Prot Paly 5.4.7 Flawless Macros

First off many ways to play a Prot Pally but these macro work well for me and my play style.


/showtooltip Reckoning
/cast Hammer of Wrath!
/castsequence reset=0.9 0,0,0,0,0,Consecration
/castsequence reset=0.9 0,0,0,0,Holy Prism
/castsequence reset=0.9 0,0,0,Sacred Shield
/castsequence reset=0.9 0,0,Judgment
/castsequence reset=0.9 0,Crusader Strike
/castsequence reset=target Shield of the Righteous,Shield of the Righteous,Shield of the Righteous,Word of Glory
/use Divine Protection


/showtooltip Reckoning
/cast Hammer of Wrath!
/castsequence reset=0.9 0,0,0,0,0,Consecration
/castsequence reset=0.9 0,0,0,0,Holy Prism
/castsequence reset=0.9 0,0,0,Sacred Shield
/castsequence reset=0.9 0,0,Holy Wrath
/castsequence reset=0.9 0,Hammer of the Righteous
/castsequence reset=1 Shield of the Righteous,Shield of the Righteous,Shield of the Righteous,Word of Glory
/use Divine Protection

What is the “!” for at the end of this?

/cast Hammer of Wrath!


Don’t know exactly what it does in game… if that makes since… but what ! does in macro is only attempts to cast when target is under 20%

The ! is actually a toggle. A long time ago you could stance dance. So what it was used for is helped you toggle of a ability if you used it again. Like say Seal of Truth for instance, if you macroed in /cast seal of truth, in previous years it would act like a switch, so hitting seal of truth while it active would turn it off. But the ! makes it not do that. So it you did /cast !seal of truth, if you had seal of thru active already, it will not turn it off, but turn it on if you do not.

Hammer will only be active and able to use when you have AW up, or boss is <20% hp. no need for !.

! is almost never ever needed nowadays, and most players do not understand it proper function anyway.

And its far from flawless. Let the macro stand on it own, no need to get “fancy” with hyped up post titles.

From my little experience with macros. But when I use /cast it would hang up and not go any further. By doing /cast <spell>! It moves past it if not ready. Macros are not perfect nor ever will be unless scripted. Then at that point you have a bot. My macros are always evolving because I find better ways of doing them or learn something new. Use mine or use someone else’s doesn’t matter to me.

You can move HoW to the bottom right above DP. It would still fire on cd.

I know we all are here trying to help others with our creative macros and are good people because we share them here. What irks me is seeing a “hyped” title. It’s more helpful to people looking for a macro if you have a decent description of what it accomplishes.

I would love to see more “rules” about how to title posts. Like casual. PVP. Questing . Leveling. PvE. Raiding. Performance. All in one. Multibutton.

It’s just a pet pev I have with the posts here. The hyped titles just ruin the feel of what this site was.

Why doesnt this macro Ranged Attack or Pull with Avengers Shield? its a huge benefit in a part of the AOE and Single target rotation… On that note… I wouldn’t class this as “Flawless”… But a Work in Progress :slight_smile:

I know this might seem stupid, but how on earth am I supposed to fit that into the 255 max character limit box in-game? :frowning:

I remember trying something similar but gave up on this line:

/castsequence reset=1 Shield of the Righteous,Shield of the Righteous,Shield of the Righteous,Word of Glory

If you’re 90 and half good at what you’re doing, you’re using Eternal Flame instead of Word of Glory. Thing is, if you try to use this line and replace WoD by EF, once it reaches EF in the macro, it will keep doing EF over and over again, and never Shield of the Righteous…

A valid need for ! would be aspects for hunters. Basically, if pressing the button would remove the buff if already had the buff, you need the exclamation. It says “cast this, but don’t remove it if it’s already active”

Thanks for the macros. Just trying out prot today so I will give em a try :slight_smile:

hello all, this is the prot pally macro that i use, may it help you all in the future. its not a one button spam. though its close. i keep devo aura off it to use it in clutch. but it keeps eternal flame up, and rotates through 5 shield of the righteous to keep bastion of glory at 5 stacks when using eternal flame. the first eternal flame is weak, the rest are not. depending on your haste there will be about a 5 second lag between eternal glory applications, to a 0 second lag. have fun :slight_smile:

talents are: pursuit of justice, fist of justice, eternal flame, unbreakable spirit, divine purpose, holy prism

in this macro, replace “your name” in the holy prism line with your toons name.

/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,0,0,0,hammer of wrath
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,0,0,avenger's shield
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,0,holy wrath
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,judgment
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,crusader strike
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,avenger's shield
/castsequence shield of the righteous,judgment,crusader strike,judgment,eternal flame,shield of the righteous,shield of the righteous,shield of the righteous,shield of the righteous
/castsequence consecration
/cast [target=your name] holy prism
/cast avenger's shield
/cast avenging wrath
/cast divine protection
/use 14

this is my aoe macro, pretty much the same. i just took out crusader strike and put in hammer of the righteous

/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,0,0,0,hammer of wrath
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,0,0,avenger's shield
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,0,holy wrath
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,judgment
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,hammer of the righteous
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,avenger's shield
/castsequence shield of the righteous,judgment,hammer of the righteous,judgment,eternal flame,shield of the righteous,shield of the righteous,shield of the righteous,shield of the righteous
/castsequence consecration
/cast [target=your name] holy prism
/cast avenger's shield
/cast avenging wrath
/cast divine protection
/use 14

i’ll test that as soon as i get home… been looking for a paladin Macro that can help produce more tps than my current self written 1… Post the results later :slight_smile:

i haven’t tested in a raid environment yet but it works well. Its similar dps and rotation to what im using right now. Nice work, At least i know im on the right track of we have similar macro’s :slight_smile:

i did 37k healing on myself on garrosh raid finder this morning with that macro. and a warrior had a hard time keeping threat off me. he was aoe tanking the adds and i was tanking garrosh. kept pulling the adds off him with hammer cause i wanted super huge dps. i did about 140k dps the whole fight.

Nice… think i need to persist with my gear on my tankadin… my warrior (macro’s in the warrior section) seems to get easier :)… whats your ilvl? hit/expetise/haste etc

Capped hit and expertise, like 9300 haste and my Ilvl its 517 right now

9300 Haste!!!. as a tank!!!.. falls of chair

I dont even have that in my retri gear, I just checked mine… i have 1,080 Haste (2.54%)… well… that also has given me something to think about :slight_smile: im 7.45% Hit and 13,80% Expertise… and the rest into Mastery… I’ll reforge/gem into haste and re-test :slight_smile:

Haste is your number 1 stat as a prot paladin. Shoot for as much as you can get. Top ranked prots have 50% haste.

Haste generates holy power faster which means more SoTR uptime. Also affects how many ticks you get on Eternal Flame. There are Prots that run the DPS haste trinket from Horidon also, it has a large amount of passive haste. If you can find a heroic TOT run , I suggest you pick it up.

I know 17000 haste rating = 40% haste.

You want any gear that haste and mastery. That means you will be rolling on Ret gear. Just go for the 4pc prot tier and fill the rest with haste/mastery off pieces.

just read up on it… off to reforge my gear :slight_smile:

the consecration dont work