Marv'sBM V2 - barbed shot always in 3 stacks

All in one version


AoE version


Single Target version


this is a comparison of dps in a mythic+ scenario.
2 Hunters, a BM and an MM both same ilvl
Sem tĂ­tulo

For it to work well for you, I ask you to follow these steps:
1- Niya Soulbind
2- Use the Bloodletting and Spirit Attunement conduits

hello everyone, I come to present you version 2 of my macro ( WELL IMPROVED )
1 - for AOE hold LALT ( in All in one version )
2 - hold LSHIFT to activate the legendary ( Memory of the Soulforge Embers )
3 - pact skills, aspect of the wild I use manually
4 - Try to keep the clicks at 11 clicks per second
5 - Have fun :smiley:

This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.6.41.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Priority

Pre Macro: Disparo Farpado, Comando para Matar, Ira Bestial, Tiro Firme, Tiro MĂşltiplo

KeyPress: Reviver Ajudante, Redirecionar, Tiro Firme, Armadilha de Piche, Chamar Ajudante 1, Sinalizador

Main Sequence: Tiro Mortal, Disparo Farpado, Comando para Matar, Ira Bestial


hi could you make a separate aoe aversion please thanks

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thanks for comment, i just did it

Awesome macro, best one i ever tried <3
I would love too see a Multi target macro with multishot pls

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hey Christian, I just made a separate version for multi targets

Love u <3 do u use this with 10ms too?

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yes, I always do my macros with 10ms <3

your aoe macro does not auto translate into english/german^^ i need too seach all spells in german.
Your ST macro does translate all spells.

unfortunately I think this is a GSE problem :confused:

No problem, just spend 5 mins of time. Looking for all spells in google and tanslate it :slight_smile:

Hm i dont know why but the ST macro is caped on focus and wont use cobrashot. The All in one macro do use it well.

hello the macro aoe but it seems to me it uses little multiple shooting is a copy of the singol macro I notice it goes little aoe or am I wrong?

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is correct, if there is a mult-shot spam you end up losing a lot of focus, you should only use the mult-shot every 4 seconds

All in one macro runs just perfect, but the ST macro all ways Max Focus because it dont use cobrashoot when killcommand is on cd.

hey christian, try to delete your ST version and re-import please :smiley:

Running at 10ms generally isn’t recommended, nor is there any benefit in doing so. You’re basically cycling through the spells 100 times a second, which leaves your rotation up to pure chance to what spell it casts.

This is also far faster than what a human is capable of doing, at least with 100ms+ you’re doing 10 times a second or less.

Edit: and also since I just got banned for AHK while being above 100ms I highly recommend no one uses this at 10ms.


This is still bullshit, using most macros with 0-10ms over 2 years now, still no ban…

what are your talent? plz @James1
and does this depend on your haste whats your i lvl and haste?

This doesn’t mean other people should take that risk.

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So u just used an other bot programm or u used the stygia exploit? There are multiple blue posts, legit the GM said AHK isnt agsinst the TOS…

Look at this, there are the blue posts. Seems a bit old but there is your answer u are looking for.