tested in CN H and dps was low as stated in earlier post.
he said its broken so waiting for his latest macro.
Back up again. This is working well for me both on the dummy and out in the wild. That last update was utter trash because I was trying to line it up ideally to 5 min sims. I’m now working towards 3 min sims with 2 burst windows, much more consistent with actual e-battles I tend to wage.
With how much they’ve changed and broken and the fact that they aren’t simple one button spamfests I’m fully prepared to be the only one using them at the end haha. I’ll just talk to myself while I learn, no worries.
Actively testing this Shirk as I am considering switching from BM to MM. Quick problem, your updated post on top, your opener export string is the same as your arcane string.
Talents in the configuration indicate Chimaera Shot, but your description text correctly specifies Streamline
Additional feedback. As you indicate, adjusting the pause on your Arcane is key. You can easily use this weak aura to find yours, round up to the nearest tenth:
Also, I would suggest your adjust your nochanneling to exclusively rapid fire (i.e. I am perfectly fine interrupting a Steady Shot) to start an Aimed Shot
/cast [nochanneling:rapid fire] Aimed Shot
DO IT! I wished I would’ve saved last nights Details! Heroic Dungeon run. I doubled the DPS the BM Hunter was doing…
Chimaera Shot should be the correct Talent. I’ve tested both Chimaera and Streamline and Chimaera lines up better and does a bit more damage ST and a bit less damage AoE.
The only time you’d run “/cast [nochanneling:rapid fire]” is when you’re spamming the macro faster than 200 ms or less (why would you be?). By that point it starts skipping over spells/abilities and become completely random and there’s no reason to have an order to what fires off when. Most people who make macros on here for some ungodly reason think it’s “better” to run them faster. NEWS FLASH: IT DOESN’T!!!
Again, I test macros at 224 ms and this one is no exception and zero clipping on Rapid Fire (even my own personal macros, too). It wouldn’t hurt to run Shirk’s even slower to say 300 ms.
EDIT: I use Razer (for 12 years strong now) Synapse software for my macros- 112 ms up and 112 ms down. Maybe Synapse is better software? I dunno. Haven’t used anything different.
Ok, thanks, I will slow it down and redo some testing.
Thanks for your effort, trying to test your macro but:
required arcane timer macro and opener burst macro are exactly the same. Seems you should fix the opener burst macro.
Also is there a ahk macro to let you spam 1 button, then while hitting 2, spam the 2 button key, and vice versa
Sorry guys, I was mass updating the first thread and must have pasted it twice. When I get near my pc in an hour or so I’ll sort it out.
Good should on the wa for timing. Might have saved me 20 mins of trial and error
I read this whole thread and I’m excited by the work you’re doing here really figuring out how GSE works with MM. I haven’t really gotten into gearing very heavily yet, so I’m only ilvl190 (upgraded cov set) and I sim at 2.8k Patchwork unbuffed.
On the dungeoneer’s dummy:
During the Wild Spirits burst window the highest burst I’ve recorded so far is 5.8k… This isn’t guaranteed of course due to the random nature of gear procs. Typical is 4.5k-4.8k. Over time this settles down to about 2.7k-3k.
On swarm dummy:
Bursting up to 8.4k, settles in at about 4.5k-4.8k
Holy moley, this is good. I know I’m pretty weak right now but the macro is holding sustained dmg exactly where it should be, and the burst is outrageous. I think both Lewin and Lonewolf have done an excellent job starting us down this path and they both handled sustained dmg well, but I’ve never seen burst like this before. And I think you’ve finally nailed the elusive AOE macro, which everyone has had problems with until now.
Much thanks to @Shirk, @Deezyl_Fizzlepop, and the other testers for all of this.
I’m glad it’s working out. I should stress, this is just the start however. I can’t guarantee it’ll get better but that AOE macro was literally just a first pass, I’ve been so focused on fixing the raid damage via ST I’ve not even looked at it again. With any luck it will improve.
The opener/arcane macros should be good now, first thread updated.
I’m going to smoosh out a bunch of content myself tonight and see how it does, will report my results, good or bad.
I sim slightly higher with Chimaera but I’m mostly using it because it seems to line up way better with the flow of the macro, less random focus moments.
Interestingly I am not ok with that. Aimed doesn’t really need to be cast on cooldown and in most cases that will ruin your focus regeneration, especially with arcanes on the timer as the macro is doing now. I’ve run into very few cases of Aimed capping at 2 charges and waiting, which is a cardinal MM sin, I’d rather let that steady pop and then aim afterwards, you’ll find that because the arcane’s weave amongst the other casts you’ll usually get one or even two directly after steady, this will remove any excess precise charges before aimed goes off. Another cardinal sin is casting aimed while you’ve got 2/2 precise charges waiting.
You’ll also find, when haste tuned, the macro will usually chuck rapid into the low focus gaps, I’d love to say I planned this but honestly it was just a nice side effect of the rotation, this is usually followed by steady, arcane, arcane (or chimaera). That leaves you in a good place for Aimed.
Today I’m going to try and work some more on the burst/opener. It needs to fire off more arcane/chimaera’s as there are charges going to waste. Will update once I’ve figured that out.
Something worth mentioning that I’ve tested:
If you have on use haste trinkets it’s better to use them outside of the TS window for overall dps. Especially if it’s first pull and BL is up. You’ll find the macro ignoring trinkets for burst/open and then activating it with the main ST rotation. Adjust that if you want to. I’m using an anima battery and that huge haste boost has more value in the normal rotation while still inside BL than being chucked in the TS window.
I tried to test the macro. I did not know that you can use mod key to run another macro while your main macro is running. But I can’t seem to make it work. I made sure my Alt, Ctrl, Shift keys are not bound to anything. I’ve been using those mod keys for macro for years. But when I imported all 3 of your macros for the ST and tried to hold Alt to run the Trueshot/WildSpirit macro, it just did not work. Can someone think of some reason on why holding down mod key to activate other macros is not working for me? I think i tried a number of times and once out of many tries, I think TrueShot was activated but never got the Wild Spirit to fire.
i have tested it also.
ST macro never fires off an arcane shot and also opener sometimes doesnt fire off trushot and wild spirits.
I have assigned:
Key 1 for ST macro
Key 2 for Opener macro
key 3 for AOE macro
I have imported all your macros as instructed in your very 1st post
Ok, I’ve done some limited testing. I think there is some great work here, but these are just my results so folks should take these as preliminary at best, they are not a judgment of this macro.
The results were all based on 10 minute tests against a target dummy, no buffs. Most were run at 100 ms (except were noted) with a Razer Synapse (up,down,delay 100ms), in complete undisturbed automation. It’s important for me to confirm the foundation of a macro is solid, so these tests also intentionally conducted on solely the base rotation, particularly no use of covenant abilities or TS burst window. This does mean we won’t get as close to the sim potential, but it provides I think an even playing field. For Shirk’s macro, I do have the Arcane Macro installed, so it’s functionality should be measured in this test.
So, here are the two basic sims compared against. No laughing at my gear or poor progression
For talents 1123232 (Chimaera):
For talents 1122232 (Streamline):
Results (damage was taken from Details), Performance % is compared against the respective sim.
SHIRK’s ST macro:
Talents | Speed | Damage | Time | DPS | Performance |
1123232 | 100 | 1690000 | 600 | 2816.666667 | 76.4% |
1123232 | 250 | 1460000 | 600 | 2433.333333 | 66.0% |
1122232 | 250 | 1480000 | 600 | 2466.666667 | 67.4% |
1122232 | 100 | 1640000 | 600 | 2733.333333 | 74.7% |
As a comparison, I ran LONE wolf’s ST macro to compare:
Talents | Speed | Damage | Time | DPS | Performance |
1122232 | 100 | 1660000 | 600 | 2766.666667 | 75.6% |
Now, I did compare this to a control test. I created a very basic macro consisting of a priority list of:
/cast [nochanneling] Double Tap
/cast [nochanneling] Rapid Fire
/castsequence [nochanneling] Aimed Shot, Arcane Shot, Arcane Shot
/cast Steady Shot
Control Results:
Talents | Speed | Damage | Time | DPS | Performance |
1122232 | 100 | 1640000 | 600 | 2733.333333 | 74.7% |
1122232 | 250 | 1530000 | 600 | 2550 | 69.7% |
1123232 | 100 | 1760000 | 600 | 2933.333333 | 79.6% |
Again, these are preliminary and doesn’t include any burst windows, and again YMMV. I obviously got much better performance from all macros using 100 ms, but you might get different results on your PC.
Cheers, I look forward to more testing.
If you’re talking about ST the line for that is:
/click [mod:alt] SHIRK_MM_OPENER (it goes in the KeyPress section)
However read this from the main post:
Sounds like you’ve done things right, have you tried just running the individual macros on their own against a dummy to check they imported right and actually work?
This is super interesting, you might even get more out of it experimenting up from 100 to 300, sounds crazy but there is actually a sweet spot for everyone. Got to put the time in though for that.
The results from your baseline are excellent and expected. On a sustained 4 min plus baseline run you probably would have found my old version of the ST to do more damage. I actually adjusted it away from that to account for movement and downtime from extended mechanics. It’s sort of made to do as much as I could squeeze from it in 2 min windows between Trueshot.
I’m going to take your baseline macro and run it alongside my burst one for the TS window and see how it fairs out in the wild. Hell… it might be 10 - 20% better, in which case our lives are significantly easier and I shat the whole day away yesterday working on a fancy click version that’s inferior haha. But that’s what trial and error is for!
Thank you for this.
Thanks for your fast replies!
All tests are on dummy. Arcane shot never fires off
hmm do i need to make syntax adjustements on macros created at wow macros menu?
If you’re using the Chimaera Shot Talent it replaces Arcane Shot.