💤 Lutechi 9.x+ Brewmaster Macro All-in-One

Welcome to my AIO Macro Series, it covers every possible talent combination. Give this smart lazy macro a try and look for my other classes or specs if you enjoy this one.

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Usage Information

Mod:Alt - AoE with Spinning Crane Kick | Mod:Ctrl - BIG OH SHIT BUTTON, multiple talents | Mod:Shift - Small OH SHIT BUTTON, multiple talents + Vivify @ mouseover, breaks channeling
Have questions or suggestions? Jump on my stream and say hi! :wink:

This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.6.30.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Sequential

KeyPress: Ox Charge, Rushing Jade Wind, Stomp

Main Sequence: Breath of Fire, Celestial Brew, Keg Smash, Invoke Niuzao, the Black Ox, Healing Elixir, Blackout Kick, Rushing Jade Wind, Tiger Palm, Expel Harm, Fortifying Brew, Spinning Crane Kick, Touch of Death, Vivify

KeyRelease: Zen Meditation, Purifying Brew


When you say 100ms is that between presses or press 100ms release 100 ms? I’m using razer synapse and have it as so:

I am having a heck of time changing things to fire for the [ctrl,shift,alt] items. I wanted to keep the normal cast rotation that you do but change ctrl alt shift to corresponded like the following:

/cast [mod:shift,@mouseover] ring of peace as well as vivify
/cast [mod:ctrl] Spinning Crane Kick
/cast [mod:alt] leg sweep

I tried just deleting all your other sequence lines other than the main one then adding the above but it doesn’t fire off like it does with your current one. When I run your unmodified I have no problem firing off the mods keys.


yes 100 ms is 0.1 on razer synapse

Man, I really like your macros. However, they shut off special effects sound. I’ve disabled all keybinds for sound and tried anything. Hard to play without sound effects, at least for me. This seems to be a problem with all the class macros.

Hey Grognar,

Sorry if I already asked this question or suggested.

Did you go to the GSE options and unchecked that option on the right about sound? Can’t remember the name sorry, too early lol.

Getting a lot of hiccups, also a version without touch of death in it would be nice.

Also Breath of Fire constantly goes off before Keg which makes you miss out on the Keg Smash combo effect

Hello waitwhat,

Just edit and remove Touch of Death.

Feel free to make a different version for what you mentioned and share with the community.

its because yooure attempting to move while holding control. youre tapping control s most likely

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