[Protection Paladin] Danny's GSE Macro - Fine-Tuned for Optimal Performance 10.1

that 100% isent the macro or the talents doing that it will be just how fast your spamming the macro making it freeze at parts i just finished tanking a +22 timed nelth lair with this macro using the m+ talents listed for prot on u.gg

Did you modify the macro in any way ?

hey buddy no not atall i have judgement consecration holy shield on extra key binds for better control etc mostly for pulling mobs but once grouped up etc this macro rips it to shreds and genuinely it gets better the higher you go

good job with the macro 1st of all :wink:

secondly; since the talent string is giving the usual “out of date” error message, where can we pick up the “updated” talent string, or fix that annoying error?

thanks in advance! :slight_smile:

im using macro works great with wow head raid and mythic talents x

so far, so AWESOMELY good :stuck_out_tongue:

never actually tanked before, and i’m already tanking 11’s with ease…
it helps, that my ilvl is 442 (although most of my gear is still towards retri)

but regardless of gear, the macro works very well!

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Awesome macro man! Nice work!

Quick request though, Any chance it can be tweaked to prolong the use of consecration to take full advantage of tier bonus?

Any thoughts of a tweak for 10.2? I know we all have lives and I appreciate the work you have already done!

hey buddy i think danny has moved on to a different platform now with his macro creations

There’s other platforms for macros creations?

yeah buddy but and i hope you understand its no ill will to anyone but I wont be giving that information out as it could take from WLM