My personal MS varies and is dependent on the macro that contains the greatest number of compiled [GSE] actions. Basically, I’m trying to evaluate each compiled action once per whatever time interval I chose.
For example: If I wanted to evaluate 10 compiled actions every 1 second (1000 ms) the result is: 1000 ms / 10 actions = 100 ms
Alternatively, you can calculate your personal average MS rate here.
It’s possible this is an addon versioning issue. I have updated the Import/Export string today (October 12, 2024) using v4.0.31-release. I hope this helps.
NOTE: It may take a bit for PasteBin moderators to approve the new Paste. Please check back and try again if the issue is not resolved the first time you try.
Welcome back! I use this macro and its pretty simple. I set the tank as my focus. The macro will keep the tank shielded automatically. Whenever anyone needs healing I just move the mouse over them while the macro is still running. If I need group wide healing I will manually press Radiance to instantly shield everyone.
I’ve been trying the offensive side of the macro and it only seems to cast penance/SW:death and smite, it never casts anything else is that right or is it possible Ive done something wrong?
In addition to auto-targeting enemies, the damage macro casts the following spells in priority order, which should provide ample heals to those in your group that have the Atonement buff:
- Penance
- Mind Blast
- Shadow Word: Death
- Smite