[nTx] Do you know the ZUG? [Level 70] [Warrior] [Fury] [Dragonflight]

Just deleted and reimported slam block is diabled on ST macro

Slam costs 20 rage

The rage dumper on ST is Rampage, that’s why Slam is disabled.

On mine it says slam generates 10 rage? am i missing something lol

Check the talents…


You’re on Annihilator build.

Updated all 3 macros.

Changes into the rotation to make it smoother. Specifically PVP.

Quick update, smooth. Enjoy!

The St version is a version for war arms

anyone have previous versions till he updates

Fixing it… gimme 1min

EDIT: Fixed, updated both and messed it up.

ST has 4 diff versions now

Did you replace the macro or deleted and imported again?

thought i deleted it and imported, thanks!

Love the macro!! 2 stupid questions coming in hot.
So you talk about 250ms, I’m stupid af, is this 4 clicks per second or whats optimal.
My thumbs are going numb after a few hours :smiley:

And for raid, I use the ST macro, and swap talents between Execute and Whirlwind.
Is the ST macro optimized for the execute build?

Well, I’ll start with the 2nd question, I updated the main thread with that string of Execute because it did excel on a raid with that talents but there’s no cleave on that talents so it will go numb for aoe, in that case (with that specific raid talents) whenever there’s aoe combat I press ST and AOE together. Otherwise, just go insane with mythic+ build.

About the MS, that’s a good question. The answer is that I put that into the main thread to avoid people make questions always, the target MS is calculated over your ISP Latency, Computer performance…etc… so… Try out 100, 150, 200, 250… even 300. The one that you see performs better, the one that fits into more GCDs used is your best setup.

Thanks for your feedback

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Is there a way to get an early Bloodthirst after the Charge to trigger Fresh Meat?

If u force something like bloodthirst it will always spam bloodthirst because the low cd and priority…so… no, Its not possible.

Hello NTX. First of all. Thank you very much. I’m having a blast using your macros. But when I try to import the fury PVE_RAID Talents (BcEAR5QSZgdnGefDo4ho9ZGXKDAkIJJRSSo0SSAAAAABRkoQAEJQiQSoJRIAhECAAAAAAAASCSSCIA) it says: “Error: The Loadout you are trying to import is for a different specialization.” What can i do to fix that?

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I messed it up, there u have the updated string. Gonna update it on main thread as soon as i can (edit limited till tomorrow)

Cleaned up posts as requested.

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I’ve unticked the auto use of trinkets and added them as mods, this might be handy for anyone who has trinkets with cast times or an AOE effect. This is my Macro Variable, it also allows me to fill a Bloodthirst to try proc enrage if it drops.

/cast [combat,mod:shift,nochanneling] Blooodthirst
/use [combat,mod:ctrl,nochanneling] 13
/use [combat,mod:ctrl,nochanneling] 14

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