Removing the alt should work. No clue why it wouldn’t.
@Vittruvian No clue. I do not use /script scriptname. I do not believe wow has the ability to run external scripts.
Removing the alt should work. No clue why it wouldn’t.
@Vittruvian No clue. I do not use /script scriptname. I do not believe wow has the ability to run external scripts.
how was that for you
hey buddy st macro is fantastic it gets everything preety spot on but the judgments are super low get like 5 gcds before it goes of even though its ready and this is consistantly
either one not have cds in it so can just use those manually?
Love these macros, but would love it even more if it used my racial. Anyone know how to put that in or can you? Not sure how much arcane torrent would even help, but seems like it might be good for the extra resources.
@murphdh Works fine for me. No macro will be perfect
@Firedevil Read the macro help info
@Smaash You can add it to the KeyRelease as it shouldn’t be on the GCD
Id try testing on a dummy with differnt ms. I needed to go lower for mine to work better personally.
I’ve been working on a macro with GSE.
If I share the code with you would you take a moment to give me feedback?
I’ve noticed it’s causing significant lag in-game, which indicates inefficient coding.
I’m new to custom macro game-play, but see incredible value. You seem to have the best efficiency (and optimal rotations for output) and I’m looking to navigate expertise in this realm.
Castsequence vs cast
/cast [nochanneling] spell
/cast [nochanneling, known:SPELL1]SPELL1
/castsequence [nochanneling] SPELL1
- can I use only 1 spell with castsequence if I want to add nochanneling or so I use only /cast or ?
/cast [@player, known:Final Judgement] Final Judgement; [known:Executioners Sentence] Executioners Sentence; Templar's Verdict
At the bottom of the GSE GUI is variables - how do these integrate with the macro - my testing has failed when testing these. My belief was whatever variable you created you would have here and if you pressed the mod key it would fire that rotation variable upon “Keypress” or “Keyrelease,” but attempts to hold option and have “Word of Glory” fire have failed while holding option. (Certainly a user/me error).
Are macros just “LUA” based code?
Is there a scripting editor that I can use outside of the wow game to test the macros?
In-game - is there a way to comment what the macros do?
Thank you for your expertise, hope to eventually compliment some of your work. Cheers!
Right well I mean you post your macros for feedback aswell right? So just thought I would let you know see if you wanted to have a look and improve it at all or whatever
It actually hits my sim numbers so the macro is fantastic for hitting what I’m simming but it’s doing that by casting other stuff and leaving judgment hanging and blade of justice is a bit low aswell like I said but somehow it hits the sim
@murphdh I was curious and decided to test your theory, it seems to have had a great effect on my scenario. I play with a ping always above 120ms and it has improved considerably.
But I have some questions, which I’d be grateful if you could answer:
1- MS click rate in GSE do I need to change? what value do I set?
2- Is the macro speed value in the software different from that in the AHK script?
Thank you very much for sharing this!
so i dont use ahk so i wouldent know but i would assume to match the speed of gse so for spell queue window you want whatever your world ms is plus 100 and then for the gse macro itself you want your world ms plus 5 so for me right now that would be 125 spell queue window and 30ms gse
For macro in the mouse software, do I use the same speed as the gse or the spell window?
mouse software is what i mean about gse speed create a macro in there at the gse speed you want and then follow my other advice on the spellque window NOW I MUST MAKE CLEAR THIS WORKS FOR ME it might not for other people tweek it test it
Thanks for support!
I’ll try it and get back to you with better feedback.
Nice post Knew about the console things but he does go into depth about the settings aswell. Thank ya much.
@murphdh I’ve observed that it depends if you have the tier gear equipped or not. This will impact (3 judgments every 5 for 15 seconds). Should factor that in and see where you’re at. Also, the talents provide 20% random chance for blade of justice to reset.
I’m working on a macro now that accounts for some of this. I gotta say @TimothyLuke Oaks has made the best Ret dps macro available (based on extensive dps testing).
I’ve been working on a complimentary “specials” macro that fires off WOA, FR/ES, and adds some extra /cast to ensure I’m maximizing damage. Only problem is I’m missing many benefits from sustained optimal rotation damage. Def a work in progress. I’m new to macro creation for the most part, so I’m just stealing other peoples work, optimizing/editing, and testing. Let me know if you suspect it’s the set31 tier 4 piece that’s possibly causing your issues.
Cheers, Vitt
Thats a SUPER FAST way to get banned. GSE should NEVER be spamming below 250ms. It has nothing to do with the spell queue as that is all processed server side and has no impact client side but spamming at 30ms waves a BIG RED FLAG to Blizzard saying “Look at me. I don’t give a shit I’m blatantly breaking the rules, please come ban me for using third party apps.” At the end of the day its your account, hope it stays open.
ok so this is the actual rule that blizzard go by and its why gse has been allowed to continue your the creator you should already know this
There’s a debate about the speed at which macros should be run to avoid being banned. [While I couldn’t find a specific rule about the speed limit for macros in WoW, it’s generally advised that one click should perform only one action so to put it in simple terms this means if you had a macro that you pressed once in one gcd it spammed say 10 different spells THAT IS BANNABLE not how FAST you spam the macro its absolute nonsense I’m going to give a couple of pointers to firm my reasoning
6 years of my own experience daily never going above 100ms and for 90% of the time being below 50ms
I don’t understand your point about the spell queue window? no one said it spams your abilities faster etc but it is integral to how smooth your macro goes into the next spell and so on better spell queue? less gaps and hangups
I have lost count how many years I have been on this site before and after actually making a account and every expansion you change what speed the macro should be ran at to not get banned its been 50 its been 150 its been 120 100 200 250 and yet blizz has never released any info on the subject so the reality is its just your guess
after all these years I am still to meet even a single person who has actually been banned and shown evidence of either the ban or the proof that gse was the cause
there is no rule out there against gse or how fast you spam gse it has been a official addon for world of warcraft for a very long time many many years if it was exploiting the game as you say blizz would remove it instantly many apps get removed daily for unfair advantage or toxicity yet gse is still there they know what it does and they know you can use software to spam the keys at any ms speed you want automatically yet they leave the app alone allow it to continue but what? if you go below 250ms your going to get banned nonsense that’s just your sweat spot so you think everyone else should use that right?
name the rule that I would be breaking that’s any different between spamming it at 30ms and 250ms?
The fact that you are spamming using an external tool like GHub or AutoHotKey breaks the using a third party tool rule. No speed is safe at all. It never has been.. This has nothing to do with GSE. It’s all about what you use external to the game to spam it with. The only safe way to spam without causing RSI is to bind the macro to the scroll wheel of the mouse.
The whole reason for 250ms It’s just that at 250ms you don’t have an unnatural advantage over what someone can physically achieve and are less likely to be banned than at 50ms. (Ignore the technical part that at 50ms you are skipping 22-30 actions per GCD making the outcome of your macro random and unpredictable.)
Note less likely doesn’t mean you can’t get banned it just means you are less likely. You havnt done as much to catch their attention. Bans all come down to how the GM feels on the day when you have caught their attention. It’s not black and white. Someone will see you using AHK and just ban you for it. Others will look at if you are obtaining an unfair advantage. What you personally choose to do is what you personally choose to do. You take that risk. Advising someone else to do the same without warning them of the risk is negligent.
When Blizzard cracked down on the Multiboxers a couple of years back they targeted people specifically using AutoHotKey and spamming faster than a normal person could sustain over a period of time. This has been covered in these other threads:
I have been saying the same thing since 2018. None of this is new. Your experience is your experience and I’m not criticising that in any way. And while you don’t know any people who have been banned for this, I know a couple of thousand who have experienced different levels of bans for this. I’m simply passing on the same warning as I have over and over.