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Updated the main macro.

Alright so I’ve been working on improving the macro since mythic + came out and this is what I have so far.
Updated the macro to include the Kyrian ability. I’m also using Stormstouts Last Keg legendary, running around 2.5-3k dps with 99% shuffle uptime and 90% Rushing Jade Wind uptime

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Alright friends, another update. This one has my Weapons of Order Kyrian ability. I’m able to run 10’s just fine.

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Macro is still working exactly as I want it to.

Havent really been pushing keys all that much, mostly been helping friends but I think its quite alright!

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What speed do you run this at?

Silly question (probably!) but how do you use either version 1 or version 2? I’m probably going to kick myself as its probably really obvious, but I can’t see how to do it! :stuck_out_tongue:

I run this at 70ms, My game tends to act up any lower than that. But thats because my PC sucks. You could get away with it running at 50ms.

The Default macro is 1
PVP uses version 2
Arenas use version 2

it auto swaps between the two.

1k+ io
Heroic Parses & 10/10 H
Mythic Parses & 2/10 M

Is this the most updated version that you have? any updates coming out soon!??!

I havent made any updates to the macro, but I am now 3/10 mythic and I got Keystone Master.

i was looking at your logs and your keg smash is on point but your Black out kick is always around 60-70% any way to improve that

So im getting good parses with your macro but question why did you stack crit?

you stack it for the celestial fortune passive

@AbortedShadow any way to make it cast tiger palm a hair more, i notice many times that it will set at 100 energy for a few seconds i have 0% hast

Look at this 100% parse here

Similar uptime on blackout kick.

And this one

I use Tiger Palm myself when everything else is on cooldown, otherwise it will spam tiger palm and you’ll have zero energy, or it will cast tiger palm over every other higher priority ability.

I tested multiple iterations, and ended up with a really high Tiger Palm usage, low energy and it decreased my overall DPS because I was energy starved, so I use Tiger Palm at max energy as needed (Spinning Crane Kick works as well)

I stack crit because it parses slightly higher for DPS in single target fights for me, and it increases the overall healing I receive in raids because I am my guild’s main tank.

do you recommend just spamming the macro button as fast as you humanly can?

also i added expel harm at the end of main sequence you think that is fine or would hinder performance to much?