MMA Deathknight UH DPS Raid 12.02.21

Hi, you need to switch the macros once you are done.

Hi, any skill that is not learned yet will be skipped to it should work with levelling

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Hi, yes made a test in raid and it worked very well, had high parses with it.

HI, you can use synapse to create a macro with 100 ms delay. There is guide in the forum/discord for this.

Maybe I am completely dumb. I have use GSE for a very long time as a DH and now I started playing DK. My ilvl is 200 and I use your talents and recommended MS settings for the macro.

I can only do 2K DPS… sustained. Single target.

Is this the range I should be? Because I feel like I should be doing way more.

Please let me know.

My server LAT is 137 (AVG) I set the AHK to 160, 180, 200 to make up for the Server LAT but they are all the same result.

Can somebody please let me what I am doing wrong.

Thank you.

Sounds strange, have you tested other macros?

I just tested Izzerri unholy macro and switched my skills around. I stay at 3.2K DPS for 8 mins.

It is indeed strange…

What DPS do you normally get AVG on single target?

Mine you the AOE(raid) one you have within the set bursts me up to 13K.

However, the single no-CD(raid){expected}… below 2K the single with CDs… same 2K.

Your mma-M+ has me AVG 3.2K for 8 mins

i suspect you are using the wrong talents.

someone did this opener macro? XDXD @mattac1980 @mma

Im working on it myself. Just having issues with apocalypse going off. It sometimes doesnt go off for some reason. Will post it if i ever get it to work properly

Also guys, i have found that the Harbinger of Doom talent does the most damage in raids. Raidbots recommended talents dont seem to translate very well in alot of these fights that have doubled down on AOE mechanics this xpac. We are moving too much for Soul Reaper to be affective. It also makes the build much smoother with the only modifier really needed is for Apocalypse. This is with BIS legendary Deadliest coil equipped.

Hi, if you are working on a own macro, please consider to publish this in a seperate thread.

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hey there, ive been using your macro pretty much since the start of SL and really like it. but at some point he either runs dry of resources by just spamming Scourge Strike (sometimes taking minutes before a Festering Strike is being cast so hardly any uptime of Festering Wound making it impossible to use Apocalypse on 4 Wounds) or my character has 5 runes ready and he just stands there auto attacking. ive tried changing the inner loop, the step function, the MS (went from as fast as 30 to as slow as 170MS at a steady 15 latency) but still either of the 2 problems keep happening. what can i do to change this?

HI, my macro is not using a loop limit and ttested with 100ms. When you change something it could create issues. For apocalypse you need to use festering strike manually and not wait until you got 4 wounds.

thank you for your response

i know there isnt a loop limit but i had hoped adding one would solve the problems im facing. ive also ran it at 100ms and i still run into the problem of running dry or not doing anything at all.

You could also try out priority and set Festering higher then Scourge Strike

First, I want to say, great macro, works well for me, I appreciate the work you have put in. Question: Why is this set to random instead of sequential or priority? Just curious if there is a reason

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I really love this macro, it has helped me so much. I have made a few modifications to my tastes. Would you be willing to check out tab 2? Same specs and I open. 4 seconds to pull Army of Darkness > festering > festering > Apox > Macro > When capped RP capped or no Runes and over 35 RP Death Strike or Coil



Talents: 2333321

This macro contains 2 macro versions. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.6.37.

  • The Default macro is 1

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Sequential

KeyPress: Raise Dead, Outbreak, Apocalypse, Death Coil

Main Sequence: Death Coil, Rune Strike, Dark Transformation, Shackle the Unworthy, Scourge Strike

Macro Version 2

Step Function: Sequential

KeyPress: Raise Dead, Outbreak, Apocalypse, Death Coil

Main Sequence: Death Coil, Rune Strike, Dark Transformation, Shackle the Unworthy, Scourge Strike

i tried this aswell, but didnt help.

Was also curious as to if this was internationally set to random or was it a mistake? My dps seems to have fallen off again. I feel like maybe something is buggy with GSE and its not the macro. I know there is a bug where apocalypse wont cast inside of GSE unless its on a modified for some reason.