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Expel harm uses energy. Its good to use as a filler ability or when you need to heal, but using it on cooldown wouldn’t be something I would recommend.

A personal recommendation for using the macro would be to bind the key to mousewheel up and down, and just scroll with your mouse. Or use a keypress macro at 50ms

Added Blackout kick to the keypress section in an attempt to get it to fire more on cooldown.

how did it perform after the change to the black out kick placement? @AbortedShadow

Its hard to say because in a raid or dungeon, you have different assignments to take care of at any given point, but I havent noticed it off CD since the change, but it was firing fine before, so more is better.

Can confirm more blackout kicks are going off. Running smoother as well, I took out tiger palm completely from the macro for raid.

Does that mean you’re using Tiger Palm manually?

Yes. Even for higher keys now.

Just finished an 18.

When do you manually do Tiger Palm? ON Cooldown?

When everything else is on cooldown (Blackout Kick, Keg Smash, and Breath of Fire) , I have more than 50 energy, and there are 3 or less targets around me I use tiger palm. If there are 3 or more, I use Spinning Crane Kick

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So your purifying Brew is also on Manual use. Do you use it at 50% stagger? I am new to Brewmaster so I dont know the best times to use it.

For purifying brew, you want to use it right after you take damage, or right before you cap out at 2 stacks.

The more you use purifying brew, the bigger your celestial brew will be.

You never want to have it reach 2 stacks, or else youre wasting it, so using the first charge as soon as you take damage is what I do.

Hey AbortedShadow, did you happen to update the original post after the blackout kick and tiger palm changes? Everytime I copy it over, the macros still have Tiger Palm included instead of on manual. Thanks.

I’ll re copy/paste it the way I currently have it.

I pasted it over again. I’ve also been using Hekili to help remind me when to tiger palm.

How is the new macro as compared to the older version? I’m parsed 90 and 91 in mythic CN with the older version. But if this one is better ill switch to this one.

It doesn’t cast Tiger Palm, but it uses your priority much better. I prefer it this way, since I can tiger palm in between cooldowns.

I’ve got all purple parses in mythic, up to council now, gold parses in heroic. I’d say this is my favorite macro by far.

Haven’t updated this since, but its worked flawlessly. I’ve gotten to 1600 io as well.

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I have tank anxiety super bad, but this macro has been absolutely killer for torghast and questing.
Well done man!
Have you been playing anything else lately or just monk?
Also saw you had a few parses as MW too, are you using a macro for that as well?
Thanks for the macro!

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I do have a macro for Holy Paladin, Mistweaver and Disc Priest. I’ll be uploading my MW macro on next reset once I’m done tweaking it.

Looking forward to try it out m8 your brew rocks :slight_smile:

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Any update on the ww macro? :slight_smile: