[quote quote=61894]SetKeyDelay, 25 ; Keystroke is sent four times per second
#MaxHotkeysPerInterval 1000000000000 ; Rate of hotkey activations beyond which a warning dialog will be displayed.
; Increase it to delay the warning message.
IfWinExist Untitled - Notepad
Run Notepad
#ifWinActive World of Warcraft
if not GetKeyState(“q”, “P”)
Send q
if not GetKeyState(“e”, “P”)
Send e

I’m really sorry, really sorry but I’m still having problems getting any AutoHotkey to work. I have the single macro on my number one key and bound my delete key to hit and aoe to key 2 also bound to the end key. What must I do to make this script work? Do I need to change your keys of e & q to 1 & 2 or delete & end? I have limited movement in the left arm and find the cursor keys and said buttons easier and less painful to use than extending my arm. Please be patient and kind in your reply. Thank you for all your work in the macro…love it

[quote quote=64081]

SetKeyDelay, 25 ; Keystroke is sent four times per second #MaxHotkeysPerInterval 1000000000000 ; Rate of hotkey activations beyond which a warning dialog will be displayed. ; Increase it to delay the warning message. ^!n:: IfWinExist Untitled – Notepad WinActivate else Run Notepad return #ifWinActive World of Warcraft { ;Pause::Suspend $q:: Loop { if not GetKeyState(“q”, “P”) break Send q } return $e:: Loop { if not GetKeyState(“e”, “P”) break Send e } return }

I’m really sorry, really sorry but I’m still having problems getting any AutoHotkey to work. I have the single macro on my number one key and bound my delete key to hit and aoe to key 2 also bound to the end key. What must I do to make this script work? Do I need to change your keys of e & q to 1 & 2 or delete & end? I have limited movement in the left arm and find the cursor keys and said buttons easier and less painful to use than extending my arm. Please be patient and kind in your reply. Thank you for all your work in the macro…love it[/quote]

Here is 1 & 2 AHK.

SetKeyDelay, 25 ; Keystroke is sent four times per second
#MaxHotkeysPerInterval 1000000000000 ; Rate of hotkey activations beyond which a warning dialog will be displayed.
; Increase it to delay the warning message.
IfWinExist Untitled – Notepad
Run Notepad
#ifWinActive World of Warcraft
    if not GetKeyState(“1”, “P”)
     Send 1
    if not GetKeyState(“2”, “P”)
     Send 2

Hi, i love it !! Very nice. Can you put me “Consecration” in the rota ? I write it into but he don`t save it.
Thanks for your work.

hey the AHK i can’t get it to work. notthing happens when i pres 1 or 2 in game

pleass help

can I ask how you use the keystroke macro?

I have been using a logitech keyboard and macro the bind key to fire every .25 seconds.
of course this limits me to having to hit a macro key. Not a monster problem but yours sounds so much better.

[quote quote=64128]hey the AHK i can’t get it to work. notthing happens when i pres 1 or 2 in game
pleass help[/quote]
Before executing your AHK File make sure you binded your keys.
This one i have tested and works just fine.

SetKeyDelay, 25 ; Keystroke is sent four times per second
#MaxHotkeysPerInterval 1000000000000 ; Rate of hotkey activations beyond which a warning dialog will be displayed.
; Increase it to delay the warning message.
IfWinExist Untitled - Notepad
Run Notepad
#ifWinActive World of Warcraft
    if not GetKeyState("1", "P")
     Send 1
    if not GetKeyState("2", "P")
     Send 2

Here it is.

SINGLE2 Talents 2232113

Talents 2232113

[quote quote=64151]can I ask how you use the keystroke macro?
I have been using a logitech keyboard and macro the bind key to fire every .25 seconds. of course this limits me to having to hit a macro key. Not a monster problem but yours sounds so much better.[/quote]

Here is the AHK Settings for you which almost theres no easy and simple explanation on the internet for LAZY as FUCK persons like us.
So here is the simplest explanation for Retributioners. (Also other classes can use it too)
Download and Install AHK From this link:
When you finish installing the program go to Deskop Right Click = New = AutoHotKey Script
Give the file a name and right click to file = Edit Script
Delete everything in it and paste the codes below;

SetKeyDelay, 25 ; Keystroke is sent four times per second
#MaxHotkeysPerInterval 1000000000000 ; Rate of hotkey activations beyond which a warning dialog will be displayed.
; Increase it to delay the warning message.
IfWinExist Untitled – Notepad
Run Notepad
#ifWinActive World of Warcraft
    if not GetKeyState(“q”, “P”)
     Send q
    if not GetKeyState(“e”, “P”)
     Send e

Save the file and close it. Just before WOW go to that file and right click = Run Script
So when you enter the game (i am assuming that you already installed GSE) type /gs
import my macros and drag drop the macro key from GSE which i use for SINGLE=E AOE=Q
so when you keep on pressing on E your single target macro will continuesly sent till you stop pressing it. Same for the Q for AOE. So i think i’ve explained all of the matter for you guys.

Im new so be patient please…so I installed your macros and dragged icons to 1 and 2 keys I installed AHK and created the script using your template now the macro only runs if I keep tapping keys , the script is running. I thought it would run continuosly when pressed …then stop when key was pressed again? I must have missed something…someone mentioned key binding…what key to be bind?

lol well no it runs when you keep on pressing only. By binding meant drag dropping macros to your keys :smiley:
Macros and AHK are not like Bots that you press a button and it plays the game for you :smiley:
It only helps you to do dps/heal while playing. So keep on pressing and enjoy :wink:

hello together, I’m new here, but have been following for some time the forum for the retri because of macros
@TMUAR is your updated macro still for the talents 2213323
sorry I ask but I do not check the new encoding for the magic yet ;((
Thanks in advance

My current talents are: 2233113
For PVP: 2213113

Lovely macro, but is there a way that it will not auto deselect me holding right mouse button, so i can strafe around targets - adjusting camera while doing so?

im not using inquisition im using crusade , make a difference to macro ? :slight_smile:

Probably it’s because of your trinket. Go to /gs edit macro / Unclick trinkets.
This should solve your problem.

Well i didn’t check the difference but 30 sec 3% Haste VS Limitless 7% Haste :slight_smile:
Your choice.

[quote quote=64477]

Lovely macro, but is there a way that it will not auto deselect me holding right mouse button, so i can strafe around targets – adjusting camera while doing so?

Probably it’s because of your trinket. Go to /gs edit macro / Unclick trinkets. This should solve your problem.[/quote]

Thank you very much, it indeed solved my problem! Double thumbs up! hi mate is it possible to edit so i can use avenging wrath and wake of ashes manually please , would do myself but not got a clue

Just delete those lines from the macro and put the abilities on your hotbar.

Avenging Wrath is not included in my macros anyways but you can delete Wake of Ashes from macro. How?
Click to Edit Macro
Go to section 1
Delete the Wake of Ashes lines and don’t forget to Save it.
Thats it. :wink:

Your macro says to use 2333313, yet your screen shot shows 2233323. is this a typo or what?