💤 Lutechi 9.x+ Demonology Macro All-in-One

Welcome to my AIO Macro Series, it covers every possible talent combination. Give this smart lazy macro a try and look for my other classes or specs if you enjoy this one.

Tell me while I stream if it worked for you or ask questions: Lutechi@Twitch

WoW Lazy Macros Discord | Support


Usage Information

Mod:Alt - Drain Life | Mod:Ctrl - Health Funnel | Mod:Shift - Shadowfury or Mortal Coil / Howl of Terrror if Talented
Auto resummon pet

Have questions or suggestions? Jump on my stream and say hi! :wink:

This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.6.21.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Sequential

KeyPress: Corruption, Drain Life, Doom, Shadowfury, Howl of Terror, Health Funnel

Main Sequence: Corruption, Doom, Nether Portal, Demonbolt, Call Dreadstalkers, Demonic Strength, Summon Demonic Tyrant, Implosion, Hand of Gul’dan, Summon Vilefiend, Grimoire: Felguard

KeyRelease: Summon Felguard, Fel Domination, Axe Toss


This works pretty good, but when I try to use a mod, the macro just stops all together until I release the key. Sorry if this is a silly issue, but I’m new

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Hello fletch,

Probably have not reset the keybindings yet.

Go to GSE Options > Macro Reset > Push the Reset keybindings button and try again.

Hopefully that should take care of it.

Awesome!!! Thank you!!

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Why is Demonbolt in the macro and not Shadow Bolt ?


Hi jba,

You can always swap some of the spells for it.

Tweak it and share with us if you can improve it.

I may be blind… it IS possible but, where are the talent suggestions?

Hello Nferia,

There are no recommendations as this and all my All-in-One macros are created to work with any talent.

Take your pick and run it. Tweak the macro to your playstyle if need to.

If you want more focused on specific talents, check others in the community.

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when i try to upload says not current version… ?? dang it. !!!

Trying to import this macro, but every time I do, it only asks me if I want to overwrite the current(same) macro. When I select yes, it does that, but nothing shows up in the macro selection area.