This is the reality - any use of AHK is bannable and at any speed. At 250ms you don’t have an advantage and are less likely to be banned. This doesn’t mean you won’t it just means less likely.
More info:
I keep seeing people ask this is Discord. GSE is not “Input Broadcasting Software”. It’s a mod that is entirely contained within WoW’s allowed API and is limited by WoW’s rules for what a mod can do.
Corsair, GHub, Synapse, AHK, Punchkey etc ARE Input Broadcasting Software. This is not news and has been covered very extensively here: Bots, Botting and the thin grey line.
If you are concerned about how to spam a macro without using one of the above it is very simple. Bind your macro to you…
I need to be 100% clear on bots. In no way shape or form do we endorse, recommend or encourage any activity that is in any way related to botting or unattended play of WoW. Those actions are against WOW’s terms of service and we will not promote any activity that is contravenes these limitations.
GSE is a mod to WoW. It only uses WoW’s API (Application Programming Interface - the functions Blizzard says Mods can programatically) and has no out of game elements. It requires a hardware action…
So much speculation and complete lack of understanding.
If you use Autohotkey, Razer Synapse, Logitech GHub with WoW you are risking your account and can be banned. This isn’t new and isn’t news. Input Broadcasting Software + GSE Bots, Botting and the thin grey line.
100ms is a myth - any value has risk and you can be banned for any value. Using AHK to click a button for you according to WoW’ TOS is classed as cheating. Now before you go but what about this legislation etc by agreeing to p…
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