💤 Lutechi 9.x+ Marksmanship Macro All-in-One

Thank you sir @lutechi

I use 1 - 1 - 2 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 3

@madmax/ @lutechi how do you get to trigger steady focus with the macro doenst seem to work for me

I really wish i could pinpoint whats going on, but i cant. a lot of folks seem to be fine with the DPS they are pumping out, but for the life of me i can get anywhere near my sim. As of right now, raidbots has me at 4.3k (5 min patchwerk) and i just spent 5 mins on a raid dummy and only managed 3.1k. Other MM’s in raid will consistently out DPS me with lesser gear. If anyone has any tips/tricks, i am all ears. Thank you.

keep in mind those sims on any web site is saying that its a 100% perfect fight no mess ups from u or tank or where boss is to be so all sims should be 500 to 800 k down from what those sim sites stats

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Ty kiadarkley, from another thread I was able to determine that I was simming with full raid buffs. Once I turned that feature off, I began to DPS at 90-95% of my sim. That, along with some other fine tuning, has put me in a spot to make me a happy camper :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hey there!
Was trying this macro, but got some problems for the multi-target.
Whenever I keep pressing Shift for AOE, he will continue to fire multi-shot and aimed shot, but as soon I get low on focus, he will only keep spamming multi-shot.

Any idea what I’m doing wrong?

Thanks in advance

Hello InsanyT,

I think AoE is non-blocking at the moment (it keeps firing off until reach the lines), if you want it on demand have to move it to the keypress.

I think Aim Shot has max charges? Or might be getting skipped, try to play with the ms by increasing it and see if that helps.

Any way to get it to stop spamming Hunter’s Mark?

Hey junkies, just remove it from the macro or comment it out.

Can always create a new version and edit the tab 1.

I talented into Barrage, and I cannot for the life of me get it to stop going off during the main part of the macro! I want to put it in the AoE section (shift), but I can’t even find it in the macro and Barrage is firing off a lot.

Hello Lonthor,

In the edit section look at the top for something to tick to see the actual spells or something like that and see if that allows you to see it again.

Barrage should be before the last line in the sequence block.

Hey I noticed that if I have a focus target set, the alt Volley modifier won’t work.