MoeArms - Arms GSE Macro - Shadowlands - Aoe included - Venthyr - signet - pve

Hi Here is my arms gse macro. Tell me what you think!



Talents: 2113323

This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.6.36.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Priority

Pre Macro: Charge, Blood Fury

KeyPress: Charge, Blood Fury

Main Sequence: Sweeping Strikes, Cleave, Colossus Smash, Execute, Whirlwind, Heroic Throw, Overpower, Slam, Victory Rush, Ignore Pain, Mortal Strike, Bladestorm, Avatar

KeyRelease: Charge, Blood Fury

Post Macro: Charge, Blood Fury

Info: I have been parsing 99’s in warcraft logs so it works pretty well.


How to set up:

  • Get the signet legendary
  • Be Venthyr
  • Remove blood rage if not an orc
  • Remove heroic throw if you don’t want that
  • Target an enemy
  • Spam the macro very fast (5ms)
  • Hold Shift for AOE
  • Set up the rest of your abilities: Here is a picture of my bars:
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Thanks for making the effort, but this addon locks up and skills just aren’t being fired off. What AHK speed are you using? 70ms… 50ms?

like 15ms XD - I updated the macro should be okay now if you want to try it.
It actually doesn’t do that great dps when using test of might but without that trait it should be decent

Anymore updates with this ?

I’m going to be making a better one soon

Please be asap please

I have updated this post please try it out

seems pretty good gonna try it in raid tomorrow - i added a few more slams and mortal strikes they werent firing as often as i thought they should but that might be diff in actual raid - target dummy seems bad to test on with condemn firing all the time, seems pretty good at 80-100ms

for execute and +80% youre just letting this rip or do you have execute phases set up diff?

I’ve tested it and the guide is wrong you are not meant to mortal strike in execute phase - only condem so it is good for me

Here our my parses (using the macro) for some validation

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yea i made a modified opener and execute macro that doesnt spam mortal strike, but if youre just using the one macro ill give that a shot

Skills keeps locking up and not doing any damage for some reason ?

What AHK spam speed?

5ms :slight_smile: I need 20 characters for this post

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Make sure you have the same talents as I do and that is is spammed incredibly fast

Why do we need to copy your abilities on the bars?

can u share the entire page of ur armory? cause from this screen we can’t see the name on character, could me anyone :slight_smile:

you don’t I am just giving my layout as a guide to help

My character is moejoe on EU draenor

Can your recommend a good AHK script to run with this macro? thanks in advance