Shadow Priest - Legion 7.3.5 - GS 2.2.03...

I’m 60 old year :slight_smile: and still,from the begin until now, play wow LOL. And a lazy one.
This is THE BETS MACRO EVER !!! Easy to play and follow,if you read careful.
Thanks a lot for your effort.

Nice to see some veterans in here!


Are there any other macros u have created for other classes this in depth? Curious because i play many alts

Thank you for this. This has been working just fine for me.

I`m having some problems though. I play on a 180 ms delay. When i try to manually spam the keys, they seem to have an awkward delay. For example, if nothing else is available and i press the MAIN macro, when a GCD becomes available, Mind Flay will some times take as long as 2 seconds to begin casting, as if the macro was “thinking” for too long what was the next better action.

This doesnt occur when i use Razer synapse and spam the hotkeys at a rate of 10 ms to 20 ms.

But the problem is that my CPU usage skyrockets when i used these spam rates in these kind of softwares, and start losing FPS in game.

If there’s no workaround i’ll keep spamming with Razer Synapse at the cost of CPU usage. But it would be awesome if anyone had a suggestion.