šŸ”± Sezl's Fury Warrior WAR WITHIN 11.0 [One Button]

I like the macro, but can you please do a second AOE macro? Iā€™m having trouble holding 2 presses together with my hand

shift mod not working dont know Y any ideas ?

Make sure you donā€™t have the same WoW keybind set up. If you set your spam button to =, donā€™t have SHIFT = set up as a WoW keybind. Delete it! :slight_smile:

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Yes - the sequence is good but would love the aoe to be on a seperate button to make it two button rather than modifier - would work better for me with a almost useless left wrist :slight_smile:


separate AOE would be great, even leaving the current one as it is so people can hold shift if they want. a lot of use use toggle buttons so 2 separate ones makes it much better not having to hold shift.

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Been using this macro few days, realized just now that i have to press SHIFT or AOE.
Other than my retardness sometimes, the macro is The best i have used so far.


I really like this way of releasing AOE. I donā€™t know when the hero talent version will be updated. Iā€™m waiting for it. Also, I really hope you can make an ice DK.

I donā€™t see a block in the code to activate trinkets is there a reason those are missing? Are you thinking we should create our own macro for that? If so how do I do that I want to activate my trinkets, blood fury, only when I get to a boss

Have you gone through the profile look for /use 13 and /use 14 commands those are trinkets.

I checked myself and it doesnt have trinkets if u want to add them add them under a cooldown

/cast [mod:shift,nochanneling] Bladestorm
/use 13
/use 14

I think thats how it works

I tried this macro and itā€™s not working at allā€¦ What am I doing wrong?

Hey! Thought iā€™d try out this macro but it feels so slow, is there a setting i have to change or do i need to change the ms? Cause the abilities arenā€™t being cast after the gcd, sometimes it feels like that character doesnā€™t use an ability for a second before actually doing it. I have also checked that the char isnā€™t doing an off gcd thing

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LOL, me too. First time using this and did not know you had to hold down ā€œshiftā€ and press 2 for AOE. :wink:

Iā€™ve tested the macro and itā€™s working fine. My warrior is level 70 mind, so I donā€™t have any hero talents yet.

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I took your macro as the base to start with mines,
I use it for Solo-leveling/Questing, so Self-healing is important

CTRL = Defensive CDS + Defensive Stance
ALT = Offensive CDS + Berserker stance
Shift = AOE CDS + AOE rotation

Modified script if anyone else wants to try it:





Thank you! Iā€™ve tested your Fury warrior and Rdruid macros - brilliant work!
Can you please create a similar one-button macro for Retri paladin, where Single target is the main macro and holding Shift is the AOE, PLEASE?
I feel lost with the new GSE and I cannot work it out how to bind two separate buttons for ST and AOE.
I believe many people are in my position and your macros feel like the solution!

Thank you for your time and work!

Hi, to do that you have to make 2 different sequences

hereā€™s a step by step
Rename Single Target sequence > to > Multi Target
Hit Save
This creates 2 seperate sequences

Your original sequence [Single Target] is already bound by keybind
but your freshly created [[Multi Target]] is not

open keybinds and set a new keybind for the new sequence

Remember to replace the single target abilities with the AOEs

Anyone here who is much cleverer than I am able to create the AOE macro so that you donā€™t have to use shift? I would be so happy to just have one button (letā€™s say 4) for ST and one button (letā€™s say 5) for AoE. Having to press shift all the time is proving slightly difficult. Thank you so much in advance!

Could you please add Whirlwind/Thunderstomp to the rotation? It makes it so much easier not to have to hit shift just to cleave down the couple extra mobs.


Usage Information

This macro contains 2 macro templates. This Sequence was exported from GSE 3.2.13-a.

  • The Default macro template is 1

how do you key bind the 2 seperate macros?