MM Hunter 7.2.5 - Lone Wolf "One Size Fits All"

It seems to be fine now. I was a massive fan of AMoC until i had to switch to adds in boss fights and realised to buff didn’t reset…large loss of DPS in raids. Velley is much more forgiving as Barrage overpulled and held with Hunter Ninja pulls (i was blamed even if it wasn’t me) but volley is good. I’d forgetten the click on volley to toggle on. Thanks.

PS guys remember - you are only allowed 18 macros per character. Caught me out last night until i understood the message. You can’t import and create a GSE2 macro unless you have space in your list of macros.

Hope you dont mind me posting this on your excellent thread Neon, this lets you to hit an alt key key with no hang ups on AHK usue Numpad1 and Numpad2 but a wee look at thae script its easy adapated. Good work fella

#ifWinActive World of Warcraft
if not GetKeyState(“Numpad1”, “P”)
if GetKeyState(“LCtrl”, “P”)
Send ^1
else if GetKeyState(“LShift”, “P”)
Send +1
else if GetKeyState(“LAlt”, “P”)
Send !1
Send {Numpad1}
sleep 100
if not GetKeyState(“Numpad2”, “P”)
if GetKeyState(“LCtrl”, “P”)
Send ^2
else if GetKeyState(“LShift”, “P”)
Send +2
else if GetKeyState(“LAlt”, “P”)
Send !2

Send {Numpad2}
sleep 100

Missed this bit from the end sorry

Nice thanks

I have 890 gear, I have no clue what I might be doing wrong.
I was pulling roughly 450- 600

[quote quote=50411]
I have 890 gear, I have no clue what I might be doing wrong. I was pulling roughly 450- 600

you died for one thing

I took the screen shot as soon as I died

Still Cant figure why my dps is so low, macro was the best I have used.

[quote quote=50885]Still Cant figure why my dps is so low, macro was the best I have used.

There are a number of reasons why you don’t reach a higher level of DPS

  1. what’s your focus…the Aimed shot will not be cast if you are focus starved, would ‘Steady Focus’ be a better option than ‘Lone Wolf’? this will lose your 18% added damage, but with a damage pet and the added focus - that may be the same level.
  2. Are you moving around a lot? Aimed shot can’t be cast on the move. so your DPS can drop.
  3. Your Haste may be low, so your Aimed shot may miss the Vulnerability proc?
  4. have you got the right Mastery level? Mine is 27% Mastery and 25% Crit. My haste is only 10% and I think it’s too low
  5. do you use sidewinder? are you selecting the rearmost target so all get hit on it’s route?

I’m now 905 but I find that with Trueshot and as many procs as I get at the start my DPS is around 2million+, but drops to 700k after that. The above points are what I look for with my hunter.

I’ve written a second macro I use on Vulnerability procs that is: -
/castsequence Aimed Shot, Aimed Shot, Aimed Shot
/castsequence Aimed Shot, Aimed Shot, Aimed Shot

I use that when I want to force multiple Aimed Shots (due to Vulnerability and also 2 set bonus from ToS)

My Crit is at 22, Mastery is at 22 and haste is at 9. My focus is at 130

[quote quote=50976]My Crit is at 22, Mastery is at 22 and haste is at 9. My focus is at 130

The main point was what was your focus and regen like. Are you constantly lower than 50 focus during a fight? if so, then some aimed shots would not be used as you were focus starved during the fight. If you are around 70+ then it’s not that’s the issue. Hence the Lone Wolf vs Steady Focus…aimed shot and Multi-shot give back focus (6 for AS and 3 per target hit with Multi-Shot. Sidewinder also stimulates Focus regen.

Base point - no focus - not aimed shot CAN = lower DPS

I’ve been using this for the last 24hrs with promising results. DPS went through the roof after dropping pet (first time in 10 years). There may be tweaks to be had.

Anyone have any actual logs using this macro? Would be interested to see the comparison to the BM logs.

guys , if i remove trueshot from the macro will it break it in any way ? popping it for trash and having it off CD for bosses is doing my tatties in haha

I think I got it fixed. got my crit at 21, haste at 17 and mastery around 20 need to get them higher.

[quote quote=51122]I think I got it fixed. got my crit at 21, haste at 17 and mastery around 20 need to get them higher.

At 905 iM running with 32% Crit, 26% Mastery and 13% Haste, and I need to work on those also.

Hi Neon, I uase your macro for a long time, it performs very well. Thanks a lot. I’m running with 36% Crit, 20% Mastery and 22% Haste. There’s a few questions about the macro.

  1. It performs better when there’s adds. I can do 1.2M to 1.5M for average in this situation. But when it gets to single target, I can only do 800K to 900K. Is there anyway to improve the single target?
  2. Most of my friends use the 13X3133 talent, is there any chance you can help to do a macro for that talent?
    Again, thanks a lot for your macro.

Any Update on this macro, at 913 Ilvl seems to be kill dps by about 100-200k from manual operation.