Moon's Devestation M+ Macro

Hi All

Here is my take on the incomplete Devestation Evoker, please read everything below, the class is not ready for anything really. Blizzard still has a lot of work ahead of them for this class. The entire empowerment system is garbage.

I don’t know if I’ll be leveling this toon anytime soon.

v1 - First Creation
v1.1 - Changed talent code
v1.2 - Added Azure Strike to ALT

Talent Code - Only works in the prepatch.


GSE Code


Keeping Buttons off Macros
Due to the new empowerment system, it’s best to have Fire Breath and Eternity Surge on seperate buttons until this can be figured out. I have my macro set to the 1 slot, Fire Breath on 2, and Eternity Surge on 3. It sucks we have to do this for now, but it has to be done otherwise the macro (and I’ve tested others) won’t do a full empowerment.

Understanding the Incomplete Class
Currently, Devisistation is an incomplete class, there are many issues with the class, on top of that the damage is terrible. For single target, its not bad, but AOE is pure trash.

For AOE, you want to use Fire Breath, and Eternity Surge, its not needed for single target. You also want to use Pyre instead of Disintegrate, but and let me preface this, Pyre does almost no damage. This is due becuase of Scintilliation only works with Disintergrate and not Pyre.

Also before critizing, there are many on the WoW Forums and Reddit who have said the exact same thing, the class needs a lot of work, and really isn’t ready for the mythic or raiding environment.

Explanation of Talents
For M+ at 70, there are basically two central builds that everybody will be working on this will be either the Feed the Flames build or the Everburning Flame build.

The Feed the Flames build is better for us macro creators and users, as it does not utilize the empowerment charge system. Currently, in beta, the empowerment system does not work with macros, and you can not use commands like @cursor, or @player in these empowered macros.

Another current issue is when you do create a macro code for Fire Breath it seems to only cast the highest rank and not the lowest rank. In general, the lowest rank does more damage, because it has a shorter duration. This is similar to Feral Druid’s Primal Wrath ability, where you want to cast it because it does a good amount of upfront damage, and a modified Rip over time.

Another to note is that in empowering spells, you can not move while the cast is being empowered. This makes another reason to only use the first level of empowerment and not the higher level ranks.


  • Use Dragonrage on CD
  • Use Fire Breath on CD - For now keeping level 1 will have to do until Blizzard has figured out empowerment for macro writers.
  • Cast Shattering Star
  • Cast Eternity Surge on CD
  • Channel Disintegrate for Single Target, and cast Pyre on AOE
  • Use Living Flame for Single Target and Azure Strike for AOE

The rotation is actually more complicated but it’s very similar to many classes that have a dedicated single target rotation and a dedicated AOE rotation.

I’ll update this post more over the course of the week, I plan on being 60 by the end of the week.


Well I got a macro working, but empowered spells don’t work in a macro. They will cast but they won’t release instead they stop casting right at the end. I’m not sure how that is supposed to be fixed, but until that is fixed, Devestation can’t be macroed.

@TimothyLuke any idea on how GSE can work with empowerment spells?

Why not just post the macro and we can see what can be done. Always can cast the empowered manually

That’s the issue, by default, Blizzard doesn’t want you to cast a Level 1, instead to get the damage you have to cast a Level 4. This was changed because Level 3 in beta was longer time but less damage, now it’s reversed, Level 4 does x damage over 6 seconds. So it forces you to cast the longer empowerment without moving.

I’m trying out some ways to see how this will work but from what I see, there is no API for this.

The empowered ability will go off regardless if user cast it manually. I’d still love to se the macro regardless. Maybe another user will figure something out with it to

I’ll post it soon, the main thing, is if you use hardware emulation, at the end of the cast it won’t cast the spell. Interesting because Deep Breath is the same mechanic as Fire Breath, yet it works fine in the macro but Fire Breath doesn’t work. It might need to be written in a variables area to make it work.

AOE macro is different and the one I had on beta that I made mostly works, just need to work on Fire Breath type. I should have something in the next few hours.

Ok I posted my macro, if anybody wants to take a crack at it. I can’t seem to get the empowerment spells to fully cast, they break after level 2 or 3, and not staying fully charged until rank 4 which is when the damage goes WAY up.

Says, unable to import.

@Moonsorow Says unable to import

Dunno, I exported it as GSE 3118.

@Moonsorow I am also on GSE 3.1.18, but unable to import. Could you please check?

3119 is the latest on curse

Same as everyone else, unable to import

Also unable to import
Talent code worked fine

Ok here is the code direct from GSE. I have no idea why it’s not importing


@Moonsorow that works!

it imported but nothing will cast! All other class macros work fine! i have to be missing something

Same problem with the no casting

@Moonsorow so it imports, but just as social said, it won’t cast anything. I just updated to 3.1.19 on gSE

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I have no clue why its not working. I had an issue like that before you might need to change your setting to tap to cast or something instead of the new default hold to cast.