PVP - WW - Toxin 12/30/2020 Update


can you let me know if it is there?

Home now…this is where it should be

This is Perfect

Is there a way to make the weakaura more obvious, like some of the other classes have? For example the WA DK’s get when they have Rime proc for a free Howling blast? Or a fire mage gets off of a free Pryo? Something much more obvious… Perhaps the countdown on it is too important, but from what i gather you should be hitting it as soon as it procs to wait for the next one.

In a large fight its really hard to notice the tiny little box off to the side that this one does.

ok, somewhere I wrote that you drag the corner of the wa and make it larger. It’s fairly large on my screen and right in the middle.

Oh, its in the top original post.
"I have a weakaura on this one to tell you when to hold shift. Make the icon big and in middle of your screen rofl…free damage!! "

Is “blahblah” in castsequence same as "null’?

It does what null was used for but I remember an ability or item that started with null so I just used something unique. It’s just meant to stop the sequence until the reset in met. you can us anything… sodfhsdofh so It was kind of my humor at using blahblah rofl

What Legendary are you using for PVP?


I have 2 different ones…im still up in the air which is the best… Everyone is using the haste one(Invoker’s Delight) but haste sucks. I try not to follow the heard at times.
I have been trying out the tiger palm one lately since I got the drop last week.(Keefer’s Skyreach) gives + 50% crit (6sec)and a mini charge. you can kill people on the switch in 6seconds pretty easy. And the mini charge is kinda nice to be honest.

Dam. I just missed Keefer’s last week. Thanks for the info

I can’t drag the icon to my bar! This works with other macros

You need to create an icon first - when you see the book there you have to create one. If you can’t create an icon then you have to go into wow and delete some macros there. Hit escape, then macros and then your toon and delete an old one you aren’t using anymore.

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it works after delete old macros

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Macro is awesome man, although, I can’t get disable to activate either, is there a way to get the target disabled in this macro without it continuously casting and wasting energy?

Check keybinds on control. you have a conflict most likely
there is a toggle in gse that requires a target to work otherwise it doesn’t. (maybe you would prefer the way this setting works) I just toggle on and off the macro like it’s second nature.

If you search on these forums there is a help section on keybind conflicts. gse has a built in feature to clear common issues.

Do you mean try and clear keybind for control for the disarm? I mean the disable/hamstring isn’t firing

Whats the highest people have gotten using this macro for pvp?

1930 is where im at atm…took a lil time off playing wow cause of poe new league…getting back into wow now though lol

Get a holy pal and either a Fire mage or even a Frost dk and climb…I just need time with 2 others to keep climbing…wish I could stay home all day and play like the streamer life haha

I’ll post an update to this as things have changed for me on ability usage the higher I climb. Talents changed for arena vs BG. Also, the comp facing the talents change. Like you don’t need disarm against a caster team.

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Any update yet? Looking forward to this