šŸ’¤ Lutechi 9.x+ Shadow Macro All-in-One

Hello Shim,

I wonā€™t be on until a few hours to be able to check in-game. A suggestion is to revert back to the GSE you had I guess? Not sure what the update did.

Another thing to try is to reimport if you have not changed anything in it.

Scrap that It was an addon called blizzmove that was the problem :wink:

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thanks great macro:)

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So not related to this macro specifically, just a general issue. Anyone else having /cast mind flay change to /cast smite? For some reason that keeps happening to me, I donā€™t know why but Iā€™ve rewritten it a few times and it just keeps doing that, so mind flay will never cast.

yep, its happening for everyone

but mind flay will still cast even though it says smite

Macro just stalls after one cycle.

Hey Sandman,

Are you max lvl? I heard lower levels might have to modify it.

Yep max level. iLVL now thatā€™s a different story lol.

From my experience leveling new toons one after another with these macros is that they dont do to hot pre lvl 50 or even just after hitting 50, its almost as if there is a lucky number for the stats before the macros start working as intended compared to where there are leveling macros that work well with just leveling(this could just be me). maybe try messing with the MS? it was doing the exact same thing for me until i realized I had been setting my MS up wrong but now it works great now that Timothy showed me how to properly set it up lol GL bro and hope you get it figured out! Cheers!

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Thanks for that edit - seems to work a lot better for me.
Currently using talents 3, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2 - Misery over Searing Nightmare which is a shame as SN for AOE is insane damage, but Misery for single targets boss fights scales much better.

One thing Iā€™d like to ask, on the subject of AOE, is currently I start the macro on target 1, cast Vampiric Touch (along with SWP), then tab to target 2 and repeat until as many targets as I can tag all have the DoTs, then when Mind Blast / Devouring Plague goes off then out go the Shadowy Apparitions - all works great - but can there be something in the macro that doesnā€™t reapply VT / SWP if it already has it applied? Whenever I tab back to a target thatā€™s already DoTā€™d with them it casts it again - is there a way the macro can skip it if they already have it?

Also Void Eruption sometimes is off CD but the macro doesnā€™t pick it up - in my opinion this needs to be on as soon as itā€™s off CD pretty much, can I prioritize it higher in the macro somehow?

Iā€™ll be the first to admit that despite playing retail since vanilla I have very very little idea how macros and the coding work! Maybe I should try and learn some day!

Regards and thanks for the great work!

There is no way for gse to detect if dots are on target so changing targets would always reapply dots. Only way around it is to make a seperate macro to apply dots only and remove dots from normal macro.

For me i removed Void Eruption from macro and use it manually. If you want it to auto fire on cd.
Move the line /cast [nochanneling,exists] Void Eruption to the top of sequence.
If you do that you can delete the line /use [exists] Void Bolt as Void Eruption turns into Void Bolt while in Void Form

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Hey bro, hope you donā€™t mine me replying to you, so I have done your edit as mentioned, but as others have said I want to make a seperate macro for just doing vamp touch, how do I remove it from this macro without ruining it xD

When servers come online ill look into working up a new edit that has a separate macro to just apply the dots and remove the dots from the main macro. I have been thinking of doing this for myself anyways as i have started doing mythic+ with shadow.

That would be awesome, seen you post a lot on here so nice one helping everyone out so much!

So remove
/castsequence [nocombat,talent:6/1] reset=45 Damnation, null; [nochanneling,exists,talent:3/2,notalent:6/1] reset=target Vampiric Touch, null; [nochanneling,exists,talent:1/3,notalent:3/2,notalent:6/1] reset=target Vampiric Touch, Shadow Word: Pain, Vampiric Touch, null; [nochanneling,exists,notalent:1/3,notalent:6/1] reset=target Vampiric Touch, Shadow Word: Pain, null
from KeyPress.
Import this macro


This new macro will only apply dots. This will not work with the Damnation talent though
The main macro will still maintain dots so you only need to hit this new macro at start of fight and when tab targeting to spread dots.

thanks for taking time out your day to do this, going to test it right now in some dungeons will let you know, just to double check the alt for AOE is still there.

Also I am using steel series, currently at 15ms, should I increase that to 100ms?

ok so tested this on tue dummies, seems to be working for the most part however on the DPS macro(original) it still seems to cast vamp touch at some point even though I took the above out of KeyPress

EDIT - ok got that working just by removing the vamp touch references on the original macro. Now Iā€™m curious is there any way to get a cast sequence to refresh without having to target something else and come back, example a boss with huge HP where you need to refresh the vamp touch

I left the vamp touch in the main macro to refresh the dots on your main target so you only need to use the second one to apply them at start or to spread them.

Basically use dot macro at start of fight to apply dots to all. Spam main macro on main target/boss. As needed use dot macro to refresh dots on adds then back to spam main macro on main target/boss. Once you use dot macro on main target/boss the main macro will reapply the dots itself.

If your using misery talent you donā€™t need the dot macro just use the Vampiric Touch skill by its self.

However if you use this in game macro.

#showtooltip Vampiric Touch
/cast [@mouseover,harm,nodead,][]Vampiric Touch

Then you can target main target/boss and just mouseover the adds nameplate and press the key for this macro. That will apply Vampiric Touch to adds without un targeting the main target/boss. It will also cast Vampiric Touch on main target/boss if you donā€™t have mouse over an enemy to refresh on main target/boss.

EDITā€¦ to answer your ms question. I have run this at 100ms and 20ms and both seem to work fine for me. I know lutechi creates and tests his macros @100ms though.

Hey bro just want to say thanks for your time on this, that vamp touch macro(as I have misery) is next level cool!

So I took Void Eruption out myself as well, too annoying if it fires against 1k mobs, any other spells you think are a must to have hotkeyed, thinking silence and mass dispell

Maybe leap of faith if you want to save your bad party members that like to stand in bad stuff. Me personally i let them die. Even if im healing. Im evil like that

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