Great question! And the short answer is: I’m not sure they should be combined to make a single macro.
You see, Damage Over Time (DOT) and Offensive Cooldown (OCD) spells are highly situational. Meaning, they should probably be cast at specific times before and during combat.
Obviously, DOTs should be cast at the beginning of combat, making them a top priority; however, when to reapply may vary based on talent selections, etc. - making it difficult to incorporate effectively into the main rotation.
As for OCDs, they are typically saved for specific encounters or mobs. And adding them to the main rotation may be counterintuitive since they may end up on cooldown when needed most.
Hey man. I love your work and I saw the video. I want to know what do you use for Unitframes? ELV ui? or is it an other? Is there a possibility to make one UI for me for shadow priest? Please do reply to this post or email regarding the UI. I love it and badly want it. Thank you for your time.
This is a common request and I am in the process of compiling a complete list of Addons +profiles, so others can enjoy the same UI experience. However, I wouldn’t hold your breath on this - I still have to flesh out an appropriate distribution method.
To get started on your own profiles, here is the complete list of addons I use currently. It’s a lot of work getting things just right, so good luck!
This could be related to different versions of GSE as discussed here. I updated the Main Damage macro Friday, September 27 2024, which was exported using GSE 3.2.14-f.
NOTE: It may take a bit for PasteBin moderators to approve the changes to this Paste, so if it doesn’t fix your problem right away, please check back later and try again.
I’m not sure how to ensure these macros work across different languages. I suspect this might have something to do with the GSE addon itself, as opposed to the macros themselves - unless I’m doing something I shouldn’t be.
I recently discovered when GSE converts Spell ID to Spell Name it is possible for a macro to exceed the maximum character limit. This was happening in the Offensive Cooldowns macro, which I updated today (October 7, 2024).