Lewin MM Shadowlands Single and Aoe Macro's. Updated 12/25/20

good man keep me posted with the results later on :smiley:


Is a one-button macro for Volley and Wild Spirits possible?

Meaning, I would like to have one button for both spells, and regardless of which is on CD, that the spell off CD is being cast (Volley or Wild Spirits).

Thanks for the help!

Nvm - I managed:

/castsequence [@cursor] [] reset=15 Volley, Wild Spirits

@lewin didnt you have for misdirection on focus because now i dont see it

For some reason, atleast on MM it is on the GCD. Bm on the other hand it is not. I am not sure if this is an oversight by blizz or if it is meant to be this way. :man_shrugging:

Updated 12/25/20 Christmas :). Worked on AOE and worked in explosive shot more. Should bring dps up a bit.


Hey lewin. If I use already a bit older version does GSE auto updat it to the newest? Also if I key bind this macro should I do something with the ā€˜User external MS timingā€™ etc? i have it on 0.

Just copy new one in and replace when you get the prompt.

Can you also comment on my MS timing question? :smiley: thanks

I just click so thatā€™s up to you.

MM does not use haste its crit mastery

Macro is great my friend. Tyvm. Raidbots simmed (no buffs) me at 3.6k, 5 min patchwerk. Did 5 mins on raid dummy and hit 3.6k exactly. ilvl 202 @125ms, need more Crit & Mastery though :slightly_frowning_face: Cheers!

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Hey Lewin / hunter11, tried your macro and its quite perfect hit 2,9k and simmed my char with 3,1k
But I dont undestand what is mean with ā€œDouble Tabā€ for opener Macro?

Am i doing it wrong when I just spaming the button?

So I have a question. Iā€™m somewhat new to GSEā€¦ anyways I moved covenant and volley to one mod key and true shot and double tap to another. I then deleted them from the rest of the macro yet the still fire on key press without the modifierā€¦ also I have an issue with the modifer if the first one on the key press is on CD it doesnā€™t advance to the 2nd skill is there a work around for that ? Thanks again love the macro

*ps - I use var 4 for st and var 3 for aoe


i have never used this typ of macro addons b4 and it seems like i dont get so good dps output from it.
eny tips and trix i can use?
When i sim i suppose to get 3.9k and when i try it out im holding about 2.6-2.8k.

Hey all, great macros, thank you for the work! Can someone drop a double tap/Aimed shot opener macro?

Thanks in advance


Hey Lewin great work with the macros, I have a question though for aoe macro version 2 explosive shot doesnā€™t seem to work sat on a dummy for five minutes not one fired any idea how to fix this ? I copied it directly from the link at the top of this post but canā€™t seem to get it to work. Any help would be great thank you for your great work with this

Thanks for the work on the macros. They work well for me except for one issue.
I am using the Version on Tab 3. I move with the mouse. And when I am firing the macro I will all the sudden just stop moving and have to release mouse buttons and re-press them to start moving again. I have had something like this happen with other macros but it was an on use trinket item that needed to be placed. I donā€™t currently have any items equipped like that and regardless I have shut trinket usage off both with the check boxes with in the macro and in GSE option tab.
The only thing I have done to the macro was remove Wild Shot. Any other idea why this may be happening?

use quick sim and select no buffs. sim again and see where that puts you.

Im looking for this as well, would be awesome :slight_smile:

And, really great macros Lewin!