M+_Borland1891_Fist Updated 2024-03-31

Nice to hear you like it. I hope this is better then the last. Please give back feedback on what you feel about this new updated one.
Best regards

I gotta say this works pretty well. Got my monk to 444 and doing 10s with ease. Hope you don’t mind I tweak the hps in the main macro a bit though. Think there is still room for improvement in healing output. For 5+ targets I’ve just changes your AOE one to mainly just spam Spinning Crane Kick as thats what sims show to do.

Tweak as much as you want. I will continue to try tweak it and i might have a solution for the AOE spam. I will update my macro if i find it work.
I have 454 ilevel and doing 15 easy so i like it alot. But it is not only letting macro go on its own. Sometimes it needs help but that is only in chaotic situation when tank is a mad man :slight_smile:

So i have been playing around with this too i have added Sheilun’s Gift to alt mod to use when stacks are high. and on the focus line i swaped it out with Renewing mist, its good cause if it spams it and the tank is full hp it jumps to someone else. 431 doing 14’s easy wit between 41k and 56k overall (no 4pc)

Do you mind sharing your additions via the import option? Not really sure how to edit macros successfully, I feel like they always break.

not sure how to share it haha

I just changed it like the below -



I am just trying to figure out how to make the alt mod work better sometimes it doesnt go off so i just press the button

In the variables sometimes doesnt work so good if you have mod and 3 lines. Ive noticed it wont use the mod as fast as you want it.
I have a mousebutton i keybind if i want to cast Sheilun by myself.


Here is what i came up with. I took it to a whole lazy level. I took out Faeline Stomp as I have always hated it esp with high mobility groups and the mana cost. Focusing more on Renewing Mist and Essence Font. All credit goes to Borland though as his macro made way for this.

Note* I have only been spamming 11s and only have 2p atm.

see below

Sweet, going to test this changes you made tonight. I manage to do 15 dungs with my macro and by changing so i manually do Sheilun was much better output. I have 454 ilevel with 2 set. Will be interesting with your changes.
Best regards

Hi. I have now tested in a 13 Everbloom but it felt wierd for me when not having my belowed Faeline Stomp :slight_smile:
But i managed to heal the dung without probs but i was having mana issues and i think its because Essence Font is popping of very much and its mana expensive.
Will try this more and see if it gets better with better gear because my gear is not that good and stats are really not the best.
Best reagards

yea it is a bit more mana hungry but I think the HPS output is a bit better. I also reworked a couple talents to go along with RM and EF since they are the main sources of healing.




This macro contains 1 macro template. This Sequence was exported from GSE 3.1.51.


Hi @Xero_the_Clown
There is a faulty thing in Macro. In the variable there is still Faeline Stomp and you dont have that in your talents and this will cause your variable not to work properly. Remove Faeline Stomp and change to cast instead of castsequence and it should be all good.

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typically GSE just ignores unlearned skills, i have them in some other macros i made for when swapping between specs etc.

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Borland1891: Thank you for the macro! I pulled my monk out of retirement and starting using this Macro… He’s only at 454 (after 1 week) and he’s able to pull 11’s with ease so far.

Thank you!

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Your welcome :slight_smile: Nice to hear it still works fine. Havent played monk for a couple of weeks now :slight_smile:
Best regards

Anyway to get this to have a modifier in the macro on “alt” to draw the second mouseover heal macro ?
Using AHK so run automated script and obv holding down alt doesnt run the second macro

When you spam macro what key you using? For me i have key 1.
Then i make a keybinding of ALT1 on your bar and put the heal macro in that bar. This will make the hael macro to pop when you hold ALT button and when release your macro continues to spam.

mouse key :slight_smile: Great macro thanks !

This one wsa not good… eat mana like hell

Thats also what was mentioned in the text. But i tested it and it is very strong but eats mana but managing the mana tea good you get pass the fights and just drink between fights :slight_smile:
/Best regards