This is fun. Thank you TimothyLuke for keeping this addon going and for your insight. I post these macros for others as they are what work for me. Use them, or dont. Your ms is your choice as to what you are comfortable with using and works works best for your gameplay.
Moving forward, I am no longer going to suggest what ms to run at. You decide. I agree with Tim that advising someone else to run these fast IS Negligent without warning. So, do what you want, at your own risk.
Hey, i’m really new to this so umm…how do i disable cds (wings / final reckoning / divine toll) from the macro? Also when i hold ctrl macro doesn’t work (should work and cast word of glory, right?)
I believe that your claims are merely your personal opinions and do not have any factual evidence to support them. The issue with multi-boxer spam, particularly with the use of AHK, has nothing to do with speed. Rather, it involves the code that allows multiple accounts to copy the input of one account.
The speed at which you use the software, whether it’s at 250ms or 50ms, is irrelevant. The software performs the same function, and the only difference is the speed at which it executes. Your advice to hide the use of GSE and WLM is not to prevent being banned, but to conceal the fact that you’re using them. The speed at which you run the macros has no effect on whether you get banned or not.
In reality, the macro speed affects performance. While you claim that 250ms is the minimum, you have recommended various speeds over the years. I challenge anyone to run their macros at 250ms and then at 50ms and see if their performance doesn’t double or more. Try it for a month and see if you get banned.
As for your claim that using macros give an unfair advantage or catch anyone’s attention, it’s a hard fact that no matter how great your macro is, you will never achieve what you’re simming. On average, you’re always 10-15% below your sim in any situation. So why would anyone report you for an unfair advantage?
Finally, my recommendation is to improve performance, I don’t see any reason not to share it when there’s no evidence to suggest that it’s incorrect. If I’ve been improving my performance for years without any issues, such as random crashes, bans, or disconnects, I’ll offer that solution
I really wish this ms discussion wasnt hijacking my thread. I understand @TimothyLuke 's concerns and blizzard can do what they wish. Tim has kept this addon alive and I have great respect for him as without GSE I would likely quit wow. When Tim took over development of this addon it was a godsend and the improvements he’s made including the IN GAME EDITOR, which is excellent, have made macro creation so much easier. Not to mention the inclusion of variables which I’m not smart enough to fully take advantage of. So, I’ve told you before, Tim, but thank you tremendously.
With that said, I do run my macros fast. You can see in my past posts that I have admitted to this. I have done so since I started using the original Gnome Sequencer back in WoD. Do I recommend this? No, I do not. I also have said everyone’s setup is different and different people are comfortable with different ways of playing including where they are comfortable with setting their MS.
So, can we agree to choose to set your ms where you want, and just know that if you have it super low, you could be taking a risk on blizzard making an example of the way many of us are forced to play.
If you want to discuss ms, and the risks/benefits of faster or slower clicks, please make your own thread and discuss till your heart’s content.
Thanks Again @TimothyLuke for GSE and @Siodar for keeping Wowlazymacros a safe place to share.
I’m probably not deleting the lines in a correct way so after i delete and save macro won’t fully work (only a couple of spells get casted) and GSE window keeps popping up every 5sec or so. I could use a screenshot of what lines / blocks / actions to remove if that aint too much of a trouble
If Ctrl doesn’t work check your keybinds. By default it is bound to the Pet bar and needs to be unbound.
Removing cool-downs depends on where and how they exist,
/cast Crusade
Change this to (With two -‘s in front it changes the line to a comment so you can disable the line to test before deleting
—/cast Crusade
For a /castsequence you need to remove the specific spell and its corresponding ,
/castsequence Crusade, Divine Toll, Judgement
Needs to become
/castsequence Divine Toll, Judgement
It could also become a comment of the original like
—/castsequence Crusade, Divine Toll, Judgement
/castsequence Divine Toll, Judgement
Trinkets have a special place at the bottom of the template and some tick boxes to manipulate.
Having said all of the changing these will change the geometry of what fires when and may have different consequences that need to be accounted for. It might need an extra action to compensate so things line back up again etc. This will require a lot of trial and error.
ok so i have never used ahk i should make it clear I have only used my mouse software that’s a corsair scimitar elite using the icue software but yes in that sense it would be 40 I disagree with the points of why you shouldn’t run under 250ms completely BUT they are right in the sense I should warn you when recommending a speed this is what has worked for me it might not for you but try it out see what you think
well I see several other creators running from 30 all the way up to 250, so I guess its just how they make the macro to work I guess. But yeah that fast seems overkill in my head shrugs I dont know and have never claimed to be a expert xD But thanks for any input ^^,
regardless of the speed you run a macro will never be able to hit your simmed numbers so its never overkill but to put into perspective I sim 426k on 5 targets over 5 mins with the speeds I use I get to about 415k at 250 I get about 280-310k