Neltharion's Fury",
"/castsequence reset=5 [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury,combat] Thunder Clap",
"/castsequence [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury] Devastate, Devastate, Devastate",
"/cast [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury,combat] Ignore Pain",
"/cast [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury,combat] Shield Block",
"/cast [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury] Shield Slam",
"/cast [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury] Revenge",
PostMacro = [[
/cast [combat] Demoralizing Shout
/cast Impending Victory
/cast [combat] Battle Cry

Or here is one where Devastate is added in with a shift modifier so that when you feel it is waiting on cd’s you can hold Shift and it should cast Devastate.

Sequences['ProtWarLegShift2'] = {
specID= 073,
helpTxt = 'Talents: 1123322',
StepFunction = GSStaticPriority,
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast Intercept
/cast [combat] Blood Fury
"/castsequence [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury,combat] Ignore Pain, Focused Rage, Shield Block",
"/cast [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury] Shield Slam",
"/cast [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury] Revenge",
"/cast [mod:alt,nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury] Devastate",
"/castsequence reset=40 [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury,combat] Shockwave",
"/castsequence reset=30/target [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury] !Impending Victory",
"/cast [combat] Neltharion's Fury",
"/castsequence reset=5 [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury,combat] Thunder Clap",
"/castsequence [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury] Devastate, Devastate, Devastate",
"/cast [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury,combat] Ignore Pain",
"/cast [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury,combat] Shield Block",
"/cast [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury] Shield Slam",
"/cast [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury] Revenge",
PostMacro = [[
/cast [mod:alt,combat] Demoralizing Shout
/cast Impending Victory
/cast [combat] Battle Cry

Let me know if either one of these work out a little better for you :slight_smile:

I will try it, thanks!
Also, sometimes when I charge in it pops demo shout at the same time so it dosent hit the mobs, any fixes for this? :slight_smile:

[quote quote=33270]I will try it, thanks! Also, sometimes when I charge in it pops demo shout at the same time so it dosent hit the mobs, any fixes for this? ???

I actually have just modified the original macro a bit due to just noticing that myself after you mentioned it ty :slight_smile: Demoralizing Shout and an extra Devastate are now on an “Alt” modifier due to “Shift” causing it to change toolbars on some people.

Here is the new fully working macro so after you charge in you just hold “Alt” and then it will cast Demoralizing Shout at that time and start casting more Devastates as long as “Alt” is held down :slight_smile:

Sequences['ProtWarLegShift2'] = {
specID= 073,
helpTxt = 'Talents: 1123322',
StepFunction = GSStaticPriority,
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast Intercept
/cast [combat] Blood Fury
"/castsequence [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury,combat] Ignore Pain, Focused Rage, Shield Block",
"/cast [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury] Shield Slam",
"/cast [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury] Revenge",
"/cast [mod:alt,nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury] Devastate",
"/castsequence reset=40 [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury,combat] Shockwave",
"/castsequence reset=30/target [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury] !Impending Victory",
"/cast [combat] Neltharion's Fury",
"/castsequence reset=5 [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury,combat] Thunder Clap",
"/castsequence [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury] Devastate, Devastate, Devastate",
"/cast [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury,combat] Ignore Pain",
"/cast [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury,combat] Shield Block",
"/cast [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury] Shield Slam",
"/cast [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury] Revenge",
PostMacro = [[
/cast [mod:alt,combat] Demoralizing Shout
/cast Impending Victory
/cast [combat] Battle Cry

Thank you for that observation btw, it has actually increased the DPS output of this macro quite a bit as well adding in the modifier for the couple seconds down time waiting on cooldowns :smiley:

No worries, glad I could give something in return! :slight_smile:
I’ll try the new version now :smiley: