I meant absolutely no disrespect from what I said. I too tried what they suggested in that LUA error thread and found what I had stated to be my personal problem. I have no issue with the macro now and enjoy it and def appreciate the work. Was just trying to be helpful with what worked in my personal case.
My 424 DK with no tier set can pump about 40k My friends 502 ilvl DK with 2-set can barely scratch 100k
We are stumbeled about the performance diffrence compared to ilvl diffrence
Simmed his char and it should manage 230k’ish so somethings are not adding up on his character beyond what we can figure out
I’ve looked over this macro set, and I gotta say I love how you’ve made it into 2 parts, yet only need to use the rotation one. I’m gonna try and gear my little furball up and get the tier pices, just to annoy my friend with my anclebiter of a furball doing more than him :3
how you manage with the cooldowns?
@Doctorpin you need to have both template/macros created, and just use the rotation, it will then use the cool down template when they are available is the simplest way i can break it down. with all due respect
ok thanks , I will check and let you know
regarding the bugsack error…
i noticed you have reanimation pvp in ur talents, i tried to activate that one then disable block with soulreaper (1.10) in main macro and in CD macro: disable block 1.3 summon gargoyle , 1.10 arcane torrent( panda dk) , 1.11 soul reaper and 1.12 Vile contagion
but still that bug pops right at the start of the macro. looked into the debugger, but didnt see anything there either.
I believe Soul Reaper is in the Cool Down Macro/Template, I do a lot of PvP and a ton of build changes depending on the comp i am up against, for the template i posted i removed or disabled the chains of ice otherwise it should fire off as intended.
My Current build i normally run are pretty much 2 below and they both work well for me.
@ Pitbullberg First, i guess i should have taken a look 2 days ago and answered your post, but to be honest i have been messing around in the Panda Remix, using the same Template/Macro i have posted, and it is working as intended. as far as your modifications of the Macro/Template i honestly don’t have a answer for, i guess you could say it’s like driving a used car off the lot, once it’s on the road your warranty expired.
But i play multiple Death Knights, and use the same macro on pretty much all of them even the Remix and leveling with it, when the talent becomes available it seems to be firing off as intended as well.
this build i am currently running and seem to have a ton of good fortune with it along with the macros, make sure you have both the rotation and the cool down macros created, using the rotation on your click button and the cool down can pretty much stay in your macro library.
Reanimation PvP talent?
Actually we haven’t used reanimation for quiet some time, but again it is there in case it you decide to run with it along with soul reaper.
Current Build:
One more edit:
As i have pointed out, if my Macro’s don’t work for you please try other creator’s. They may fit your playstyle.
Good Macro’s I recommend are below.
Always Crypts: Still humming along: Crypts Unholy Hole - #102 by Enmity
My creation was modeled from Crypt’s Original.
Elfyau’s does outstanding: Elfyau's DF v1.2 Unholy Death Knight **Updated 15-April-24** - #26 by Sah_Quel_Plaisir
Oak’s does real well, i almost gave up and put my Macro to bed, but it just didn’t fit my play style: OAK Unholy Single Target & AOE NEW! Raid and M+ 3/8/24 - #26 by Itzzjuicy
Semper Fi Brother
holy cow this is the most broken macro i have ever used damage is insane nice job dude
Hey so Im’m super new to this whole macro thing, how do I put your macro in? I really want to try this thing out.
Edit: So I downloaded the GSE and have it all load up in the game, got you macros in. put the icons on the bars, but when I press them, its not doing anything. I’m guessing I’m doing something wrong?
Updated 04/21/2024
Please also use this macro with the PVE Macro they work together, but the only macro you need to press would be the PVE Rotation
Tested and Working as Intended
This macro contains 1 macro template. This Sequence was exported from GSE 3.1.67-PatronBuild.
I am not trying to be rude: Basically,
(1) you download GSE,
(2) In game /type GSE
(3) This opens up the program, select import.
come back here select the macro you want, paste it
into the import window.
(4) once it creates a button, pull that button down on your bar
(5) repeat the process for the next part of the template.
(6) pull the second template/macro to your bar.
(7) Once you have both macros/templates on your bars .
(8) select a target and press manually or with some sort of clicker about 150MS (Mileage may vary)
you need to press it more than one time, it will cycle through the spells and so on and so forth.
if you do not have a clicker then you may end up with sore finger tips.
(9) you need both macros created, they work together, you just need to click the rotation part
Things that can effect your dps, = item level, toons level, build selected, the macro should work no matter what template you are using for your build.
This Macro/Template works in remix as well, you can use it while leveling also
at this time there is no need to update the macro, it is working as intended. I am currently playing REMIX/BETA and will make changes as needed.
I did all of that but when I click the button it just goes to the next ability in the line but doesn’t actually perform it. Do I have to mess with the settings or something?
I thought that had been fixed, that was a big issue in this expansion.
First let me state, i know nothing about coding or writing or building GSE i still have a copy of GNOME heheh, i just put crap together till it does what i want. the reason for this statement there has been some chatter on the boards and complaints bout people saying things and stating things they have no clue about.
Now my solution as Hillbilly as it gets. Try this:
If the macro in your library has button 1 and isnt doing anything but cycling change it to 2 and then save it, make sure it is just that number.
If your macro has a 2 then change it to 1 and save.
there is a whole lot better solution where you can delete tabs and so on, like i said, i dont write scripts or programs i just squish things and make them work,
Hopefully this helps.
Timothy Luke is the person with all the technical and brain skill, i am just a Pipe-fitter who build nukes for a living
Quick question has anyone made one that works with the lego Axe yet or at least made an update to where the use part of the axe works within the macro so it doesn’t have to be on a button by itself just asking as I just got mine Monday night and got the quest line done yesterday and BTW Enmity Awesome job with this macro
You could either in the rotation macro/template or the cool down macro/template
click the box under (Sorry, wrong slot when i said Head) and see if that works, or you could make a burst macro/template and have it use the slot number.
i removed my burst macro mostly because i had to respond multiple times on which macro when where or how should you use so and so.
I do recall on "Discord* some comments about the /use and /click something or other. Again, i am not a professional programmer but i do try to help. You can ask in the discord i am sure someone will have a answer.
I have learned sometimes you can be too helpful, so i actually simplified the macro/templates to only have (2) needed, though in PvP i have a ton of different and what ifs that i use.
But the (2) posted i honestly use, i just have several others that i don’t post anymore.
I did find a article that may help with a break down, i dont know if it is current:
Here is a list of the item slot numbers for your character:
Head = 1
Neck = 2
Shoulders = 3
Body = 4 (shirt)
Chest = 5
Waist = 6
Legs = 7
Feet = 8
Wrist = 9
Hand = 10
Finger1 = 11
Finger2 = 12
Trinket1 = 13
Trinket2 = 14
Back = 15
Mainhand = 16
Offhand = 17
Tabard = 19
Here is a graphical explaination of your character’s item slot numbers:
Thank you so much for this and I’ll look at it when I go back into game here in a bit lol
Well Guys and Lady’s, as expected the templates wont work properly with the Pre-patch and the upcoming Expansion.
I appreciate everyone viewing and using my builds, I doubt seriously that the above will work for you, but, it it is, GREAT!
I wont be able to work on my builds and sequences until this weekend,
Once i figure out what works for me, i will gladly pass along my builds/sequences/macros (Pick your term)
Just from a few of the videos out there, i see a lot of resemblances to the old GNOME Sequencer several expansions back. where you typed in your spells and hoped they would hit as you clicked the bejeebus out of the button
man i wore out multiple mouses.
Again i thank you all for the many views and those who have used my original Frankenstein Monster.
Oak seems to have some really thoughtful input on how the new system works so don’t be afraid to use his work: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qkEHDCjp1P0