Legion 7.0.3 GS-E Prot Warrior PvE One Button Macro Questing & Dungeon Tanking

Thanks a lot !

[quote quote=33839]

Aside from the macro waiting on cooldowns, im noticing that my only other issue is how often revenge isnt being prioritized leading to significant dps loss. Any way to fix that? Also, how rapidly should I have the macro be going off. currently using .2s and it could be causing the macro to skip due to gcd.

I’m not sure what may be causing revenge to not prioritize, I haven’t seen that happening when I use it. I currently run it on a 0.25 myself. [/quote]

I’m pretty sure any third party software that allows you to hold down 1 button and have it delay press while holding it down will get you banned. Isn’t the rule 1 button press = 1 spell?

What program are you guys using that is allowed by blizzard, so I don’t have to hold down the button and get the finger pain of the repetitive button smashing?

How can adapt your macros for these talents 1222312? Regards!

Hi, i have a question, why are you using several identical abilities like Shield block and Ignore pain, Shield Slam and Revenge, this will only prolong the “read” prosess of the string wont it?
and why do you use sequence on Devastate? 3 devastates in a row sound like too much? It prolongs the time Shield Slam and Revenge are on cd.
Oh and by the way, no need for ability name in nochanneling.

I ended up with:
I didnt want to waste rage on Focused Rage so i have it on seperate button and only use it on Ultimate proc.
And i wanted to have longer delay on Thunder Clap so i tried both 10 and 20. But that doesnt seem to do anything diffrent, any idea what reset=xx does if it doesnt change the activation of the ability anyhow?
With this i have close to 100% uptime on shield slam and revenge and also on thunder clap (but i dont want that though) also a devastate from time to time, but i wanted to have more devatstate so i tried to trick the activation of thunder clap with no luck. Any tip?

Sequences['ProtWarLegAlt'] = {
specID= 073,
helpTxt = 'Talents: 1123322',
StepFunction = GSStaticPriority,
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast Intercept
/cast [combat] Blood Fury
"/castsequence [nochanneling,combat] Ignore Pain, Shield Block",
"/cast [nochanneling] Shield Slam",
"/cast [nochanneling] Revenge",
"/castsequence reset=40 [nochanneling,combat] Shockwave",
"/cast [combat] Neltharion's Fury",
"/castsequence reset=5 [nochanneling,combat] Thunder Clap",
"/cast [nochanneling] Devastate",
PostMacro = [[
/cast [combat] Demoralizing Shout
/cast Victory Rush
/cast [combat] Battle Cry

This post isnt meant to be offending at all, i hope it doesnt feel that way.

And i dont know how to put it in black box it seems… Sorry about that

I got it to work ^^

[quote quote=34248]Hi, i have a question, why are you using several identical abilities like Shield block and Ignore pain, Shield Slam and Revenge, this will only prolong the “read” prosess of the string wont it? and why do you use sequence on Devastate? 3 devastates in a row sound like too much? It prolongs the time Shield Slam and Revenge are on cd. Oh and by the way, no need for ability name in nochanneling.
I ended up with: I didnt want to waste rage on Focused Rage so i have it on seperate button and only use it on Ultimate proc. And i wanted to have longer delay on Thunder Clap so i tried both 10 and 20. But that doesnt seem to do anything diffrent, any idea what reset=xx does if it doesnt change the activation of the ability anyhow? With this i have close to 100% uptime on shield slam and revenge and also on thunder clap (but i dont want that though) also a devastate from time to time, but i wanted to have more devatstate so i tried to trick the activation of thunder clap with no luck. Any tip?

Sequences['ProtWarLegAlt'] = {
specID= 073,
helpTxt = 'Talents: 1123322',
StepFunction = GSStaticPriority,
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast Intercept
/cast [combat] Blood Fury
"/castsequence [nochanneling,combat] Ignore Pain, Shield Block",
"/cast [nochanneling] Shield Slam",
"/cast [nochanneling] Revenge",
"/castsequence reset=40 [nochanneling,combat] Shockwave",
"/cast [combat] Neltharion's Fury",
"/castsequence reset=5 [nochanneling,combat] Thunder Clap",
"/cast [nochanneling] Devastate",
PostMacro = [[
/cast [combat] Demoralizing Shout
/cast Victory Rush
/cast [combat] Battle Cry

This post isnt meant to be offending at all, i hope it doesnt feel that way.

Not offending at all :stuck_out_tongue: Honestly the reason that the castsequence is on devastate is because there was downtime from time to time in between other skills so I added that in and it got rid of the downtime for the most part. I then added in another devastate on an “Alt” modifier for anytime that there is even a 2 second downtime that still came up. The spell name after nochanneling is in fact needed though. When running the macro with just nochanneling it sometimes will still prematurely interrupt the cast of Neltharians Fury. When adding the name of the particular spell after nochanneling it completely eliminated any and all interruptions of the spell unless I myself move my character during the channel. The reset time on Thunderclap does not tell the macro to not cast it again until the time has elapsed that you have set. It has been acting funny sometimes since the switch to GS-E which is what this macro was written for. The cooldown timer is just set to the actual cooldown of the spell itself as it shows in my spellbook to ensure that it lets the macro know what the cooldown of the ability is be default.

I noticed myself that there was some kind of downtime when all abilities are on cd, that devastate didnt seem to activate. I will experiment with some sequencing on thunderclap to see if i can work it out. and I will keep an eye out on interrupt on nochanneling ^^
Thanks for a well composed macro.

[quote quote=34266]I noticed myself that there was some kind of downtime when all abilities are on cd, that devastate didnt seem to activate. I will experiment with some sequencing on thunderclap to see if i can work it out. and I will keep an eye out on interrupt on nochanneling ^^ Thanks for a well composed macro.

No problem :slight_smile: Thank you for the reply! Also in order to get the Devastate to activate during down time just hold down the “Alt” key on your keyboard while using the macro.

I noticed that “/castsequence reset=30/target [nochanneling:Neltharion’s Fury] !Impending Victory”, and a “!” before Impending Victory. What does the ! do? Also for the mod:alt, do i need to hold alt down while pressing the macro? It doesn’t seem to work. I do have something bound to alt+3 “3” being the button i use. Could that be the issue?

For those who want easy macro activation, place the macro button on your bar then bind it do your mousewheel.

For use, run your finger up and down the wheel. One can’t get faster than that.

[quote quote=34101]

Aside from the macro waiting on cooldowns, im noticing that my only other issue is how often revenge isnt being prioritized leading to significant dps loss. Any way to fix that? Also, how rapidly should I have the macro be going off. currently using .2s and it could be causing the macro to skip due to gcd.

I’m not sure what may be causing revenge to not prioritize, I haven’t seen that happening when I use it. I currently run it on a 0.25 myself.
I’m pretty sure any third party software that allows you to hold down 1 button and have it delay press while holding it down will get you banned. Isn’t the rule 1 button press = 1 spell? What program are you guys using that is allowed by blizzard, so I don’t have to hold down the button and get the finger pain of the repetitive button smashing? [/quote] There are a few programs to do this. AHK is one. But you'll have to find guides to use it. I personally have a naga gaming mouse which enables me to use Razer's Synapse Software, allowing me to make macros on my mouse. So I simply set a mouse button to toggle key spam until hit again.

I’m not sure if this is the place to ask, but is there a way to use the initial macro without cooldowns?

I’ve tried to remove Battle Cry, Demo Shout, Avatar, and Shockwave (the talents i have personally chosen) from the macro by simply removing each line, but it always breaks the macro.

Breaks in that it will either do nothing, or do part of the rotation while the button stays a red question mark.

** Disclaimer ** I take NO RESPONSIBILITY for this script if it blows up your PC or gets you banned from WoW or anything. This is use at your own risk. I have been using it for about 2 years in WoW with no ill effects, but I make no guarantees whatsoever.

I am working on a GUI, but its really not necessary. Here is a VERY SIMPLE AutoHotKey script I use. Because I play on a laptop I have limited keys so I use my CapsLock key to activate or deactivate this script. Some folks use the numlock or scrolllock keys but my laptop doesn’t have those. Check the Autohotkey documentation for instructions on using these keys - its very simple to swap my capslock for one of them.

To install and run:

  1. Download and install AutoHotKey
  2. Create a new Text File on your desktop
  3. Rename the text file to KeyPresser.ahk
  4. Open the file with any text editor
  5. Copy the code below and paste it into the text file
  6. Save the file and close it
  7. Right click on the file and click Run Script

You can tell its running as you will see a green H icon in your tray. To pause or close the script right click on this little icon and do what you need.

I have written this such that you need to hold down the key and the script will send that key every 160ms when CAPSLOCK is on. You can change FREQ to any value you want. I played with tapping “1” and having the script send “1” over and over until I tapped “1” again, but I didn’t like it as I have other spells on cooldowns and it was tough to manage.

#SingleInstance Force
#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
;#Warn  ; Recommended for catching common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
; don't touch anything above this line

$1::				                    ;$ prevents the hotkey from triggering itself by Send {a} below in the loop
freq:=160			                  ;delay between key presses
if getkeystate("CapsLock","T")	;Check if capslock is toggled on, if it is then do the loop
		if getkeystate("1","P")=0	;Check if {1} is pressed, if not then break loop
		Send {1}			            ;key1
		Sleep %freq%			        ;delay
	else	                      ;if scroll lock isnt toggled on, then press "1", for "1" button to have its native function
		Send {1}

$2::				                    ;$ prevents the hotkey from triggering itself by Send {a} below in the loop
freq2:=160			                ;delay between key presses
if getkeystate("CapsLock","T")	;Check if capslock is toggled on, if it is then do the loop
		if getkeystate("2","P")=0	  ;Check if {2} is pressed, if not then break loop
		Send {2}			              ;key2
		Sleep %freq2%			          ;delay
	else	                        ;if scroll lock isnt toggled on, then press "2", for "2" button to have its native function
		Send {2}

Its very simple. I use two different variables for FREQ because I was playing with different macros that seemed to work better with different delays.

Toggle CAPSLOCK on and hold either 1 or 2 down and the script sends that key with a delay set, in milliseconds, in the variable FREQ and FREQ2, currently both set to 160 in this example.

If you only need 1 key to repeat feel free to delete the $2 function. If you want more keys to repeat simply copy and paste the text between $2:: and the last RETURN and edit it to spam the key you want.

So far this macro is working really wall. However i feel like i’m not getting all the uptime of shield block due to rage issues. I never see my rage fill very far before being consumed almost as rapidly as i gain it. Currently 850 iLVL. I don’t feel squishy or anything, just don’t seem to have a lot of uptime. Currently 20% haste as well.

sorry, if this is not where to put this. but I am using this macro, and at 103 I am barely doing 22k dps, I am not sure if I am doing this right. Maybe any ideas or tips for me. I do how ever never lose agro and rarely become a problem for healers.

thank you.

Sorry all I haven’t really been playing or online much as work has been demanding my attention a lot more lately. Feel free to assist each other or let me know about any changes that you feel should be made and I will definitely take a look at them as soon as I can and make any changes that will improve the macros performance :slight_smile: Thank you for all the replies!

sir im sorry. Im using gsse in game and nothing works or happens. i hadn’t used this addon in so long except for when you had to mess with the lua stuff. ive since made a new pc and saw it was in addon ingame!!! can anyone help me here? ive tried everything i can think of to make it work vis gsse in game

Hello. Any update with this macro ? Dps is low with 870 ilwl :frowning:

Has anyone made the new devastator build with vengeance macro yet? All the ones I see still have devastate in the cast sequence.

Really wish we could get this one working with the new GSE and patch 7.1.5
I’ll see what I can do, and post back here with the working one if I don’t lose my mind!

Edit: NVMD, it seems to be working!