UPDATED / 10.05.2018

Keep that in mind that these macros are not build to take you to Top DPS.
GSE Macros are to be LAZY don’t forget that.
Don’t expect from a macro to do everything for you.

Top 10 Ret Paladin players uses Whisper of the Nathrezim Cloak + Soul of Highlord Ring + T21 Set
But you still can use Liadrin’s Fury Ring
Other Legendaries are useless at the moment.


I recommend you to use Crusade when you need or you want manually.
Don’t forget to use FLASK(Countless Army)+Versality Food and Potion of Prolonged power Pot

So here is Single Macro:

Sequences['SINGLE'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.2.08.
  Talents = "1322212",
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Priority",
        "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
        "/cast Shield of Vengeance",
        "/cast Templar's Verdict",
        "/cast Judgment",
        "/cast Blade of Justice",
        "/cast Crusader Strike",

AOE Macro

Sequences['A'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.2.03.
  Talents = "1322212",
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Priority",
        "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
        "/cast Shield of Vengeance",
        "/cast [talent:5/2] Eye for an Eye",
        "/castsequence  reset=target  Judgment, Divine Storm, Divine Storm, Divine Storm",
        "/cast Crusader Strike",
        "/cast Blade of Justice",
        "/cast [combat] Wake of Ashes",

And here is the AHK Settings for you which almost theres no easy and simple explanation on the internet for LAZY as FUCK persons like us.
So here is the simplest explanation for Retributioners. (Also other classes can use it too)
Download and Install AHK From this link:
When you finish installing the program go to Deskop Right Click = New = AutoHotKey Script
Give the file a name and right click to file = Edit Script
Delete everything in it and paste the codes below;

SetKeyDelay, 25 ; Keystroke is sent four times per second
IfWinExist Untitled - Notepad
Run Notepad
#ifWinActive World of Warcraft
    if not GetKeyState("q", "P")
     Send q
    if not GetKeyState("e", "P")
     Send e

Save the file and close it. Just before WOW go to that file and right click = Run Script
So when you enter the game (i am assuming that you already installed GSE) type /gs
import my macros and drag drop the macro key from GSE which i use for SINGLE=E AOE=Q
so when you keep on pressing on E your single target macro will continuesly work till you stop pressing it. Same for the Q for AOE. So i think i’ve explained all of the matter for you guys.

Nice effort thank you, will give it a try

[quote quote=50695]Nice effort thank you, will give it a try

Waiting your comment for this one.

I am not an expert on this subject, but I consider that the single target version is short, I use the talents that are indicated there, I have all the skills of the weapon but not to the full after they increase one level more each with the secret power, I have a level item of 892, my stats, haste 19, critical 15, mastery 44, and with other macros and other talents I reach more damage, this is usually at 275 and others at 350 with the same, but I am interested in your approach to separate Things per single and AOE either at raid level or dungeon level, also parent would be a variation focused on curing and do harm for emergencies, I have the software for 80 ms, greetings :slight_smile:

[quote quote=50898]I am not an expert on this subject, but I consider that the single target version is short, I use the talents that are indicated there, I have all the skills of the weapon but not to the full after they increase one level more each with the secret power, I have a level item of 892, my stats, haste 19, critical 15, mastery 44, and with other macros and other talents I reach more damage, this is usually at 275 and others at 350 with the same, but I am interested in your approach to separate Things per single and AOE either at raid level or dungeon level, also parent would be a variation focused on curing and do harm for emergencies, I have the software for 80 ms, greetings ???

I recommend you to decrease your mastery to 20% Crit to 30%, Haste %25, Versality to atleast 10%

  • Chain of Thrayn+Liadrin’s Fury Unleashed Ring+T20 or T19 4 Set
    Try to get in TOS raids :wink:
    When you do it you’ll see that your dps will increase significantly.
    these macros are priority not Sequential like my previous macros so thats why looks short :wink:
    If you want longer you can check my previous macros.

Thank you for this. Will try them out and see how it goes.

Whats the difference between priority and Sequential macros?

Sequential= 1234567
Priority= 1121231234123451234561234567

Are your AoE versions supposed to be sequential ? or typo?

[quote quote=51152]Are your AoE versions supposed to be sequential ? or typo?

Yes. If you turn it to Seq it may become insufficient


Thanks for your work. I did some testing and raiding with the macro. I have Chain of Thrayn+Liadrin’s Fury Unleashed Ring+T20 4 Set and current secondary is 28% Crit, 34% Haste and 25% Mastery. With that amount of haste I should be able to maintain almost 100% uptime on the Judgement debuff but I still occasionally see templar being fired off without the debuff.

The good news is that the macro works good during crusade except when there are multiple Blade of Justice procs that I need to manually cast Templars to make sure it doesn’t waste any holy power. This is also an issue when not in crusade the macro will sometimes waste holy power by overcapping during Blade of Justice procs and firing wake of ashes when there are more than 2 holy power. Also sometime wake of ashes doesn’t seem to fire for quite awhile for some reason which is not ideal.

My simulationcraft damage is roughly 1.05M and I get 835k-867K in the target dummies and in the mid to high 700K range during heroic ToS. The AOE macro seems to work well and I have gotten 88% percentile parses on it but the single target is only around 30% to 60% percentile. Hope this feedback helps.

Hi dude when i try to create the icon for the AOE quest-dungeon gs keep telling me that I reached 17/18 max personal macros… no matter what I do.
I have macros on my hunter and pala retri.
4 personal on Hunter and 3 on Pala.
The single one works just fine but if i try the aoe one keep getting this error and not making the icon

Just type /m and delete some of your personal macros

Can we use this in pvp? Which are the best of the above ???

[quote quote=51195]TMUAR,
Thanks for your work. I did some testing and raiding with the macro. I have Chain of Thrayn+Liadrin’s Fury Unleashed Ring+T20 4 Set and current secondary is 28% Crit, 34% Haste and 25% Mastery. With that amount of haste I should be able to maintain almost 100% uptime on the Judgement debuff but I still occasionally see templar being fired off without the debuff.
The good news is that the macro works good during crusade except when there are multiple Blade of Justice procs that I need to manually cast Templars to make sure it doesn’t waste any holy power. This is also an issue when not in crusade the macro will sometimes waste holy power by overcapping during Blade of Justice procs and firing wake of ashes when there are more than 2 holy power. Also sometime wake of ashes doesn’t seem to fire for quite awhile for some reason which is not ideal.
My simulationcraft damage is roughly 1.05M and I get 835k-867K in the target dummies and in the mid to high 700K range during heroic ToS. The AOE macro seems to work well and I have gotten 88% percentile parses on it but the single target is only around 30% to 60% percentile. Hope this feedback helps.

hello, with that impressive feedback… may i ask you if u have any change for 7.3?? thanks for ur macros brotha

Nothing has changed in 7.3 to need a new macro.

There were damage buffs to a number of skills which may make consecration more attractive for AoE again but other than that, nothing.

a question about Ahk script

what do I need to type to use f1-12 instead of q or p??

if not GetKeyState(“q”, “P”)
Send q
sleep 60
if not GetKeyState(“e”, “P”)
Send e
sleep 60

Ive seen people testing out Execution Sentence and saying its hitting harder than Final Verdit now. Any thoughts or tests?

Edit According to my Raidbots sim, Ex Sent is doing 35k more than FV. Just dont know how to add it to the macro.


I tried searching the forums but couldn’t find the answer. How do you determine what to set the ahk speed to?