Yes its intentional.
Its the core rotation as Wonka said above, you just manage Momentum Timer with Retreat & Rush and fire Eye Beam Yourself :slight_smile:

Also for Notice, I’m having a hiatus/break from WoW until S3 releases :slight_smile:

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Macro has been updated for 10.2!
Only M+ atm. I am still messing with things so it runs as best as it can so bare with me!

Changes made:
Glaive tempest & Ess Break are no more!

Fel Barrage is now in the Talents but it is fired with ALT!


As someone who just started out post Legion with DH. I truly appreciate your macro!

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Hi @NoobSlayer any reason why you havent included felblade into the macro?

I’ve always found that felblade, fel rush, and the hunt should be off macro.

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Better fired manually, You backing out of a swirly and holding your macro button because you might still be in the melee range and BOOM fel rush goes off, flies you into said swirly. Now you’re dead and your group hates you for doing a dumb thing xD

In Short, Any form of movement ability is better kept manual.

If The Hunt is available, i will start most fights with Retreat & then the hunt.
If Hunt is not available, then I fel rush in, let the macro fire immo aura, fire a couple abilities and then Retreat out & Fel Rush when inertia proc is on like 3-4s left :slight_smile:

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Guys, anyone who uses my macro, could you kindly let me and others know how you find it?
Is your dps looking nice? is it working/rotating good for you?
All this helps me :slight_smile:

I’ve been using it in M+ and getting at least 130k overall. Feels pretty good to me, but honestly haven’t compared it to any of the other current builds.

Whats your ilvl?

I’m a 441 ilvl dh, with id say8 90% bis from S2 and like 2 new pieces (wrist & cape) from s3 and im averaging between 170k-190k depending on the key

Talents show out of date, is it still wowhead build?

Yeah bro, Inertia M+ on wowhead :slight_smile:

I’ll update the strings later, i’ll run them by ugg and see if theres anything different :slight_smile:

mind showcasing your parses or raider.io?

Curious if you will be updating this to account for the nerfs coming in 10.2.5? With Fel Barrage getting nerfed for 12%, seems like all the guides are pointing to Essence Break builds as the future.

nerfs are out.
Ess break is back. Im updating, been busy with work.

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M+ updated.
No change to raid.

undate to talents cause it says out of date ?

try now, they in the macro itself anyway or you can just copy the picture… take off fel barrage and add ess break lol

got it fixed ty for replying

any chance u have a tanking one thats my main spec but it seems no one is active on maken those . ?
i would try maken my own but i’m 66 years old and just don’t have it in me now days

not for veng dh.
I just use nTx’s with a few changed modifiers.

8th January 2024