[Share Your Story] How WoW Lazy Macros or GSE has helped you or someone else?

Some know the story and some do not, this site was created back in 2011 after I made 1-button macros for all classes and specs for a friend that had an accident at work and lost mobility in one of his arms.

The goal of the site is to share the knowledge and to help others no matter their situation, and to help bring back some enjoyment and relaxation time while playing World of Warcraft.

Please share how WoW Lazy Macros or GSE add-On has helped you or someone you might know. Whether it be easing discomfort, enabling better game play or just plain lazyness :wink:

/stayLazy zZz…

A few of the many success stories:


With only about 25% feeling in my left hand and using a keyboard was very difficult until I managed to find GnomeSequencer on WoW Interface authored by semlar back in the day, found the WoW Lazy Macro site and the rest is history so I can enjoy playing.

A big shout out to all the Macro authors, people providing positive feedback-past and future, Lutechi and last, but not least, Mr. Timothy Luke. Thank you!


Thirteen years ago my left hand was smashed in between bay doors of an aircraft hanger. After it healed I still have frequent hand and finger spasms as well as lockups. I have been using Tim’s GSE for years as it helps me play the World of Warcraft game to the level of enjoyment I want and to not be a DSP hinder to guilds/groups/raids. This site (BIG SHOUT OUT TO YOU LU-TECH-EEE) and Mr.Tim are a god-send. Thanks for everything yall do.


thank you all who make these marco’s and share them with us, im a older gamer with arthritis in my hands, ans these marcos allow me to play easier, so thanks to you all who share on here.


I´m old and super Lazy. This site has helped me alot to have fun in the game. How am i supposed to even manage all keypressing at 46 years old :slightly_smiling_face: But most important Lazymacros made this game fun again so i salute all ppl that makes this site run.
Best regards


I lost about 50% usage of my right arm due to a work accident almost three years ago. I basically gave up on gaming in general due to the pain and other issues associated with having to constantly use my arm when operating a mouse for all of the movement. Between GSE, the work of several talented people with the lazy macros, and a multi-button mouse, I am able to fully enjoy playing WoW again.


I’ve been playing WoW since vanilla and as I got older it was getting downright painful to play for me. I found out that I had developed carpal tunnel and that it would be difficult for me to play at a level I was used to so I quit. My friends were encouraging me to come back but I was hesitant due to my old school mindset that if I couldn’t carry my own weight that I wouldn’t be a burden. It was around that time I found this website and it really changed things for me, and I am able to play with my friends on a more or less even level and just focus on having fun.

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I joined this wonderful site after becoming disabled, I was struggling with multi button due to arthritis in my hands, elbows, and knees, this site has become a god send to me, I can do most things now in wow, I am still a bit slow at times but manage to keep up, I cant raid or do mythic + because my reflexs are so slow, but apart from that I can do most stuff, a big thank you to all at this site for your help…

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Hey, I have been around for a while now. I was prior military and loved to play me some wow on the side. When WOTLK came out I lost the ability to use my left hand and left leg, leaving me without the power to play. I sadly started to use Auto rotations and stuff and got banned a bunch, no matter how much I begged and pleaded with WoW they didn’t really care. Eventually, I found a way to play with mostly the use of one hand using a very special mouse, but I had to put in like 10x more work than the rest of the people and no matter how perfect I played, I was always a bit behind. I ran into the OG of this on youtube one day and asked about it and told him a bit of my story. He was polite, kind, and helped me find a way to use this. Funny enough I ended up using this a lot for downtime to give my hand a break and would go DPS spec. When I wanted to heal, I would throw caution to the wind and with the combination of Vuhdo, I became one of the top healers / DPS in my guild and server.

The funny thing is I even made a few basic simple macro combo’s with this for my own use due to how my unique play style. Never once have I taken credit, I have always said it was thanks to the help of Addons and one site and an amazing person who happened to be on youtube and spoke to me in a discord server.

Thank you for giving me back a favorite past time of mine, and for giving me a sense of personal happiness back.

As I said on the youtube channel, and to that person personally. Thank you for giving me my life back.


Hi, ive recently stumbled upon this site, after struggling for half a year after i got nerve damage in my Hand which left me with half a hand permanently numb, it became near to impossible for me to hit the right keys simply because i dont “feel” where some of my fingers are on the Keyboard.

Thanks to this site it is fun to play wow again and enjoy the game. Thank you so much for this!

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Yes thank you for this! You are awesome! its helped me in so many ways and lets me continue to play a game I enjoy.

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While mine isn’t as noble as others, I use WLM because otherwise I would be so bad at this game it would be fully laughable

I like the whole atmosphere of WoW, but rotations are too difficult for my old people hands, so to experience the game I use the macros that can actually let me run dungeons or LFR and stuff


i have Spinal stenosis which causes numbness in my hands with neuropathy so i was so pleased when i found this site been using it for a few years now found some great macros got to learn how to do them myself now its awesome s many guys an gals making great macros so thankyou for that its tuff when you have a handicap …

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As I have gotten older and suffered lessening in dexterity with my hands due to the age and injuries this add on and website have saved me from leaving wow when I could not play effectively. I truly have enjoyed these enormously. This has been great for me.


Got an uncle that’s a WoW player. Had a stroke and, for a while, couldn’t play his warrior because he couldn’t get his fingers to do what they used to. Hooked him up with a Naga mouse, GSE, and this site, and he’s doing great. He’s a programmer, so he gets it. Glad these things exist for those folks. I personally use it just to do my base rotation (no extras) so I can focus more on the fight instead of tunneling or getting caught up. I’m grateful for GSE for that too.

Thanks for all the work that you guys do in making these macros. I make my own as well but some of you are talented beyond compare at this. Thank you so much from me and my uncle.


I’m a 100% disabled veteran, Due to my combat injuries, PTSD, and the bag full of drugs the VA gives me, I have really slow reaction times. Lazy Macros makes the game playable for me. If I didnt find this site, I’d probably be playing Bloons Tower Defense :P. Thank for all the hard work people are doing in the CLASS sections. I’m a little worried about Lazy Macros working in Shadowland, and, or, macros won’t be updated for it. Thanks again!


@Sniper I wouldn’t worry too much about Shadowlands… Some people like @lloskka are already knee deep in class wide macros creation for 9.0. Here’s to an other expansion for you and all of us to be able to enjoy!


Cheers to that!!! @Liwu


I have been playing Wow since the start and as I got older and started having illnesses heart attack mobility issues and a little latter I have inherited Dementia from my dad. I had given up on wow as I could not concentrate and after been a top player eg my priest was one of the best on my realm I was getting frustrated and started going into deep depression. I knew there was a gnome sequencer addon which i never got into as I just couldn’t get it.
I had quit wow for a year and one day i forget what got me to do it I was looking on wow interface as i made a lot of friends there and help out to say hello. I seen this new gse thing by timothy and downloaded wow and tried it and to my surprise I fell in love with the game again as it was so easy to set up. Lazy macros i followed for a long time when I was playing but once the guys started making the gse macros wow changed my life as now I don’t need to concentrate much eg on my hunter I use the macro and manually cast interrupts. I don’t raid or dungeon now days but sometimes if I have a quest I will go in there and I always sit on top of the meters.
Anyway a big thank you to Lutechi and Timothy and all those sharing the macros.
Meggalo alias grumpy from stream and wow interface.