MM Hunter 7.2.5 - Lone Wolf "One Size Fits All"

will we have any update for 7.3 o just keep using this one?

Hi all sorry for my absence I took a WoW break and managed to mess up my Lazymacros login. I’m back now. I have been using this same macro in game in 7.3 with no issues. I will do an update though as I have started using a second, pet version for general questing. Argus is good at adding extra agro and not having a pet can be troublesome. Bare with me and I’l get back on it.

Sadly the higher the iLvL the more noticeable the DPS gap between Manual and Macro. I am planning to review it.

[quote quote=52416]Hi Neon, I uase your macro for a long time, it performs very well. Thanks a lot. I’m running with 36% Crit, 20% Mastery and 22% Haste. There’s a few questions about the macro. 1. It performs better when there’s adds. I can do 1.2M to 1.5M for average in this situation. But when it gets to single target, I can only do 800K to 900K. Is there anyway to improve the single target? 2. Most of my friends use the 13X3133 talent, is there any chance you can help to do a macro for that talent? Again, thanks a lot for your macro.

Yeah this macro is based around general use not maximising single target DPS. I’l see what I can do. Give me a week, I’ve got a lot going on IRL.

This macro is just like my old one, got a question why are you not using !Marked Shot so it is shot immediately when it comes up ? It will make that rotation a lot more dps :slight_smile:

[quote quote=53152]This macro is just like my old one, got a question why are you not using !Marked Shot so it is shot immediately when it comes up ? It will make that rotation a lot more dps ???

I was lead to believe that ! has no function in GSE2

[quote quote=53198]

This macro is just like my old one, got a question why are you not using !Marked Shot so it is shot immediately when it comes up ? It will make that rotation a lot more dps ???

I was lead to believe that ! has no function in GSE2 [/quote] It still functions making it first to go off before anything BUT you cant have but one on a macro

will you be creating a sidewinders macro or just a plain MM different specs macro?

[quote quote=53207]

This macro is just like my old one, got a question why are you not using !Marked Shot so it is shot immediately when it comes up ? It will make that rotation a lot more dps ???

I was lead to believe that ! has no function in GSE2
It still functions making it first to go off before anything BUT you cant have but one on a macro [/quote]

I added it to the macro and haven’t noticed any difference, but if you say so I believe you.

will you be creating a sidewinders macro or just a plain MM different specs macro?

I’ll try look into your request tomorrow. Hopefully I will have time. I’ve always found the single target DPS to be perfectly acceptable but then again I am not using it for progression raiding so I don’t expect miracles.

Hi Neon,
Did you create the new macro for the talent 13X3133?

[quote quote=53875]Hi Neon, Did you create the new macro for the talent 13X3133?

I’ve just spent a few hours on this and no matter what I do I can’t get good numbers using your talent choices (or similar). It goes through the SIM at 989k DPS but 6min on raiders dummy gives 744k. This is because without Sidewinders, Arcane Shot no longer has a CD so can’t be used in a priority macro along side Aimed Shot. I have tried lots of different castsequence macros but you miss out on lots of proccs. I am still trying though because it is better single target DPS but only slightly. Bare with me. I am now overhauling my macro for 7.3. So should have this thread up to date soon.

[quote quote=54050]

Hi Neon, Did you create the new macro for the talent 13X3133?

I’ve just spent a few hours on this and no matter what I do I can’t get good numbers using your talent choices (or similar). It goes through the SIM at 989k DPS but 6min on raiders dummy gives 744k. This is because without Sidewinders, Arcane Shot no longer has a CD so can’t be used in a priority macro along side Aimed Shot. I have tried lots of different castsequence macros but you miss out on lots of proccs. I am still trying though because it is better single target DPS but only slightly. Bare with me. I am now overhauling my macro for 7.3. So should have this thread up to date soon. [/quote]

Done it, far from optimal DPS according to the SIM but I wasn’t able to do better manually so here we go.

Sequences['MMST+_+Neon7.3'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.1.07.
  Talents = "13X3133",
  Helplink = "",
  Help = [[7.3 Single target MAX. As requested by Apollomars. For multi-target hold down SHIFT. ALT fires Binding Shot at your cursor location. Automatically Misdirects to your focused target.]],
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Priority",
        "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
        "/cast [target=focus, exists, nodead] Misdirection",
        "/cast [mod:alt, @cursor] Binding Shot",
        "/cast [combat] Trueshot",
        "/cast !Marked Shot",
        "/cast Windburst",
        "/castsequence [nomod] Arcane Shot, Aimed Shot, Aimed Shot, Arcane Shot, Arcane Shot, Arcane Shot",
        "/castsequence [mod:shift] Multi-Shot, Multi-Shot, Multi-Shot, Aimed Shot, Aimed Shot",

I need to run this. I need to see how it does with the tier set bonus of 2x aimed shots together.

It doesn’t look like the macro does that.

PS Tried it - it doesn’t produce the numbers for me. So back to modding. Thanks for trying though. I get the Vulnerability but not the aimed Shot at the right time.

You just gave me a lightbulb moment. The key is restricting Aimed Shot to vulnerability. I just ran this macro and thought it was messing up, then I looked at the damage meter! Definite progress!

Sequences['MSTtest+_+Neon7.3'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.1.07.
  Talents = "13X3133",
  Helplink = "",
  Help = [[7.3 Single Target only. Testing in progress.]],
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Priority",
        "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
        "/cast [target=focus, exists, nodead] Misdirection",
        "/cast [mod:alt, @cursor] Binding Shot",
        "/cast [combat] Trueshot",
        "/castsequence Marked Shot, Aimed Shot, Aimed Shot",
        "/cast Windburst",
        "/cast Arcane Shot",

looks promising, let us know when you have it finalized for testing and 7.3 neon.

I’ll play around with it also. I need to get the aimed shot at 50% of vulnerable and arcane or/and muli-shot to build up focus before as the macro doesn’t produce the goods if we’re focus starved.

Currently it is refrezhibg vuln too soon so boNus DPS doesn’t get over 70%. At present my BM spec out performs this macro

Hi Neon,
I’ve tested both of the two macros, the newest one performs better. When I do 200M damage test, the DPS can be 90K-95K. But there might be some small problem of the castsequences. When you release the Marked shot, the aimed shot shouldn’t be released immediately. Normally when I do DPS manuanlly, I’ll cast the Aimed shot in the last 4 seconds of the Vulnerable. In this macro, it won’t finsh casting two aimed shot in the last 4 seconds for most of the time. I think this is the reason that we can‘t increase the DPS.
I try to put two Arcane shot between Marked shot and Aimed shot, but I don’t know why the macro doesn’t work properly as I designed.
Again, thanks for your help to make the new macro.

I ran my first 2 tests of this, both about 5 minutes each.

I found I had higher dps by about 20k using piercing shot versus trick shot. Also noticed, that since i have the Soul of the Huntmaster ring (Grants Lock-N-Load) there were plenty of times Aimed shot wasn’t casting and I was focus capped for a period of time.

First tweak I’d suggest is adding a modifier to cast aimed shot. In your keypress box, add this
/cast [mod:shift] Aimed Shot

That will help with focus capping and also provide a bit more control over casting aimed shot when vulnerable is still active.

Build is 1,1&3,1,3,1,3,2

Hi Parrot,
What’s the DPS you made with your macro? Could you please share the full macro if possible? Thanks

New thread for 7.3