New hunter end game raid/plus

not my macro but you can try adding /stopcasting [mod:alt] before that line and see if that works. As long as those are instant casts. That might work. make sure you use it on the same mod of what you are wanting to cast.

is that instead of /castsequence
they are instant though

using your example add both of these lines.
/stopcasting [mod:alt]
/castsequence [mod:alt, @cursor, combat] Wild Spirits, Aspect of the Wild
so when you press alt it will stop all casting and then use your command. I am not sure if that will work. but worth a try. I would try it for you but I do not have this macro since I use my own . But worth a shot .

iā€™ll give that ago, i have changed this macro a bit to suit my style and that smy olny thign i need to fix now

That will stop any spells that are casting, but since most hunter spells are instant, they may still go off.

The best way to stop all other spells from going off is to make a separate macro with only that command.

But worth a shot.

Great macro thank you!

Is it possible to create a macro for the opener ?

Does anyone know this ?

Thank you

You can add 2 more block type action in to this macro and in 1st add

/use [@focus] Misdirection
/use Claw(Basic Attack)


/castsequence reset=combat/target Barbed Shot, Bestial Wrath, null

Dont start dps with this macro becosue you will open with besital wrath and this is dps lose you need to use your 2 charge of barbed before you use bestial and after that use 3rd barbed

Iā€™ll post one of my pluses just made with my macro to show how it runs considering that I could use the CDs even better ok referred to blood depths 16+

as you can see my macro that I use runs very well, and I donā€™t have any mythical plus gems in the gear plus trinket at least 1 wrong

Could you show a pic of your gear and stats?

is there any update to this with the tier pieces or is it still rocking?

still rocking but dont go below 250ms cause people have been getting banned

really when did that start?

they made this decision back in October.

i wouldnt call it realy rocking. For me at least it triggers Kill Command far to few to make it realy dependable to use with spitting cobra talent and the 2/4 piece set bonus

If you got some modifiactions for me to test to improve the uses of Kill Command that would be great but as it is i rather play manual ^^"

why use spitting cobra talent in the 1st place that sucks

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u are aware that beginning with the 2 Piece set spitting cobra gets worth is especially if you got the 4 piece

Itā€™s still not a viable Talent even if there was a 6, 8 or 10 piece Tier set. It shouldnā€™t be taken for Raid unless for some reason you sim higher with it than the other two choices.

Ok sorry there was a misunderstanding. I mistook spitting Cobra for killing Cobra to clear everything up. Sorry for the confusion.
Point standing is that it still casts to few Kill Commands for me to be worth picking Killer Cobra talent.
Any idea to improve this behaviour

and for science i did Sim the spitting cobra for fun and it is not that bad of a dps loss as i imagined with the loss of Trill of the hunt.

Not sure if anyone explained this to you properly. If you have some ā€œautomatedā€ feature like a logitech mouse with fancy buttons or a keyboard that has some features, you would want to set your macro at a specific amt of time to click the button. Most of these macros run at 250 ms. You can see for yourself what speed one is set at by going into GSE Edit the Macro you are looking at. Once in the edit screen across the bottom of the screen is an option button. On the first page you will see what the speed of the macro is set at. This does not mean you ā€œhaveā€ to run it at this, but it is the best one according to the writer of the macro.