Mythic+ Prot for Mythic+ - v.3.6 (UPDATED 02/15/23)

Absolutely love the work you guys put into these macros you are an unsung hero my friend. I’m trying to grasp how to I guess read the macro in game. I use a controller for wow since I have a hard time with keyboard and mouse. I just have a question what is “weakauras” also I tried to use the 2.0 with revenge auto and I noticed it wasn’t being cast. Of course I’m probably doing something wrong :rofl:

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this is the site for weakauras. just so you can explore it. basically its a tool for certain things like Example: putting up a bar for telling who taunted or who interrupted, having a bar to know how long til a boss is going to cast a spell or ability. and other things, there is alot it does.


Finnished my 2nd week of m0 using this macro and 2.0 was amazing for it i swapped out pummel modifier for revenge so i could handle the procs. the ammount of thunderclaps its geting in with 2.0 is amazing too. iam never rage starved. you done a great job with this macro and i can finaly once again eat my food while tanking again ! 100 MS if anyone wonders

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I just came to say thank you to this macro is perfect.


Just made an adjustment on the Shield Charge - I removed it from the macro and only with manual action button, I think it hit at times I needed to give avoid or dodge.

Thanks lot @Orbalisk

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Love the macro and all the updates. I know you mentioned working on a Fury/Arms macro just checking in to see the status on those?


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I have been working on one but am not happy with the up time for deep wounds and rend. I’ve been working on gearing up for mythics and professions. I’ll hunker down and work on it more after the new year most likely.

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The revenge gets cast several times per minute, but not spammed so as to ensure rage exists for Ignore Pain and Shield Block, which are your two main mitigation buffs to keep up. Revenge applies some nice debuffs and has decent damage, but shouldn’t be constantly spammed as it does cost 20 rage that may be used for critical mitigation skills. As you can see from the chart below, Revenge casts consistently while still maintaining the important survival tools you’ll need in Mythic+/Raid. Sometimes Revenge will cast for free during the Revenge! aura window, other times it may not. You can bind revenge to another key and use the weakaura I included to see when the Revenge! aura is up and manually proc a hit for free also.

Bouderfist for a minute:


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Once again. One minute is not nearly enough time to know how a macro performs…

This is where I’m at so far with Arms PvP. Please test it out and let me know what you think.

Arms PvP 1.0 Beta


Usage Information

Ctrl: Wrecking Throw
Shift: Pummel
Alt: War Stomp

This macro contains 1 macro template. This Sequence was exported from GSE 3.1.22.


Checked out the Arms macro and seems like overpower wasn’t firing off as often as it should have. Let me know when you officially move this to the Arms tab so I can follow any updates.

Absolutely. Thank you.

I’ve uploaded the first version I’m comfortable with. I was successful in several 2v2, 3v3s and BGs with it, but I’m sure it could use some tweaking yet still.

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Thanks so much for the Arms macro I’ll test it out later today and give feedback.

how is the damage and uptime of thigns? warrior is more on offensive

Do you have a single target raid macro?

Can you share some logs or some dmg pics? Can this be used for single target?

@Orbalisk can this be for single target in raids as wel?

Yes. I only have on macro for PvE content.

How is the performance on single target? @Orbalisk